

疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年6期

by Tessa Wong



by Tessa Wong


要问今年上半年的大热剧是啥?不用说,必定当属那主演颜值爆表、画面唯美的韩剧《太阳的后裔》(Descendants of the Sun)呀!自二月底该剧开播以来,男主角柳时镇的扮演者宋仲基顿时红透了半边天。这个关于特种部队海外派兵队队长柳时镇和外科医生姜暮烟(宋慧乔饰)在韩国和派兵地区之间往返相爱的故事牵动着许多剧迷的心。

Korean television dramas have always been popular across Asia, but the region may have hit the highest Korean drama1)fever with2)military3)romance Descendants of the Sun.

◆ Love Is a Battlefield

The 16-episode show began airing on South Korean television in February. It is also being4)simulcast online in China and shown up on other websites.

It has all the familiar5)ingredients of a Korean drama: a6)complicated plot, the best actors and a foreign location—in this case standing in as the7)fictional8)war-torn9)Mediterranean country Uruk.

But one unique10)feature of Descendants of the Sun is its military setting. It is often not fate that11)gets in the way of the main characters’ happiness, but the urgencies of war.

The show is mostly set in Uruk where a12)special forces13)captain played by Song Joong-ki14)woos an15)army surgeon played by Song Hye-kyo. Rather inconveniently, he often has to leave her at important moments to save lives or go on some other mysterious missions.

An16)editorial carried by People’s Daily praised it as “an excellent advertisement for17)conscription” because it shows South Korea’s “national spirit” and “18)communitarian culture,”and suggested China creates a similar soap opera.

1) fever ['fiːvə】 n. 狂热,兴奋

2) military ['mIlItərI】 adj. 军人的,战争的

3) romance [rəu'mæns】 n. 爱情故事

4) simulcast ['sIməlkɑːst】 v.(广播和电视)同时联播

5) ingredient [In'griːdIənt】 n. 成分,要素

6) complicated ['kɒmplIkeItId】 adj. 错综的,复杂的

7) fictional ['fIkʃənl】 adj. 虚构的

8) war-torn 遭受战争破坏的

9) Mediterranean [medItə'reInIən】 adj. 地中海的

10) feature ['fiːtʃə】 n. 特征,特色

11) get in the way 妨碍,阻碍

12) special force 特种部队

13) captain ['kæptIn】 n. 队长,军官

14) woo [wuː】 v.(男人)求爱

15) army surgeon 战地医生

16) editorial [edI'tɔːrIəl】 n. 社论

17) conscription [kən'skrIpʃən】 n. 征兵(制度)

18) communitarian [kə,mjuːnI'teərIən】 adj. 公有社会的

19) viewership ['vjuːəʃIp】 n. 电视观众,收视

20) boost [buːst】 v. 增进,改善

21) investor [In'vestə】 n. 投资者

22) promote [prə'məut】 v. 促进,发扬

23) patriotism ['pætrIətIzəm】 n. 爱国主义

24) dutiful ['djuːtIful】 adj. 忠实的,顺从的

25) marital ['mærItəl】 adj. 婚姻的

26) criminal ['krImInəl】 adj. 犯罪的,刑事的

27) tabloid ['tæblɔId】 n. 小报

28) obsession [əb'seʃən】 n. 迷恋,痴迷

obsessive [əb'sesIv】 adj. 着迷的

29) drunkenly ['drʌŋkənlI】 adv. 醉醺醺地

30) chase [tʃeIs】 v. 追赶

31) dramatic [drə'mætIk】 adj. 戏剧性的

32) slap [slæp】 v. 掴,拍

33) justify ['dʒʌstIfaI】

v. 证明……是正当的,替……辩护

At home, the drama has broken19)viewership records and won applause from even President Park Geun-hye, who said it could help spread South Korean culture and20)boost tourism.

However, its main fan base lies overseas, particularly China. China has strict rules on broadcasting foreign dramas, but relaxed them for Descendants of the Sun,whose production was reportedly partly funded by Chinese21)investors.

Even Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha—an army general—is a fan of the soap opera. He urged his countrymen to watch it as it22)promotes “23)patriotism,sacrifice, obeying orders and being a24)dutiful citizen.”

The show has been sold to 27 countries including the UK and translated into 32 different languages, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.

But fandom has its costs. Chinese authorities have warned of the dangers of watching Korean dramas, which it said could lead to25)marital trouble and26)criminal behavior.

Recently, Chinese27)tabloids carried a story of a young man who was so jealous of his wife’s28)obsession with Song Joong-ki that one night he29)drunkenly run into a photography studio and demanded that the shop owner take pictures to “make him look like Song.” The owner eventually called the police.

“When you30)chase male or female stars, do not become too obsessive with them. Because sometimes your casual words could end up hurting those who really care for you,” it said.

It also warned citizens against imitating the more31)dramatic aspects of Korean dramas, such as32)slapping one another during the conflicts.

“Some behavior may seem romantic, but this kind of romance is not acceptable to becomes wrong when you33)justify criminal behavior as romance,” it said.

◆ What Fans Are Saying

“The military theme does not appear frequently in TV shows so combined with the romantic theme, this is not like other Korean soap operas.”

“Unlike most Korean dramas which are about a rich guy who falls in love with a poor, golden-hearted girl, the story feels more like the love story of two evenly-matched adults.”





















Descendants of the Sun:The Korean Military Romance Sweeping Asia

