

生态学报 2016年6期

蔡 雨 , 刘静雅 , 秦俊莲 , 孙树刚 , 段舜山 , 徐 宁

暨南大学生态学系,水生生物研究所,广州 510632


蔡雨 , 刘静雅 , 秦俊莲 , 孙树刚 , 段舜山 , 徐宁*


摘要:以我国东南沿海大规模赤潮原因种东海原甲藻为实验材料,研究了环境因子对其生长及脲酶活性的调控作用。结果表明,东海原甲藻的适宜生长温度为20—25 ℃,而25 ℃下脲酶活性最高。在光强2 μmol m-2s-1条件下细胞密度显著下降(P<0.05),但仍能维持较高的脲酶活性(9.405 fmol h-1个-1)。在盐度20—40范围内,东海原甲藻能够维持快速生长和较高的脲酶活性。氮源组成对东海原甲藻生长无显著影响,但对脲酶活性影响较大。具体而言,东海原甲藻脲酶活性与尿素浓度呈显著正相关关系,而无机氮源和对其脲酶活性具有显著的抑制作用,在氮缺乏条件下脲酶活性明显增强。东海原甲藻脲酶活性对环境温度、光照、盐度和营养的响应特征可能是在长期进化中形成的生态适应策略,使其在无机氮源不足时得以转而利用有机氮源,从而在资源竞争中占据有利地位。


东海原甲藻(Prorocentrumdonghaiense)是近年来中国东海大规模赤潮的主要种类。据统计,2002—2008年间福建沿岸海域共发生东海原甲藻赤潮25起,其中2004年5月初发生的赤潮面积达10000 km2[1- 2]。东海原甲藻赤潮不仅造成巨大的经济损失,同时也带来严重的生态、资源和环境问题[1,3]。研究显示,东海原甲藻对低光照、较低温度(10—20 ℃)、变化盐度的适应能力及其独特的营养竞争策略可能是其形成赤潮的重要原因[3- 7]。




试验藻种于室内光照培养箱(广东省医疗器械厂,LRH-400-G)中培养,除特殊说明外,温度(23±1)℃,辐照强度约100 μmol m-2s-1,光暗比12 h∶12 h。选用 f/2培养基,基础介质为人工海水(盐度psu为30.5)[15]。


预培养将指数生长期的东海原甲藻细胞接种至无氮、磷的f/2培养基,另添加CO(NH2)2500 μgN/L,NaH2PO4100 μgP/L,培养3轮以上。

实验方法将东海原甲藻转接至含600 mL培养基(同上)的三角瓶中,分别设置不同的光照(2、30、100 μmol m-2s-1)、温度(15、20、25 ℃)或盐度psu(20、25、30、35、40)条件,置于室内光照培养箱中培养,每组3个平行。每隔24 h取5 mL藻液观察并测定其吸光值OD680。每隔48 h取10 mL藻液观察、计数,并测定脲酶活性[16]。取指数增长期后期(第6天)的藻液收集部分藻粉,测定其细胞碳氮比(CHNS/O 2400, Perkin Elmor)。脲酶活性测定方法:尿酶活性方法测定参照徐宁等[16],并以单个细胞单位时间内所产生氨的量来表示脲酶活性。


预培养设置如下6种氮源组成:NaNO3(a组),CO(NH2)2(b组),NH4Cl(c组),NaNO3和CO(NH2)2各占1/2(d组),NH4Cl和CO(NH2)2各占1/2(e组),NaNO3、NH4Cl、CO(NH2)2各占1/3(f组)。设置氮浓度为500 μgN/L,磷浓度为100 μgP/L。将处于指数生长期的东海原甲藻分别接种至上述培养基中进行3轮预培养。

实验方法经预培养的东海原甲藻等量接种于装有600 mL f/2培养基(氮磷如上添加)的三角瓶中,每组3个平行。将三角瓶置于室内光照培养箱中培养。每隔24 h取5 mL藻液观察并测定其吸光值OD680。每隔24 h取10 mL(3份)的藻液观察、计数,并测定脲酶活性。


预培养调整f/2培养基氮源为NaNO3(A组)或NH4Cl(B组),氮浓度为500 μg N/L,同时调整磷浓度为100 μg P/L,将处于指数生长期的东海原甲藻分别接种至上述培养基中预培养三轮。

实验方法将经过预培养的东海原甲藻离心清洗后,等量接种于装有1500 mL培养基(培养基成分同预培养)的三角瓶中,每组3个重复。将三角瓶置于室内光照培养箱中培养,至培养基中无氮时,加入500 μg N/L的 CO(NH2)2和100 μg P/L的 NaH2PO4,继续以相同条件培养。每隔24 h取5 mL藻液观察并测定其吸光值OD680。每隔24 h取10 mL(3份)的藻液观察、计数,并分别测定脲酶活性。


使用 SPSS 17.0 软件进行数据统计分析,Origin 7.5绘图。



实验结果显示,东海原甲藻在20—40盐度范围和15—25 ℃水温范围内均能够快速生长(图1)。盐度为25和30条件下的细胞密度显著高于其它3组(P<0.05)。20 ℃和25 ℃实验组的最大细胞密度和最大比生长速率都显著大于15 ℃实验组(P<0.05)。在2 μmol m-2s-1光照强度下,东海原甲藻细胞密度基本不变,在30 μmol m-2s-1和100 μmol m-2s-1光照条件下,东海原甲藻的生长显著高于2 μmol m-2s-1(P<0.05)(图1)。

图1 盐度、温度和光照强度对东海原甲藻生长的影响Fig.1 Effects of salinity, temperature and light intensity on the growth of Prorocentrum donghaiense

所有实验组均能检测到脲酶活性,且变化趋势相似:接种后第3天活性最高,然后随着处理时间的延长而下降(图2)。从图2可以看出,水温对东海原甲藻脲酶活性影响最大。25 ℃组具有最高脲酶活性(12.81 fmol h-1个-1,),其次是20 ℃组(11.02 fmol h-1个-1),而15 ℃组最高脲酶活性仅为7.055 fmol h-1个-1,约为25 ℃实验组的50%,显著低于其他两组(P<0.05)。光照是除温度外影响东海原甲藻脲酶活性的重要因素。光照在大于30 μmol m-2s-1时对脲酶活性无显著影响(P>0.05)。但当光照强度为2 μmol m-2s-1,其脲酶活性9.405 fmol h-1个-1,显著低于其它两组(P<0.05)(图2)。盐度对藻细胞脲酶活性的影响较小。盐度为25—35实验组最大脲酶活性均高于11 fmol h-1个-1,显著高于盐度20和40的实验组(P<0.05)(图2)。东海原甲藻细胞碳氮比(C/N)实验结果显示: 15 ℃实验组C/N比值为11.06,远小于20和25 ℃实验组(P<0.05)。而 2 μmol m-2s-1光照组C/N值为8.15,显著小于30 μmol m-2s-1和100 μmol m-2s-1光照组其他两组(P<0.05)(表1)。不同盐度实验组C/N比值差异不显著。

图2 盐度、温度和光照强度对东海原甲藻脲酶活性的影响Fig.2 Effects of salinity, temperature and light intensity on urease activity of P. donghaiens

处理组Treatment碳平均含量Carboncontent/%氮平均含量Nitrogencontent/%碳氮质量比RatioofC/N碳氮比标准偏差StandarddeviationofC/N盐度Salinity 2024.021.1321.260.876 2531.011.4820.950.743 3029.941.3622.010.699 3532.471.4222.870.823 4028.861.1724.670.847温度Temperatrue/℃ 1537.163.3611.06*0.7 2047.641.8525.750.85 2547.461.9823.970.79光照Lightintensity/(μmolm-2s-1) 25.540.688.15*0.47 3027.551.3320.710.49 10044.972.1421.010.56



如图 4所示,各实验组均可检测出脲酶活性。b组(尿素)第1天的脲酶活性显著高于其它组(P<0.05),第3天(指数生长初期)的脲酶活性达到最大值,为11.27 fmol h-1个-1,而后下降并趋于平稳,与接种时相近。含1/2—1/3 尿素氮的d、e、f组第3天(指数生长初期)脲酶活性略下降而后升高,到第7天(指数生长末期)达最大值,分别为9.48、8.82、8.25 fmol h-1个-1,且d组(1/2尿素氮)显著大于f组(1/3尿素氮)(P<0.05)。培养基中不含尿素的a、c组脲酶活性在实验期间保持不变,且显著小于其他4组(P<0.05),但a组(硝氮组)的脲酶活性略大于c组(铵氮组)。实验结果表明,氮源组成是影响东海原甲藻细胞脲酶活性的重要因素。最大脲酶活性与尿素浓度呈显著正相关(R=0.977)。

图3 氮源组成对东海原甲藻生长的影响 Fig.3 Effects of nitrogen sources on the growth of P. donghaiensea:500 μg NaNO3-N/L;b:500 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;c:500 μg NH4Cl-N/L;d:250 μg NaNO3-N/L,250 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;e:250 μgNH4Cl-N/L,250 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;f:167 μg NaNO3-N/L,167 μg NH4Cl-N/L,167 μgCO(NH2)2-N/L

图4 氮源组成对东海原甲藻脲酶活性的影响 Fig.4 Effects of nitrogen sources on urease activity of P. donghaiensea:500 μg NaNO3-N/L;b:500 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;c:500 μg NH4Cl-N/L;d:250 μg NaNO3-N/L,250 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;e:250 μgNH4Cl-N/L,250 μg CO(NH2)2-N/L;f:167 μg NaNO3-N/L,167 μg NH4Cl-N/L,167 μgCO(NH2)2-N/L



A、B两组均可检测出东海原甲藻脲酶活性。在加入尿素前(第8天前),A、B两组脲酶活性都趋于稳定,但A组显著高于B组(P<0.05)。加入尿素后(第8天后),两组脲酶活性均迅速升高。A、B组分别在第10和11天达到最大值,分别为10.47、9.82 fmol h-1个-1,且A组显著高于B组(P<0.05),其后均开始下降(图6)。

图5 氮源转换对东海原甲藻生长的影响 Fig.5 Effects of nitrogen source conversion on the growth of P. donghaienseA:500 μg NaNO3-N/L;B:500 μg NH4Cl -N/L

图6 氮源转换对东海原甲藻脲酶活性的影响 Fig.6 Effects of nitrogen source conversion on urease activity of P. donghaienseA:500 μg NaNO3-N/L;B:500 μg NH4Cl-N/L



实验室研究结果表明,在20—27 ℃温度范围内东海原甲藻的生长速率大于0.60 d-1[4]。野外调查发现,东海原甲藻赤潮期间水温为18.5—21.3 ℃[17- 18],类似地,本研究结果显示,20—25 ℃水温条件下东海原甲藻细胞密度较高,15 ℃时细胞密度有所下降,与野外调查结果一致(图 1B)。本研究采用以尿素为唯一氮源的低氮培养条件,在培养至第八天后东海原甲藻的生长出现衰退现象(图 1)。王宗灵等的研究也发现,在N限制条件下,东海原甲藻的生长在第5天就出现衰退现象[19]。由此可见东海原甲藻的生长受到环境条件尤其是营养状况的调控。

本研究结果显示,25 ℃实验组的最大脲酶活性显著高于20 ℃和15 ℃组(图2B)。前期研究发现,东海原甲藻的脲酶活性在15—70 ℃之间随着温度的升高而增强,当温度达到80 ℃以后,脲酶活性急剧降低[16]。可能的原因是脲酶是一个热稳定性的酶[20]。野外调查也表明,脲酶活性最高出现在夏季,比春秋季高出5倍[21- 22]。并且,在河口尿素的最高吸收率也出现在夏季,最低吸收率出现在冬季[22]。这些报道与本实验结果一致。东海原甲藻脲酶活性与温度的正相关关系可能是在长期进化中形成的适应特征。水温较低时,浮游植物生长缓慢,水体营养盐含量较高,东海原甲藻对尿素的吸收不是必要的。而水温较高时,浮游植物生长迅速,对营养盐的竞争加剧,无机氮源已经无法满足其生长的需要。此时,对尿素的吸收能够有效补充氮源,成为东海原甲藻重要的竞争策略。然而,有研究指出,在硅藻为优势种的水体中尿素的吸收率与温度呈负相关[23]。另外,在Chesapeake湾和Neuse 河口的现场研究发现, 10—25 ℃范围内微小原甲藻(Prorocentrumminimum)对尿素的吸收率保持不变[24]。因此,海洋微藻脲酶活性对温度的响应关系可能是因种而异的。

实验室研究发现,东海原甲藻在30 μmol m-2s-1的光照强度下,种群生长接近饱和[4],即光照需求显著低于其他赤潮藻,因此在高混浊海水中具有形成赤潮的优势[25]。本研究也证实,在30 μmol m-2s-1和100 μmol m-2s-1的光照强度下东海原甲藻生长并无显著差异,但在2 μmol m-2s-1的低光照条件下无法生长(图1)。可能的原因是,东海原甲藻对尿素的吸收需要消耗能量通过尿素转移酶完成,而低光强不足以支持藻细胞对尿素的吸收[8,26- 27]。另一方面,低光照强度下东海原甲藻光合作用速率降低,脲酶将尿素转化为氨,使氨在藻体内被大量积累,进而抑制藻脲酶活性[8]。有趣的是,即使在低光照(2 μmol m-2s-1)条件下,东海原甲藻细胞脲酶活性仍维持在较高水平(9.405 fmol h-1个-1)表明藻细胞在不利于生长的条件下能够持续吸收、积累尿素(图2)。此时藻细胞的碳氮质量比为8.15,显著高于其它处理组(表 1),表明低光照对光合作用的影响大于对氮吸收的影响。东海原甲藻在低光照条件下对尿素的吸收能力对于维持种群的生存具有重要生态意义。





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Effects of environmental factors on the growth and urease activity of the harmful dinoflagellateProrocentrumdonghaiense

CAI Yu, LIU Jingya, QIN Junlian, SUN Shugang, DUAN Shunshan, XU Ning*


Abstract:In the last few decades, the geographic distribution and frequency of harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been increasing worldwide, and have resulted in severe economic losses and ecological disaster. There has been a scientific consensus that there is a positive relationship between occurrences of HABs and increased eutrophication due to human activities in coastal waters. Studies demonstrated that urea has seen wide use in agriculture as a major nitrogen fertilizer in recent years, and consequently, concentrations of urea in aquatic environments have increased dramatically, becoming an important component of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in coastal waters. Other studies demonstrated the presence of a positive correlation between the increased input of urea into coastal waters and HABs frequencies. However, the ecological role of urea in triggering HABs, and the mechanism by which it does so (in a species-specific and physiological context in particular), are still unclear. The armored dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense is a representative HABs-causing alga found in the southeastern coastal waters of China, and has caused serious damage to fisheries and aquaculture facilities, and threatened coastal aquatic ecosystems. This species has shown a wide range of tolerance to light, temperature, and salinity, and is capable of utilizing both inorganic and ) and organic (e.g. urea and amino acids) forms of nitrogen (N). Based on our prior study, in which we demonstrated that P. donghaiense exhibits a higher growth rate when grown in media containing urea as the sole N source, compared to those grown with as the N source, we investigated the effects of environmental factors (temperature, light intensity, and salinity) on the growth of P. donghaiense, and further explored the potential regulating effects of these factors and different forms of N on the activity of urease, a key enzyme involved in the metabolism of urea. The optimal temperatures for P. donghaiense growth were between 20 and 25°С, while the highest urease activity was observed at 25°С. Light was observed to significantly influence urease activity: high urease activity (9.405 fmol h-1cell-1) was observed even at lower irradiance levels (<2 μmol m-2s-1), where the cell density was the lowest. Compared to light and temperature, salinity had the smallest impact on growth and urease activity, i.e., both relatively high growth rates and urease activity were measured at salinities ranging from 20 to 40 psu. Regarding the different effects of different nitrogen resources, P. donghaiense was capable of using all forms of nitrogen provided: , , and urea, to meet its growth requirement. However, urease activity, was significantly inhibited by and , but enhanced by the presence of elevated concentrations of urea. More specifically, P. donghaiense exhibited the strongest urease activity three days after inoculation in the urea treatment group, while, in contrast, urease activity in media with or as the sole N source did not change significantly over time and was significantly lower than that observed in the urea-augmented medium. Moreover, we found that had a stronger inhibitory effect on the urease activity of P. donghaiense than . In the N source conversion experiments, urease activity in the substrate was still lower than that in substrate after the addition of equal amount of urea. In addition, urease activity was significantly elevated when ambient nitrogen was deficient. The response of P. donghaiense urease activity and growth rates to the temperature, light, salinity, and nutrient differences observed in this study may reflect an ecological adaptation of P. donghaiense, which allows it to make use of organic nitrogen when inorganic nitrogen sources are insufficient, providing P. donghaiense with a competitive advantage over co-occurring phytoplankton species when the availability of urea is higher than inorganic forms of nitrogen.

Key Words:Prorocentrum donghaiense; urease activity; growth; urea; environmental factors



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收稿日期:2014- 08- 25; 网络出版日期:2015- 07- 29

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1133003, 40776078)

蔡雨, 刘静雅 , 秦俊莲 , 孙树刚 , 段舜山 , 徐宁.环境因子对东海原甲藻生长及脲酶活性的影响.生态学报,2016,36(6):1711- 1718.

Cai Y, Liu J Y, Qin J L, Sun S G, Duan S S, Xu N.Effects of environmental factors on the growth and urease activity of the harmful dinoflagellateProrocentrumdonghaiense.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(6):1711- 1718.


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