

世界建筑导报 2017年4期


Gando Primary School


设计师:Diébédo Francis Kéré

施工管理:甘多村庄社区Diébédo Francis Kéré


Schulbausteine für Gando e.V.





Location: Gando, Burkina Faso,West Africa

Design: Diébédo Francis Kéré

Construction Management: Diébédo Francis Kéré, village community Gando

Clients: Village community of Gando, Burkina Faso

Schulbausteine für Gando e.V.

Building Area: 216 m²; 310 m² covered exterior area

Status: Completed since 2001

Awards: Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2004

Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2009

The design for the Primary School evolved from a lengthy list of parameters including cost, climate, resource availability, and construction feasibility. The success of the project relied on both embracing and negating these constraints. In order to maximize results with the minimal resources available, a clay/mud hybrid construction was primarily used. Clay is abundantly available in the region, and is traditionally used in the construction of housing. These traditional clay-building techniques were modified and modernized in order to create a more structurally robust construction in the form of bricks. The clay bricks have the added advantage of being cheap, easy to produce, and also providing thermal protection against the hot climate. Despite their durability, however, the walls must still be protected from damaging rains with a large overhanging tin roof. Many houses in Burkina Faso have corrugated metal roofs which absorb the heat from the sun, making the interior living space intolerably hot. The roof of the Primary School was pulled away from the learning space of the interior though, and a perforated clay ceiling with ample ventilation was introduced. This dry-stacked brick ceiling allows for maximum ventilation, pulling cool air in from the interior windows and releasing hot air out through the perforated ceiling. In turn, the ecological footprint of the school is vastly reduced by alleviating the need for air-conditioning.

© Siméon Duchoud

轴侧图 axonometry

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

© Siméon Duchoud

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

虽然甘多小学的设计方案是由Francis Kere制定的,但项目的成功却有赖于当地村民的积极参与。布基纳法索农村的传统是,整个村子的人都要参与房子的建造或修复。为了保持这种文化习俗,项目相关方开发并改进了对技术知识要求较低且易于学习的技术,让村民们能够参与项目的建造过程。孩子们为学校的地基收集石头,妇女们提供砖块制造所需的水。就这样,传统的建造技艺与现代化的施工方法得以巧妙结合,实现了最佳的建造质量,同时也减轻了工人们的建造和维护工作。


Although the plans for the Primary School were drawn by Francis Kere, the success of the project can be attributed to the close involvement of the local villagers. Traditionally, members of a whole village community work together to build and repair homes in rural Burkina Faso. In keeping with this cultural practice, low-tech and sustainable techniques were developed and improved so that the Gando villagers could participate in the process. Children gathered stones for the school foundation and women brought water for the brick manufacturing. In this way, traditional building techniques were utilized alongside modern engineering methods in order to produce the best quality building solution while simplifying construction and maintenance for the workers.

The Primary School was completed in 2001 and received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2004. More importantly, however, the Primary School became a landmark of community pride and collectivity. As the collective knowledge of construction began to spread and inspire Gando, new cultural and educational projects have since been introduced to further support sustainable development in the village.

总平面图 site plan

剖面图 section

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

平面图 plan

© Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk


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