The Soil Available Sulfur’s Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Jiaozhou BaySpartina Alterniflora Wetland


科技视界 2017年1期


【Abstract】In order to understand the vertical distribution characteristics of soil available sulfur in Spartina alterniflora Wetland of Jiaozhou Bay, the soil samples of September,October,November,December,2015 were collected and measured. The results show us the contents of soil available sulfur in Spartina alterniflora wetland and they have obvious stratification in the vertical direction with contents decreasing gradually when the soil depth increases.

【Key words】Jiaozhou Bay;Soil available sulfur;Distribution characteristics

1 Introduction

Sulfur is the fourth important nutrient, which plays an important role in many biogeochemical processes and in the process of plant growth and development[1].In wetland ecosystem, sulfur nutrient is influenced by vegetation type,the sulfur content in the soil is different[2],and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of soil sulfur also affect the growth and development of vegetation.At present,Many studies have been conducted on the processes of the sulfur cycle in different wetland ecosystems,such as Sanjiang plain[3],mangrove swamps[4],Yellow River Delta wetland[5].

Jiaozhou Bay is located in Qingdao City,is the largest coastal wetland area of Shandong Peninsula.while the available sulfur and its distribution characteristics in Jiaozhou Bay havent been reported. Therefore,this research chooses Spartina alterniflora wetland of Jiaozhou Bay as the research object in order to further study of sulfur and provide a theoretical basis in the biogeochemical cycling in wetland.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Sampling point design

Selecting the Spartina alterniflora Wetland and mudflat zone as the main research area,and set three parallel sampling points per area.The samplings are collected in September,October,November,and December, 2015 by using soil drilling method.For one sampling point,soils of 0-10cm,10-20cm,20-30cm,30-40cm,40-50cm,50-60cm were collected.

2.2 Study methods

Measuring the available sulfur content by barium sulfate turbidity method.

2.3 Statistical analysis

Using Excel Microsoft 2003 and Origin 9.2 for data and graphics processing.

3 Result and discussion

We can know the soil available sulfur in September,October, November,and December,2015 have obvious stratification in the vertical direction and generally present the distribution characteristic with contents decreasing when the soil depth increases by doing with the data.

The content of soil available sulfur in the Spartina alterniflora zone is about 410mg/kg to 888mg/kg,while it is about 313mg/kg~796mg/kg in mudflat.The reason of the contents of soil available sulfur in the Spartina alterniflora zone much higher may be vegetation.The growth of plant promoted the transformation of soil available sulfur,which resulted in the increase of the content of the soil.

4 Conclusions

1)The content of soil available sulfur in Spartina alterniflora wetland is about 410mg/kg~888mg/kg,while it is about 313mg/kg~796mg/kg in mudflat.

2)The soil available sulfur has obvious stratification in the vertical direction with contents decreasing gradually when the soil depth increases.

3)The contents of soil available sulfur in Spartina alterniflora zone are much higher than the mudflat zone.


[1]Zhigao Sun,Xiaojie Mou,Hongli Song,et al.Sulfur biological cycle of the different Suaeda salsa marshes in the intertidal zone of the Yellow River estuary,China[J]. Ecological Engineering,2013(53):152-164.

[2]Wanlong Sun,Zhigao Sun,Xiaojie Mou,et al.Distribution Characteristics of Phosphor and Sulfur in Different Wetland Soils of the Yellow River Delta[J]. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,2010,30(4):104-109.

[3]Qingju Hao,Qichao Wang,Yuesi Wang.The Distributing of Sulfur in Typical Wetland Soils in the Sanjfang Plain[J].Chinese Joumal of Soil Science,2004,35(3):331-335.

[4]Huina Lin,Jiaoyan Fu,Hao Wu,et al.Distribution and influential factors of sulfur in mangrove wetlands in china[J].Marine Sciences,2009(12):79-82.

[5]Junbao Yu,Lei Chu,Kai Ning,et al.Distribution Characteristics of Sulfur Content in Soils in Coastal Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta[J].2014,12(5):559-565.



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