Smartly Made in China


China Pictorial 2016年7期


“Smartly made in China” refers to intelligent manufacturing in the country. Most of the time, it results in fine-quality products, made in China, and backed by cutting-edge technology and proprietary intellectual property. It includes automation of the production process, manufacturing equipment, and products, the best examples being new-generation information technology, aerospace equipment, and high-speed rails.

For decades, China has been hailed as a manufacturing giant. Its manufacturing sector, however, has been at a disadvantage in terms of future international competitiveness due to low innovation capabilities, resource dependency, and laborintensive production methods. Transformation and upgrading were inevitable.

The global financial crisis brought a detour to Chinas original pattern of the economic development. China must move forward sustainably in accelerating its economy by enhancing its economic structure readjustment and upgrading and optimizing its industry.

Intelligent manufacturing has been globally accepted as the future of industry. The Chinese government has designated it a major target for manufacturing reform. It is hence imperative to elevate“made in China” to “smartly made in China.”

A variety of measures have been taken. A number of intelligent factories in major trades have been established for 200 pilot projects. Over 20 leading enterprises have been tapped to formulate solutions to making smart manufacturing a reality in domestic backbone enterprises specializing in industrial software. And the industrial internet will serve as the core of intelligent manufacturing.

Ten sectors will take the lead in hastening upgrades, including new-generation information technology, top-grade numericallycontrolled machine tools and robots, aerospace equipment, ocean engineering equipment and high-tech watercrafts, state-of-the-art railway transportation equipment, energy-saving and new energy automobiles, electronic equipment, agricultural equipment, new materials such as advanced building blocks, key strategic materials and new materials, biological medicine, and high-performance medical instruments.