

东方教育 2017年4期


Now Ill talk something about a teaching case, Unit4 At the farm Lesson3 lets spell(PEP Book B Grade 4), I had in this term. Well, let me introduce the teaching design and my teaching reflections on it. I hope you can give me some advice after your reading.

Firstly, analysis of the lesson

I Teaching contents

Studying the pronunciations of combination “or”[?: ]/ [?: ]

II Teaching aims and demands

1 Demanding of the students to revise the pronunciations of the combinations from Unit 1 to Unit 3 .

2 Studying the pronunciations of or ,and master how to read the words with or.

3 Be able to find out the regulations of pronouncing a word with or through working together.

4 Cultivate the spirit of cooperative learning.

III Teaching important and difficult focuses

1 Im: Master the regulations of pronouncing or and read the words with or.

2 Diff: Understand and use the pronunciation rules of or.

IV Teaching methods

1 Play some games; 2 Encourage the students to think and discover the rules; 3 Tell a story.

V Teaching steps:

Step I Warm-up

1 Greetings.

2 Play a game: Whack-a-mole game(Reading the words with the letter combinations er ir ur ar and al)

Step II Presentation

1 showing a funny boy. Teacher says: ‘I am York…

2 Let them read and judge according to the picture of York. If yes, they say ”Yeah Yeah Yeah” If no, they say “NO No No” .Of course, the students are allowed to read the sentences quickly at first.

My name is York. (Yeah)

Im not forty years old. (NO)

I have short hair. (Yeah)

I do sports (運动)in the morning.(Yeah)

Im not a weather reporter. (No)

3 Encourage them to read the words with or and find out what features are in these words:

York forty short sport morning reporter

4 Read again and again, then write down [?:] on the whiteboard, teach them to read.

5 show the other group of words: homework world map work worm

6 Discuss in pairs: Whats the same in these words? Let the students find out how to read the words with or after w.

7 Write down the Pronunciation [?:] and teach them to read.

8 Ask the boys and girls to read the words again and again, then draw a conclusion by themselves: ⑴ Normally the combination or is pronounced [?:]; ⑵ Its pronounced [?:] after the letter w.

Step III Teaching practice

Making a breakthrough

1 Read the words with or by themselves on Page40.

2 Read, listen and number on Page 40.r

3 Look, listen and write on Page 40.

Step IV A funny story

Yorks Horns Tell the story for them. if possible ask them to read the story that tells us helping others is a good virtue.

Step V Summary

Demanding of the students to summarize what they studied in the lesson.

Step VI Homework

1 Read the words with or.

2 Copy the four words with or and the sentences on Page40

VI Blackboard writing design

Unit 4 At the farm

Lets spell

or [?: ] horse fork short The rules of pronouncing or

or [?:] work world map 1 Normally or sounds [?: ] 2 or is pronounced [?:] after w.

Secondly ,I briefly talk about my teaching reflection. In this lesson the main teaching content is to study and use the regulations of pronouncing or. In fact the teaching of phonics is boring. In order to make the class lively and interesting, On the one hand I brought some games into the teaching activities; On the other hand a funny story for the children, Its called Yorks Horns that tells us helping others is a good virtue.

I always think that English class should bring students happiness, make them enjoy English activities. Further, study English effectively.

However some shortages came to me in the teaching activity, especially including time arrangement of revising link , and how to use the teaching resources more availably. Here thank you, our friends and workmates for your good advice.


NSE 9A-Module 4-Unit 2案例设计
Cultivation of independent learning ability in English teaching英语教学自主学习能力培养