

中国农业气象 2017年10期

毛洋洋1,赵艳霞2**,张 祎2,胡正华3,魏 亮1


毛洋洋,赵艳霞,张 祎,胡正华,魏 亮

(1.河南省气象培训中心,郑州 450003;2.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081;3.南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心/耶鲁大学-南京信息工程大学大气环境中心,南京 210044)





APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator,农业生产系统模拟模型)是能够模拟农业系统各主要组分的机理模型,模型以“日”为时间步长,可以模拟不同气候、土壤和管理措施等因子对作物或作物系统的影响,已广泛用于农作系统管理、气候变化影响评估、气候预报的价值评估以及气候风险管理等方面。目前已在一些国家和地区得到了广泛验证和应用,并在世界各地农业生产中发挥着积极作用。相比DSSAT和WOFOST模型,中国引入APSIM模型较晚,对APSIM模型主要开展了模型比较、适用性验证以及初步的应用。


1 材料与方法

1.1 数据来源


表1 台站基本信息

1.2 作物模型模拟方案

作物模型及版本为APSIM 6.1。模拟方案共6个:方案0输入APSIM模型的逐日太阳总辐射参数为实测值,方案1-5输入APSIM模型的逐日太阳总辐射分别由Angstrom-Prescott模型、Ogelman模型、Bahel模型、综合模型和刘可群等太阳总辐射模型依据气象数据估算得到,其它气象、土壤等参数,6个方案均相同,为当地实测值。6个辐射方案分别为

















1.3 误差估算







1.4 作物参数调试


表2 各站APSIM模型中玉米主要参数调试结果

2 结果与分析

2.1 实测逐日太阳总辐射驱动下APSIM模拟玉米产量结果误差分析


2.2 生长期内5个日太阳总辐射模型的误差分析


2.3 估算太阳总辐射驱动下APSIM模拟结果误差分析




2.4 估算太阳总辐射驱动APSIM模型时误差传输分析


表3 莒县站模拟产量误差(Ci)和辐射误差传输到产量的误差(ΔCi)

表4 郑州站模拟产量误差(Ci)和辐射误差传输到产量的误差(ΔCi)

表5 南阳站模拟产量误差(Ci)和辐射误差传输到产量的误差(ΔCi)

3 结论与讨论






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Errors Transmission of Radiation Estimation in APSIM Maize Model

MAO Yang-yang, ZHAO Yan-xia, ZHANG Yi, HU Zheng-hua, WEI Liang

(1.Meterological Training Center in He'nan Province, Zhengzhou 450003, China; 2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081; 3.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast Meteorological Disaster Warning and Assessment, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology/Yale-NUIST Center on Atmospheric Environment, Nanjing 210044)

Taking three typical maize land sites in North China (Juxian station in Shandong province, Zhengzhou and Nanyang stations in Henan province) as the research objects, the effects of radiation models on crop yield simulation were investigated. Five radiation models, including the Angstrom-Prescott (A-P) model, Ogelman model, the Bahel model, the comprehensive model of sunshine duration and diurnal temperature range model (referred to as the comprehensive model), and Liu’s model (followed by simulation scheme 1-5) , were used to simulate the total solar radiation and validated against measurement (simulation scheme 0). The radiation results of the five models were further utilized to drive APSIM model to simulate the maize yield. The results showed that the estimated errors(ε)of A-P model was the smallest in the Juxian station, and that of the comprehensive model was the smallest in Zhengzhou and Nanyang stations. Different radiation estimation models had significantly different effects on yield simulation results of APSIM model, scheme 4 rendered the best result. The radiation errors brought by the five radiation models had enlarged the final results of maize yield simulated by APSIM model. The propagation error transferred to APSIM maize model simulation yield was 2.23, 2.28, 1.63, 1.85, 1.90 for the A-P model, the Ogelman model, the Bahel model, the comprehensive model, and the Liu’s model, respectively. It is obvious that the selection of the radiation model and the empirical coefficient of the radiation model should be taken into full consideration; with regard to the errors of crop yield simulation caused by radiation models two factors should be taken into account: the errors of the five radiation models and these errors transmitted to the crop model with augmentation. Generally speaking, Scheme 4 has the smallest error compared with other schemes. Therefore it was recommended to use scheme 4 to drive APSIM model in the absence of field measured radiation.

Solar radiation model; Crop model; Simulation errors; Errors transmission; Northern China Plain








钟灵毓秀 千年莒县