Julie of the Wolves (Excerpt II)


英语世界 2018年11期


Amaroq was pacing restlessly along the crest of the frost heave as if something were about to happen.His eyes shot to Silver,then to the gray wolf Miyax had named Nails.These glances seemed to be summons,for Silver and Nails glided to him,spanked the ground with their forepaws,and bit him gently under the chin.He wagged his tail furiously and took Silver’s slender nose in his mouth.She crouched before him,licked his cheek,and lovingly bit his lower jaw.Amaroq’s tail flashed high as her mouthing charged him with vitality.He nosed her affectionately.Unlike the fox who met his mate only in the breeding season,Amaroq lived with his mate all year.


[2]Next,Nails took Amaroq’s jaw in his mouth and the leader bit the top of his nose.A third adult,a small male,came slinking up.He got down on his belly before Amaroq,rolled trembling to his back,and wiggled.


[3]“Hello,Jello,” Miyax whispered,for he reminded her of the quivering gussak dessert her mother-in-law made.


[4]She had seen the wolves mouth Amaroq’s chin twice before and so she concluded that it was a ceremony,a sort of “Hail to the Chief.” He must indeed be their leader for he was clearly the wealthy wolf;that is,wealthy as she had known the meaning of the word on Nunivak Island.There the old Eskimo hunters she had known in her childhood thought the riches of life were intelligence,fearlessness,and love.A man with these gifts was rich and was a great spirit who was admired in the same way that the gussaks admired a man with money and goods.


[5]The three adults paid tribute to Amaroq until he was almost smothered with love;then he bayed a wild note that sounded like the wind on the frozen sea.With that the others sat around him,the puppies scattered between them.Jello hunched forward and Silver shot a fierce glance at him.Intimidated,Jello pulled his ears together and back.He drew himself down until he looked smaller than ever.


[6]Amaroq wailed again,stretching his neck until his head was high above the others.They gazed at him affectionately and it was plain to see that he was their great spirit,a royal leader who held his group together with love and wisdom.


[7]Any fear Miyax had of the wolves was dispelled by their affection for each other.They were friendly animals and so devoted to Amaroq that she needed only to be accepted by him to be accepted by all.She even knew how to achieve this—bite him under the chin.But how was she going to do that?






【第四段】短语a great spirit很难翻译,直译会是“伟大的精神”,不容易理解。根据上下文,译者最后选择了“精神领袖”一词。最后一句中有两个admire,译者根据情况分别译为“仰慕”和“羡慕”。如果说白人仰慕钱物富足的人,会有少许夸张。


【第六段】短语great spirit和a royal leader仍然不好翻译。在此译者将两者合并处理,译为“精神领袖”“伟大的王者”。

【第七段】原文第一句句式简单,但译为中文却需要拆解重组。第二句为so… that…句式,译文使用“因此”来连接,避免了翻译腔“如此……以致”。


