

新东方英语 2017年7期


简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen, 1775~1817),英国女作家,生于英国汉普郡史蒂文頓的牧师家庭,奥斯汀从小接受了良好的文学熏陶,十三四岁开始文学创作,著有《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility, 1811)、《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice, 1813)、《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park, 1814)、《爱玛》(Emma, 1815)、《诺桑觉寺》(Northanger Abbey, 1818)、《劝导》(Persuasion, 1818)等小说作品。奥斯汀的小说以英国乡绅家庭中女性的婚姻和生活为主题,既对当时英国社会中普遍存在的逐利虚伪予以批判,同时以深邃的洞察力和犀利幽默的描写对18世纪以来感伤小说和哥特小说热引发的情感泛滥、行为造作等现象进行了巧妙的讽刺,两个世纪以来在世界范围内拥有广泛的读者。1995年始,BBC相继将奥斯汀的小说改编为电视剧,更掀起了新一轮的简·奥斯汀热。1817年奥斯汀于温彻斯特去世,终生未婚。


“It was my fathers last request to me,” replied her husband, “that I should assist his widow and daughters.”

“He did not know what he was talking of, I dare say; ten to one but he was light-headed2) at the time. Had he been in his right senses, he could not have thought of such a thing as begging you to give away half your fortune from your own child.”

“He did not stipulate3) for any particular sum, my dear Fanny; he only requested me, in general terms, to assist them, and make their situation more comfortable than it was in his power to do. Perhaps it would have been as well if he had left it wholly to myself. He could hardly suppose I should neglect them. But as he required the promise, I could not do less than give it; at least I thought so at the time. The promise, therefore, was given, and must be performed. Something must be done for them whenever they leave Norland and settle in a new home.”

“Well, then, LET something be done for them; but THAT something need not be three thousand pounds. Consider,” she added, “that when the money is once parted with, it never can return. Your sisters will marry, and it will be gone for ever. If, indeed, it could be restored to our poor little boy—”

“Why, to be sure,” said her husband, very gravely4), “that would make great difference. The time may come when Harry will regret that so large a sum was parted with. If he should have a numerous family, for instance, it would be a very convenient addition.”

“To be sure it would.”

“Perhaps, then, it would be better for all parties, if the sum were diminished one half.—Five hundred pounds would be a prodigious5) increase to their fortunes!”

“Oh! beyond anything great! What brother on earth would do half so much for his sisters, even if REALLY his sisters! And as it is—only half blood!—But you have such a generous spirit!”

“I would not wish to do any thing mean,” he replied. “One had rather, on such occasions, do too much than too little. No one, at least, can think I have not done enough for them: even themselves, they can hardly expect more.”

“There is no knowing what THEY may expect,” said the lady, “but we are not to think of their expectations: the question is, what you can afford to do.”

“Certainly—and I think I may afford to give them five hundred pounds a-piece. As it is, without any addition of mine, they will each have about three thousand pounds on their mothers death—a very comfortable fortune for any young woman.”

“To be sure it is; and, indeed, it strikes me that they can want no addition at all. They will have ten thousand pounds divided amongst them. If they marry, they will be sure of doing well, and if they do not, they may all live very comfortably together on the interest of ten thousand pounds.”

“That is very true, and, therefore, I do not know whether, upon the whole, it would not be more advisable to do something for their mother while she lives, rather than for them—something of the annuity6) kind I mean. —My sisters would feel the good effects of it as well as herself. A hundred a year would make them all perfectly comfortable.”

His wife hesitated a little, however, in giving her consent to this plan.

“To be sure,” said she, “it is better than parting with fifteen hundred pounds at once. But, then, if Mrs. Dashwood should live fifteen years we shall be completely taken in.”

“Fifteen years! my dear Fanny; her life cannot be worth half that purchase.”

“Certainly not; but if you observe, people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid them; and she is very stout and healthy, and hardly forty. An annuity is a very serious business; it comes over and over every year, and there is no getting rid of it. You are not aware of what you are doing. I have known a great deal of the trouble of annuities; for my mother was clogged with the payment of three to old superannuated7) servants by my fathers will, and it is amazing how disagreeable she found it. Twice every year these annuities were to be paid; and then there was the trouble of getting it to them; and then one of them was said to have died, and afterwards it turned out to be no such thing. My mother was quite sick of it. Her income was not her own, she said, with such perpetual claims on it; and it was the more unkind in my father, because, otherwise, the money would have been entirely at my mothers disposal, without any restriction whatever. It has given me such an abhorrence of annuities, that I am sure I would not pin myself down to the payment of one for all the world.”

“It is certainly an unpleasant thing,” replied Mr. Dashwood, “to have those kind of yearly drains on ones income. Ones fortune, as your mother justly says, is NOT ones own. To be tied down to the regular payment of such a sum, on every rent day, is by no means desirable: it takes away ones independence.”

“Undoubtedly; and after all you have no thanks for it. They think themselves secure, you do no more than what is expected, and it raises no gratitude at all. If I were you, whatever I did should be done at my own discretion8) entirely. I would not bind myself to allow them any thing yearly. It may be very inconvenient some years to spare a hundred, or even fifty pounds from our own expenses.”



《理智与情感》是简·奥斯汀出版的第一部作品,作者仅署名为a Lady,小说主人公为埃莉诺和玛丽安两姐妹,一个理智隐忍,一个浪漫冲动,二人都在情感路途中经历坎坷,但最终获得了美满婚姻。小说的开头并没有如《傲慢与偏见》那样一开始就抛出“有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理”这样为大家所熟记的金句,而是在好戏开场前认真地介绍了故事背景:诺兰庄园的达什伍德先生去世后,达什伍德太太和三个女儿不得不搬离自己的家,因为遗嘱将家产都留给了她们同父异母的哥哥约翰。富有的约翰和妻子芬妮迫不及待地赶来接收自己的房产,哥嫂二人关于资助妹妹的对话可谓是小说真正的华丽开场:资助从起初的3000英镑,到500英镑,再到50英镑,直到最后决定“像邻居似的帮帮忙也就足够了,越此雷池一步,不说有失体统,也是绝对多余的”。伍尔夫曾赞赏简·奥斯汀,说她笔下创造出了一个又一个蠢人、自命不凡者、世俗之徒,她用鞭笞一般的语言为这些人物勾勒出一幅幅剪影。约翰和芬妮这对自私虚伪的夫妇大概是简·奥斯汀留于世人的第一幅剪影。






1. 英文节选自第一卷第二章,主要描述小说中达什伍德小姐们的哥哥约翰与妻子范尼商量如何接济母亲和他的妹妹们的场景,两人的吝啬和算计跃然纸上。

2. light-headed:神志不清的

3. stipulate [?st?pj?le?t] vi. 规定,讲定,约定

4. gravely [ɡre?vli] adv. 认真地,严肃地

5. prodigious [pr??d?d??s] adj. 巨大的,庞大的

6. annuity [??nju??ti] n. 年金

7. superannuated [?su?p?r??nju?e?t?d] adj. 老弱的;老弱无能的

8. discretion [d??skre?(?)n] n. 斟酌决定(或处理)的自由;斟酌决定权

