

农业工程学报 2016年24期




(1. 河北地质大学土地资源与城乡规划学院,石家庄 050031;2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所陆地表层格局与模拟院重点实验室,北京 100101;3. 河北工业职业技术学院工商管理系,石家庄 050091)

耕地撂荒在国际和国内众多区域都有分布,而且近年来有愈演愈烈的趋势。撂荒地块的提取是进一步研究耕地撂荒状况的基础。该文详细阐述了重庆市典型县的撂荒耕地地块的提取过程,利用2期耕地图层叠加,剔除退耕还林和森林工程图斑,得到撂荒耕地分布图,在此基础上得出了重庆市典型县的耕地撂荒状况。将随机抽样提取的撂荒耕地图斑与Google Earth影像验证,撂荒耕地图斑提取的正确率达到85.3%,该方法用于提取山区的撂荒耕地是可行的。研究发现,2011年石柱、巫山和酉阳3县的耕地撂荒率分别为14.0%、19.9%和19.2%,整体上3县的平均撂荒率为18.0%,撂荒耕地总面积为5.6万hm2。撂荒耕地以旱地为主,占总撂荒地面积的82.4%,旱地撂荒率为20.4%,水田撂荒率为11.5%。3县中,巫山县和酉阳县的撂荒率高于石柱县;而且,在水田撂荒方面,巫山县和酉阳县的水田撂荒率也明显高于石柱县,3县的水田撂荒率分别为17.2%、13.9%与6.3%。


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在综合考虑重庆40个区县的空间分布,各区县农业生产和耕地撂荒情况的区域差异,以及课题组前期在重庆多个区县的研究基础上,认为石柱、巫山和酉阳3县基本能够代表和反映重庆市耕地撂荒的总体现状和特征,因此选择石柱、巫山和酉阳3县作为重庆市典型区(图1),来进行撂荒耕地地块的提取并分析重庆市的耕地撂荒现状。根据作者在重庆3县大量的野外调查,当地休耕现象和退耕还草现象基本不存在,可以忽略不计,对结果没有影响。石柱、巫山和酉阳3县均位于重庆市东部,3县共管辖95个乡镇,2011年总人口189.4万人,土地总面积1.11万km2,地形复杂,境内以低山和中山为主,兼有平原和丘陵,属于亚热带季风湿润气候,年均温16.5 ℃,年均降水量1 131 mm。

1 数据来源和研究方法

2002年重庆市石柱、巫山和酉阳3县dwg格式1∶1万地形图来源于3县林业局;2011年石柱县耕地解译图来源于重庆师范大学,2011年巫山和酉阳两县1∶1万shp格式土地利用现状图来源于2县国土局;2002-2006年退耕还林图和2008-2011年森林工程图来源于3县林业局;3县数字高程模型图(DEM,分辨率30 m)与坡度图(SLOPE,分辨率30 m),来源于地理空间数据云网站。


2 重庆市撂荒耕地提取过程

2.1 提取2002年地形图内的耕地图斑


2.2 提取2011年现状图耕地图斑


2.3 两期耕地图层叠加,获取耕地退出图层

提取出来的3县2002年和2011年耕地图层,比例尺都为1∶1万,投影都是Xian_1980,可以将2个图层直接叠加(图2),因2002年耕地面积大于2011年耕地面积,耕地总体趋势是减少的,2个图层叠加后肯定不完全重合。提取未重叠部分,即得到耕地退出图层。两期耕地图层叠加后会出现一些“零碎图斑”,其中小于10 m2的图斑数量上万,平均面积仅为2.03 m2,在两期图的误差范围以内,面积仅占撂荒耕地总面积的0.03%,这样的图斑在野外考察时很难找到,几乎不存在,其对撂荒耕地分析的结论基本没有影响,所以本研究选择将面积小于10 m2的撂荒耕地图斑剔除。


2.4 获取撂荒耕地图层



3 撂荒耕地的验证

3.1 2011年土地利用现状图的验证


3.2 撂荒耕地图斑的验证

为了验证本研究得出的撂荒耕地图斑的正确率,将撂荒耕地图斑与Google Earth影像进行叠加对比,来判断撂荒耕地图斑对应的影像是否确实撂荒,正确率能达到多少。经证实,Google Earth影像能够覆盖重庆市石柱、巫山和酉阳3县的部分区域,大部分区域影像分辨率能够达到1 m左右,图像清晰,绝大多数撂荒耕地图斑可以识别判断。

首先用ArcGIS软件中的Create Random Points工具从石柱、巫山和酉阳3县中每1个县的撂荒耕地图层中随机选取1 000个图斑,然后在Google Earth软件中有影像(2011年前后)覆盖的区域中每县随机选取50个共150个撂荒耕地图斑(图11),将图斑边界与影像叠加显示,来判断每块撂荒耕地图斑是否确实撂荒,进而计算出撂荒耕地图斑的正确率。将3县撂荒耕地图中随机提取的150撂荒耕地地块与Google Earth影像叠加对比(图12),证实128个地块确实撂荒,22个地块仍在耕作,撂荒耕地地块的正确率为85.3%,本方法中撂荒地块提取的正确率比较令人满意。

a. 撂荒地块1a. Abandoned farmland 1b. 撂荒地块2b. Abandoned farmland 2c. 耕作地块1c. Farming land 1d. 耕作地块2d. Farming land 2

4 撂荒耕地的状况




表2 2002-2011年重庆市耕地撂荒情况


5 结论与讨论

本文重点介绍了重庆市石柱、巫山和酉阳3县撂荒耕地的提取方法和过程。选择巫山和酉阳2县的4个村约120个耕地图斑,对选取的地块进行野外验证,经验证,图中耕地图斑正确率达到96.3%;将随机抽样提取的撂荒耕地图斑与Google Earth影像验证,撂荒耕地图斑提取的正确率达到85.3%。因此,该方法用于提取山区的撂荒耕地是可行的。该方法的使用为撂荒地块的提取提供了新思路,有利于获取详细的撂荒地块信息数据,为耕地撂荒微观尺度的研究提供了可能。但由于需要大比例尺、高精度的耕地现状图,而且收集耕地现状图、退耕还林图等图件难度较大,所以大规模应用还比较困难。



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Extraction and validation of abandoned farmland parcel in typical counties of Chongqing

Shi Tiechou1,2, Xu Xiaohong3※


Farmland abandonment refers to the phenomenon of cultivated land remaining unused and idle for more than one year. Two-thirds of China’s land area is hilly area and plateau area, and slope farmland area is larger. The quality of cultivated land in some provinces is not high as a whole, and there are a lot of phenomena of farmland abandonment. The farmland abandonment is distributed in many international and domestic regions, and in recent years there is a growing trend. But domestic research on farmland abandonment is more often conducted at the macro theoretical level, such as research on phenomenon, mechanisms, and countermeasures of farmland abandonment, however very few organizations or individuals have specified the scale of farmland abandonment or specific related data. Extraction of abandoned parcels is the foundation for further study on the status of farmland abandonment. This article describes the extraction process of abandoned farmland parcels in Chongqing’s typical counties in detail, and selects the years of 2002–2011 as the study period; and for the regional level, through the general investigation of abandoned parcel, the article investigates the scale and distribution of abandonment. Farmland figure spots are extracted from the topographical map in 2002 and the current land use map in 2011. Then, the superposition of farmland layers in 2 periods provides a distribution map of abandoned farmlands in 2002-2011. The above step obtains information on abandoned farmlands, including abandoned farmlands that are returned to forest areas during the period of 2002-2011. The research object of this paper is abandoned farmland that was voluntarily abandoned by farmers, especially as this particular type of farmland must be removed. After eliminating the figure spots of returning farmland to forest (2002–2006) and forest projects (2008–2011), we get the distribution map of abandoned arable land. Through verifying abandoned farmland figure spots extracted from maps and Google Earth images, the correct rate of figure spot extraction of abandoned farmland reaches 85.3%. Based on the distribution map, farmland abandonment condition of Chongqing’s typical counties is obtained. The study finds that farmland abandonment rates in Shizhu, Wushan and Youyang County were 14.0%, 19.9% and 19.2% respectively in 2011. The total area and farmland abandonment rate of the 3 counties were 56.3 thousand hm2and 18.0%. Dryland was the main type of abandoned farmland, which was about 82.4% of the total abandoned farmland; dryland abandonment rate was 20.4%, and paddy field abandonment rate was 11.5%. In the 3 counties, farmland abandonment rates of Wushan and Youyang County were higher than that of Shizhu County. Moreover, in the aspect of abandoned paddy field, the abandonment rates of Wushan and Youyang County were 17.2% and 13.9% respectively, also higher than Shizhu County (6.3%). The phenomenon of farmland abandonment in the study area is more serious, and the main reason is that non-farm employment income increases, causing local farmers to give up farming and to be migrant workers; at the same time, the land is barren in hill and mountain area, and the agricultural production income is low, which causes the massive farmland abandonment. Thus in essence, because the farmers’ income is low, they have to give up farming. To alleviate the farmland abandonment, the government needs to protect the income level of farmers.

land use; extraction; verification; abandonment rate; figure spot; abandoned farmland








史铁丑,博士,副教授,主要从事土地利用变化研究。石家庄 河北地质大学土地资源与城乡规划学院,050031。Email:

徐晓红,博士,讲师,主要从事区域与城市发展研究。石家庄 河北工业职业技术学院工商管理系,050091。


蜀人南迁留遗踪 四川宜宾石柱地遗址