

新东方英语·中学版 2016年6期

When people think of artificial intelligence (AI)—the study of the design of intelligent systems and machines—talking computers often come to mind. But most AI researchers are focused less on producing clever conversationalists and more on developing intelligent systems that make people's lives easier—from software that can recognize objects and animals, to digital assistants that cater to1), and even anticipate, their owners' needs and desires.

But several prominent thinkers, including the famed physicist Stephen Hawking and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk2), warn that the development of AI should be cause for concern.



Since the field of AI was officially founded in the mid-1950s, people have been predicting the rise of conscious machines. Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, refers to a point in time known as "the singularity3)", when machine intelligence exceeds human intelligence. Based on the exponential4) growth of technology according to Moore's Law (which states that computing processing power doubles approximately every two years), Kurzweil has predicted the singularity will occur by 2045.

But cycles of hype5) and disappointment—the so-called "winters of AI"—have characterized the history of artificial intelligence, as grandiose6) predictions failed to come to fruition7).

Nevertheless, a number of prominent science and technology experts have expressed worry that humanity is not doing enough to prepare for the rise of artificial general intelligence8), if and when9) it does occur. Recently, Hawking issued a dire10) warning about the threat of AI.

"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell11) the end of the human race," Hawking told the BBC, in response to a question about his new voice recognition system, which uses artificial intelligence to predict intended words. (Hawking has suffered from a neurological disease, and communicates using specialized speech software.)

And Hawking isn't alone. Musk told an audience at MIT that AI is humanity's "biggest existential threat". He also once tweeted12), "We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes13)."

But despite the fears of high-profile14) technology leaders, the rise of conscious machines—known as "strong AI" or "general artificial intelligence"—is likely a long way off, many researchers argue.

"I don't see any reason to think that as machines become more intelligent ... which is not going to happen tomorrow—they would want to destroy us or do harm," said Charlie Ortiz, head of AI at the Burlington, Massachusetts-based software company Nuance Communications. "Lots of work needs to be done before computers are anywhere near that level," he said.








Artificial intelligence is a broad and active area of research, but it's no longer the sole province15) of academics; increasingly, companies are incorporating AI into their products.

And there's one name that keeps cropping up16) in the field: Google. From smartphone assistants to driverless cars, the Bay Area-based tech giant is gearing up17) to be a major player in the future of artificial intelligence.

Google has been a pioneer in the use of machine learning18)—computer systems that can learn from data, as opposed to blindly following instructions. In particular, the company uses a set of machine-learning algorithms19), collectively referred to as "deep learning", that allow a computer to do things such as recognize patterns from massive amounts of data.

Today, deep learning is a part of many products at Google and at Baidu, which is sometimes referred to as "China's Google", including speech recognition, Web search and advertising, Andrew Ng, an artificial intelligence researcher at Stanford University who is now the chief scientist for the Chinese search engine Baidu, commented.

Current computers can already complete many tasks typically performed by humans. But possessing humanlike intelligence remains a long way off. "I think we're still very far from the singularity. This isn't a subject that most AI researchers are working toward." Ng said.

Instead, companies like Google focus on making technology more helpful and intuitive20). And nowhere is this more evident than in the smartphone market.







In the 2013 movie Her, actor Joaquin Phoenix's21) character falls in love with his computer operating system, Samantha, a computer-based personal assistant who becomes sentient22). The film is obviously a product of Hollywood, but experts say that the movie gets at least one thing right: Technology will take on increasingly personal roles in people's daily lives, and will learn human habits and predict people's needs.

Anyone with an iPhone is probably familiar with Apple's digital assistant Siri, first introduced as a feature on the iPhone 4S in October 2011. Siri can answer simple questions, conduct Web searches and perform other basic functions. Microsoft's equivalent is Cortana, a digital assistant available on Windows phones. And Google has the Google app Google Now23), available for Android phones or iPhones, which bills itself as24) providing "the information you want, when you need it".

For example, Google Now can show traffic information during your daily commute25), or give you shopping list reminders while you're at the store. You can ask the app questions, such as "Should I wear a sweater tomorrow?" and it will give you the weather forecast. And, perhaps a bit creepily26), you can ask it to "show me all my photos of dogs" (or cats, sunsets or even a person's name), and the app will find photos that fit that description, even if you haven't labeled them as such.

While a phone that can learn your commute, answer your questions or recognize what a dog looks like may seem sophisticated27), it still pales28) in comparison with a human being. In some areas, AI is no more advanced than a toddler. Yet, when asked, many AI researchers admit that the day when machines rival human intelligence will ultimately come. The question is, are people ready for it?


任何一个拥有iPhone手机的人大概都对苹果公司的数字助手Siri非常熟悉,Siri是在2011年10月作为iPhone 4S手机的一大特色首次推出的。Siri可以回答简单的问题,进行网络搜索并执行其他一些基本操作。微软的Windows手机上也有类似的产品,即数字助手“微软小娜”。谷歌则推出了安卓手机和iPhone手机都可使用的谷歌手机软件Google Now,它号称提供“你想要的信息,当你需要它时”。

譬如,Google Now可以在你每天上下班的路上为你显示交通状况,或是当你在商店时提醒你购物清单的内容。你可以问这款手机软件问题,比如“明天我需不需要穿毛衣?”,它就会给你提供天气预报。此外,或许有点让人感到毛骨悚然的是,当你要求它“给我看看我所有的狗狗照片”(或是猫咪、日落,甚至是某个人的照片)时,这款手机软件就会找出符合描述要求的那些照片,即使你并没有在这些照片上标注这样的标签。



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