

中国稻米 2017年3期

顾骏飞陈颖 毛倚琦



顾骏飞陈颖 毛倚琦




现代超级稻品种穗型大,穗粒数多,有极高的库容,产量潜力能够达到1 000 kg/667m2以上[1]。但是在实际生产中,以江苏为例,超级稻单产只在600~700 kg/667 m2之间,且表现出灌浆不充分、结实率低,影响了产量潜力的发挥。超级稻品种的结实率往往比常规稻品种低10%以上[2]。现代超级稻品种灌浆不充分、结实率低,主要原因是灌浆期同化物的供给不充分所造成。要是能突破灌浆期同化物供应的瓶颈,将有望进一步提高我国超级稻的产量。


1 叶片光合作用



图1 提高现代超级稻产量潜力的栽培生理途径分解

2 冠层光合作用

相对于叶片光合,冠层群体的光合与水稻干物质的积累、同化物的供应联系更紧密[24]。冠层结构大大提高了作物光能利用效率。对于水稻等C3作物叶片来说,当光合有效辐射(Photosynthetically active radiation, PAR)达到700~1 000μmol/(m2·s)时,叶片的光合值达到上限,光合能力不再随着光强的提高而增加,称为光饱和点。而当光合有效辐射增加到2 000μmol/(m2s),冠层光合仍然没有达到饱和,此时,冠层光合是叶片光合的3倍[25-26]。这是因为除了冠层顶部的光饱和叶(如剑叶等),冠层内阴影部分70%的叶片能够吸收占总光能30%的散射光与漫射光,贡献冠层约50%的光合能力[27]。因此,研究整个冠层的光合生理生态对水稻的干物质积累非常重要。合理的冠层结构历来受到国内外育种和栽培生理专家的重视与关注[24,28-29]。相关研究普遍认为,茎叶夹角小、直立叶片构成的冠层有利于群体受光,对群体光合作用和物质生产有利。但在水稻高产实践中发现,基于株型选择的,具有矮秆、直立叶片等特性的新株型(New type plant-NTP)水稻品种的产量往往比基于产量选择的超级稻品种的产量低[29],说明人们对群体冠层结构和功能的认识仍然是片面的,不系统的,需要深入理解作物高产群体冠层结构的生理生态基础及其与光温等生态因子的匹配机理。

3 提高冠层光合作用的途径




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Approaches to Improve Yield Potential of Super-rice from a Crop Physiological Perspective

GU Junfei,CHEN Ying,MAO Yiqi
(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225009,China;1st

Rice yield production is limited by the carbohydrate supply during grain-filling,which is unable to fill the large number of florets of rice plants,especially in the newly bred super-ricewith numerous spikelets in a panicle.During grain-filling stage,carbohydrate supply depends on carbon from two sources:current photosynthetic assimilates and pre-stored assimilates in culms and leaf sheaths of rice plants.It is necessary to conduct the ecophysiological study on the sources of carbohydrate supply,which would enhance our understanding of limitations to yield potential inmodern super-rice.The author summarized recent progresses in this field, and proposed that yield potential ofmodern‘super’rice could be improved by exploring ecophysiological properties of leaf photosynthesis,interaction of light and nitrogen distribution within canopy,and the relationship between root water uptake and leaf water potential.In the end,the author emphasized the role ofmodelling in integrating crop physiological knowledge to find the limitations to realizing super-rice yield potential and its physiological basis.

photosynthesis;yield potential;light and nitrogen distribution within canopy;relationship between root water uptake and leafwater potential







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