

英语世界 2017年11期





Hong Kong welcomes with an iconic skyline, a legendary kitchen, and lush1lush 茂盛的,草木繁茂的。, protected nature where rare birds and colourful traditions thrive.



Neighbourhoods & Islands

[2] Hong Kong’s enchanting neighbourhoods and islands offer a sensory feast. You may find yourself swaying along on a historic doubledecker tram2double-decker tram 双层电车。, cheering with the hordes3horde一大群。at the city-centre horse races, or simply gazing out at the glorious harbour. Over 70% of Hong Kong is mountains and sprawling country parks, some also home to geological and historical gems4gem精华;宝物。. Escape the city limits on one of the world’s smoothest transport systems and spend your day wandering in a Song-dynasty village, hiking on a deserted island or kayaking5kayak划皮艇。among volcanic sea arches6sea arch 海穹,又称“海蚀拱桥”,是基岩港湾海岸的一种海蚀地貌形态,外形呈拱桥状。.




[3] From off-the-rack7off-the-rack 现成的。Chinese gowns to bespoke8bespoke 定做的,预定的。speciality knives (and vice versa), the sheer variety of products in Hong Kong’s shops is dizzying. Every budget, need and whim9whim 奇想,怪念头。is catered for in‘can do’ spirit by a similarly impressive assortment10assort-ment 分类,混合物。of venues―glitzy11glitzy 耀眼的,华丽的。malls where the moneyed shop, chic sidestreet boutiques12boutique精品店;专卖流行衣服的小商店。and vintage dens13vintage den古着店(出售过去年代服装的商店)。where fashionistas fi nd their gems, nerdy gadget bazaars14bazaar 集市,市场。, and a mix of markets where you can haggle15haggle 讨价还价。to your heart’s content16to one’s heart content 尽情地。. The city has no sales tax so prices are generally attractive to visitors.




[4] One of the world’s top culinary17culinary 烹饪的。capitals, the city that worships the God of Cookery has many a demon18demon技艺出众的人,精力充沛的人。in the kitchen, whether the deliciousness in the pot is Cantonese, Sichuanese, Japanese or French. So deep is the city’s love of food and so broad its culinary repertoire19repertoire 全部才能,全部本领。that whatever your gastronomic20gastronomic美食的。desires, Hong Kong will find a way to sate21sate 使心满意足。them. The answer could be a bowl of wonton noodles, freshly steamed dim sum22dim sum (中国饺子等)点心。, a warm pineapple bun23bun 小圆面包。wedged24wedge楔入,挤进。with butter, a pair of the sweetest prawns25prawn 对虾,大虾。, your first-ever stinky tofu, or the creations of the latest celebrity chef.




[5] Underneath the glass and steel of Hong Kong’s commercial persona266 persona 伪装,假象,人格面具。is a dynamic cultural landscape where its Chinese roots, colonial connections and the contributions of its home-grown talent become intertwined27intertwine纠缠,缠结。. Here you’re just as likely to find yourself applauding at Asia’s top fi lm festival as joining in dawn taichi or reading the couplets28couplet对句,对联。of a local poet to the drumbeat of a dragon boat. Culture could also mean indie29indie 独立的。music by the harbour or Chinese opera in a bamboo theatre30bamboo theatre 戏棚。, not to mention the thousands of shows staged year-round at the city’s many museums and concert halls.

[6]香港太过复杂,难以定义。这是唯一可以与佛教徒在锡克庙共进午餐的地方,是唯一可以试图解读中式复兴建筑美学的地方,还是唯一可以重金购买刀具(5小时内即可做好)后任选一地欣赏粤剧、唱卡拉OK或吟诗作对度过夜晚的地方。香港如此精彩,充满无尽可能。 □

[6] Hong Kong has a complexity that defies definition. It’s the only place where I can be lunching with a Buddhist at a Sikh temple31锡克庙,锡克教(Sikhism)是15世纪产生于印度的一神教。, trying to decipher32decipher 译解,破译。the aesthetics33aesthetics 美学。of Chinese Revival architecture, or splurging on34splurge on 挥霍,浪费。a set of knives—all within fi ve hours—followed by a night of Cantonese opera, karaoke or poetry, anywhere I choose. Hong Kong is so intense and full of possibilities.

Why I Love Hong Kong

ByPiera Chen



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