

世界建筑 2018年3期


2 外景/Exterior view

4.5 浮游之岛下层/Under the floating island





项目信息/Credits and Data

位置/Location: 中国北京东四九条88号/No.88, Dongsi 9 Lane, Beijing, China

客户/Client: 5Lmeet

设计团队/Design Team: 申江海,任晓伟,许云飞/SHEN Jianghai, REN Xiaowei, XU Yunfei

面积/Area: 2200m2

摄影/Photos: 优客工厂五透/Wutou

6-8 内景/Interior views

5Lmeet is located in a narrow Hutong alleyway within Second Ring Road in Beijing. The project itself was an abandoned soy sauce factory surrounded by the old grey-tiled buildings. It is not far from the historical Duan Qirui Prime Minister's Office, and next door is the old residents existing for decades. 5Lmeet is an innovative space in an old community. The client and the design firm worked together to study the social and spatial requirements of activities space to provide design input conditions. Operating team and designers’in-depth communication ensured that the project content and future interaction with the perfect combination of space.

5Lmeet includes restaurants, bookstore, selfservice shop, offices and apartments although the area is not large.

The design concept of the project is originated from enclosing culture of traditional Chinese courtyard. The "floating island" is formed by cutting the floor, the traditional view of architectural culture is expounded with modern technique. This transparent display space in the internal space becomes the most important feature. "Floating island" becomes the most efficient use of the region with a hundred events every month.

The project space is very cramped and dark before renovation. So firstly, cutting some large holes to connect different floors and allow sunlight to come in from roof, making internal space more rich. At the same time the patio is also a good advertising and art installation display area, make space more flexible and creative.□

9 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

10 首层平面/Ground floor plan

11 地下一层平面/Floor B1 plan

12-17 图示/Diagrams

19 吧台/Bar

20 公寓区走廊/Corridor of apartment











WA: What is the role of design in this project?

DAGA: Before being renovated as part of our project, this place was an old soy sauce factory – the original plant of 2400 square metres was in absolutely neglected conditions. In the design phase, besides thinking of an optimised renovation from a spatial point of view, we have paid close attention to how design could strengthen the thematic effects of the space and create a fully operative atmosphere in a shared environment.

The central distribution, as well as the shared central island space cutting across different floors as a dimensional volume,immediately convinces the viewer that this is a completely new type of business activity. The logic behind the spatial distribution is quite straightforward and can be easily grasped by the observer. Through design, the principles of shared space can be directly conveyed to the visitors and their actions.

WA: What is the most creative and attractive solution?

DAGA: From a formal point of view, the floating island and the starry-sky room are two extremely particular focal points: thanks to their design cutting through the floors, they emphasise the use of the negative space –this type of design modality, to a certain extent, is quite counterintuitive.

However, all these elements are conceived for and evolved around the main purpose of this architectural space – i.e. sharing.

We have done our best to take this project as an opportunity to create a public space full of trust and communication. This underlying idea of ‘sharing' has constantly guided the design concept of this project.

WA: What was the most difficult part in the process of design?

DAGA: The most difficult part undoubtedly was the constant negation of the self during the design process. Actually, our project brief never presented strict limits on design choices: on the contrary, it was an ever-evolving project. In our investigation of future sharing communities' scenarios, all kinds of constraints have been integrated during the making process, every time adapting the design according to its spatial effect, as well as drawing inspiration for future business activities based on newly-discovered spatial possibilities. This process of constant selfnegation and self-discovery through investigation of brand-new businesses has been undoubtedly the greatest difficulty encountered in this design project.

WA: What is the feedback from users?

DAGA: From both the client side and the user one, we have received similar positive feedback, in particular with respect to the central floating island.Every month, almost 100 events take place here,highly benefitting from the logical distribution of space and the optimisation of its spatial functionality. Some people even say that our design can be compared to a super toy, as it goes beyond the users' expectations, visually surprising them while being high-functional.

WA: How did this project improve the users' work?

DAGA: Trust is going to be an indispensable good in our future society. And in fact, with respect to the users, a change we have gladly witnessed is exactly about "trust". Through the creation of new spatial scenarios, we have taken people out of their work cubicles and private bed-rooms and had them integrate into public shared spaces: in this way, we not only have maximised the functional efficiency of the space, but also helped build a solid basis of trust among its users.□(Translated by Milena Lazzaretti)

21-23 公寓/Apartments


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