

风景园林 2016年10期


The Dania Park, Malmö, Sweden.

1达尼亚公园平面图(斯维克建筑事务所提供 )Site plan of the Dania Park. Image by Sweco Architects





2“延伸跳板”吸引了很多人( 斯坎皮克斯提供 )The prow attracts crowds. Photo by Scanpix


这些特质为公园的设计提供了灵感点,同时也回应了自然主义景观的理念。尺度巨大的海岸景观以一览无遗的处理方式体现到公园的设计当中。这种开放性也是意图与马尔默市稠密、不规则、空间细碎的城市结构形成对比 。

3 这个像船头一样的装置为爱冒险的人们提供了跳水的地方(伦纳特·彼得森提供)The prow supplies with adventurous diving for the daring. Photo by Lennart Pettersson

4 公园面向瑞典与丹麦之间的海峡(莉娜·阿松提供 )The park faces the strait between Sweden and Denmark. Photo by Lena Ason


公园最重要的组成要素是瞭望台:3个倾斜的混凝土台,嵌入到岩石堆的海岸线中,让游人们能够深入大海中。这些被称为“堡垒”的平台,架设在海平面上约7m左右的位置,无论是强烈的海风还是壮美的落日,只要站在这里都能够畅快地体验一番。此外,3个木箱组成的“阳台” 提供了俯瞰广阔草坪的场所。草场都被设置在地面以下以便减少强风对其的伤害。同时两排高低错落的树木和低矮的耐盐灌木将强烈的海风隔绝在外。




5 公园里的家具拥有一种粗糙纯朴的质感(延斯·林德提供)Park furniture is designed to have a rustic quality. Photo by Jens Lindhe

1 瞭望台


2 露台区


6 由于坐落在海边,广阔的天空是公园的一大特色。(帕特里克·林德尔提供)Located by the sea, the wide sky is an important feature. Photo by Patrik Lindell

3 堡垒


4 延伸跳板

这是一个从堡垒上伸出的像跳板一样的特色装置 。站在上面的时候,你会感觉自己身处于一个海洋与天空之间的自由空间。虽非设计师本意,这里总是会吸引许多勇敢的年轻人前来跳水,这个冒险设施吸引了整个地区的孩子们。

5 防风带

在操场的边缘种植有两排耐盐抗风树木——宽叶花楸(Sorbus latifolia),同时还栽植了包含沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)和玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)的绿篱,以起到加强的作用。防风带还将眺望台后部的砾石骑马道与相邻区域分开,引导人们前往未来的住宅区。

7 人们聚集在堡垒的顶部观赏日落(林内亚·斯文松·阿巴卜提供)People gathering to celebrate the sunset on top of the bastion. Photo by Linnea SvenssonArbab

6 草坪

这块被成行树木和露台包围着的开放草坪,是这个新城发展中唯一的大型公共空间。这里可以举办各种各样的娱乐活动,有时甚至会有大型户外音乐会和社区节日。这个区域可以容纳约5 000人。

7 多年生植物阶地


8 家具设施


9 照明



面积:20 000m2


设计师:图尔比约恩·安德森、PeGe Hillinge,SWECO建筑事务所








8 多年生植物种在通往堡垒的大斜坡的背风处(林内亚·斯文松·阿巴卜提供)Perennial plantings in shelter of the big ramp leading to the bastion. Photo by Linnea Svensson Arbab

9 栅栏将公园和大海隔离开来(帕特里克·林德尔提供)The palisade divides the park from the sea. Photo by Patrik Lindell

The Dania Park is one of the fi rst substantial urban park to be built in a dense city neighborhood in Sweden during the last twenty years. And it is also one of the largest city parks to be constructed since the epoch of the so-called Stockholm School of park design in the 1950s.

Apart from the programmatic aspects of its design, the Dania Park addresses two important issues: the primary environmental concern was the toxicity of the soil; socially, the park is an important public space. For the environmental problem, the contaminated mud was sealed with clay with no penetrations, including sewer systems, permitted. Instead, surface rills and infiltration beds manage the in fl ux of storm water. In terms of social issues, the park is completely devoted to visitor activity and experience.

10 在露台上可以俯瞰大草坪(阿克·埃尔森·林德曼提供)The balconies overlooking the great lawn. Photo by Ake Elson Lindman

Like many European cities, Malmö-although a harbor town-has lost its contact with the sea over the years. The urban development of the West Harbor is an effort to strengthen Malmö's connection to the water. As the West Harbor's main civic urban space Dania Park uses its spectacular position to link the new housing with the natural powers of the sea.

The Dania Park has been designed to benefit from this duality of city and nature. It thus has the expanse and openness of the seashore landscape, yet it contains a range of condensed social spaces of a kind required by intense public use. On a summer's day, the park is fi lled with people playing, basking in the sun, swimming, picnicking, and enjoying their leisure time. During the winter months one is often alone out here, with a powerful feeling of an existence among the natural elements: the roaring sea and the strong breeze.

The Dania Park is located on the shoreline of the Öresund sound, the body of water that divides Sweden and Denmark. The product of landfill, the site is totally flat-an industrial desert of contaminated mud. Existing qualities from this desolate site were hard to identify but eventually aspects of a more ephemeral kind emerged as worthy of the designers' consideration: the quality of the light, the horizon, the long views, the sky, the wind, and the sea.

These qualities provided the points of departure for the design of the park, which confronts the idea of a naturalistic landscape. The grandeur of the coastal landscape is re fl ected in the park’s design, which is large scale and spaciously disposed. This openness was also intended to contrast with the urban fabric of Malmö which is dense, irregular, and comprised mostly small spaces.

In area the park equals the size of two football fields, but its organizing structure plays smaller de fi ned spaces against the openness of the central lawn. A dense vegetation belt protects the lawn area from the strong winds blowing off the sea. The design also considered important viewpoint from which to watch the often dramatic sunsets over the sound.

The principal features of the park include the Scouts, three tilted concrete planes that penetrate the coastlines´ boulder lining and permit park visitors to reach the sea. Conceived as an elevated table, the Bastion, was set some 7 meters above the sea-purposely leaving the visitor totally exposed to the elements, whether to cold of a harsh wind or the warming rays of sunlight. In addition the three wooden Balconies overlook the activities of the expansive grass meadow-the Field-which isset below ground level for additional protection from the wind. A double row of trees and low, salt-resistant shrubs augment the defense from the constant sea winds.

11 大草坪在阳光明媚的时候人气极高(图尔比约恩·安德森提供 )The great lawn is heavily used on sunny days. Photo by Thorbjörn Andersson

The design of the park, to a great extent, was focused on serving social activity. It was conceived like a Russian doll, with spaces of different sizes and qualities intended for various types of use set one inside another. These spaces range in size from the smallest ones within the Balconies-which hold perhaps 10-15 people-to the multi-use lawn, which provides space for several thousand people.

Dania Park provides an important center for a new extension of the old city, for which it serves as its principal civic public space. The newly constructed West Harbor development consists of 600 housing units, shops, schools, cafes, and of fi ces, and it played a prominent role in the Bo01 international housing exposition held in 2001. In the two years that have passed since the close of the exposition, Dania Park has become one of the city's most popular destinations. Here lovers marry; fashion photographers shoot their models, families picnic, and valiant youngsters dare to confront the signs that say "no diving" by taking high plunges into the sea.

12 这些被称作露台的地方是可以俯瞰草坪的公共空间(莉娜·阿松提供 )The so-called balconies are social spaces overlooking the lawn. Photo by Lena Ason

The Dania Park is located in Malmö, Sweden's third largest city. Situated in the very south of the country, the city attracts numerous visitors from Denmark as well as southern Sweden. The parks' design was determined by an international competition held in 1999, and was selected out of the group of entries. Construction was completed in 2002.

1 The Scouts

Three tilted concrete troughs that penetrate the rough boulder lining of the shore and open to the sea. On the windward side there is a sheltering wall; to the rear a solid granite wall embraces a seating space to enjoy the view from a comfortableposition. Two of the Scouts are reached by several steps; the third is fully accessible with a short ramp. The social capacity is about 50 people.

2 The Balconies

Three open wooden boxes in larch, each furnished with "sofas" of teak-and a hawthorn tree. The Balconies are sheathed with shingles. Tar has been used to not only stain the shingles black, but also to provide a scent normally associated with boats. The Balconies are pushed into the short slope and overlook the Field. Two of them are slightly elevated and reached by a steps; one is set flush to the ground and accessible by wheelchair. The social capacity is about 15 people.

3 The Bastion

The Bastion was conceived as a giant raised table at the outermost point of the park where it serves as its landmark. From here one has a magnificent view of the ocean, the setting sun, and at times, the coast of Denmark. The enclosure measures 40 by 40 meters and can be used as a stage or as a place for public gatherings. It is dressed with rough wooden planks, treated with tar to obtain a dull black color. The planks are separated by square pieces of solid stainless steel that shines in direct sunlight. While not condoned by city authorities, the outer surfaces have proved irresistible for climbing by intrepid youths. The social capacity is about 300 people.

4 The Prow

This is a springboard-like feature that juts out from the top of the Bastion. Being out here, one gets the feeling of being in a free space between the sea and the sky. Although unintended by the designers, daring youngsters dive from the Prow, making this an adventurous spot that collects kids from the whole region.

5 The Wind Shelter Belt:

At the edge of the field a double row of salt and wind resistant trees-Sorbus latifoliamark the edge of the site reinforced by a hedge of Hippophae rhamnoides and Rosa rugosa. The Wind Shelter Belt also separates the gravel promenade that runs along the back of the Scouts from the adjacent fi eld, destined for housing in the future.

6 The Field

An open green lawn, sheltered by the tree rows and edged by the Balconies, the Field is the only large public space in this new urban development. It can host all kinds of recreational activities including, on occasion, large outdoor concerts and community festivals. The social capacity is about 5000 people.

7 The Perennial Terraces

Protected from the winds behind the Bastion, a series of terraces gradually step downwards towards the grassy fi eld. The terraces offer places for meditative and tranquil experience. Rows of wooden "sofas" set amid extensive perennial plantings provide a rich variety plants whose color and growth marks the passage of seasons. The social capacity is about 100 people.

8 The Furniture

Four different bench types have been designed to fit the park. They are horizontal in gesture to match the lay of the landscape, and sized in lengths of 6-8 meters for that very same reason. Their wooden surfaces are sufficiently sturdy to be stepped upon and can be used as picnic tables, viewing platforms, devices for physical exerciseand, yes, even just for sitting. The materials are larch wood, granite, and galvanized steel.

9 Illumination

Careful attention has been directed to the park's illumination. The goal has been to benefit from the light without being constantly aware of its sources. The Balconies are lighted in this way, as are the Bastion and the Scouts. The idea was to create a rhythmic illumination that highlights important features in the park while creating an after-dark experience intriguing in itself. The exception to the prevailing system of hidden light sources are the three giant masts, 16 meters high and leaning towards the wind, each equipped with each six spot- and fl oodlights.

Location: Malmö, Sweden.

Area: 20 000 m2

Client: City of Malmö.

Designer: Thorbjörn Andersson and PeGe Hillinge, SWECO Architects.

Project team: Veronika Borg, Peter Ekroth, Clotte Frank, Sven Hedlund, Kenneth Hilldén, Anders Lidström.

Illumination: Michael Hallbert.

Year completed: 2002.

Cost: 4.5 million Euro

Contractor: Skanska with sub-contractors

Translation: MAN Yuan

Proofreading: ZHANG Shi-yang

