

农业工程学报 2016年1期

朱 玉,黄 磊,党承华,王贺新,姜国斌,李根柱,张自川,娄 鑫,郑云普,5※(1.大连大学生命科学与技术学院,大连1166;.大连大学现代农业研究院,大连1166;.大连民族大学环境与资源学院,大连116600;.河北工程大学水电学院,邯郸05608;5.河北省水生态文明及社会治理研究中心,邯郸05608)



摘要:为探讨不同强度高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气孔特征及其气体交换参数的影响,利用人工气候箱设置4个温度处理:对照(25℃)、轻度高温(30℃)、中度高温(35℃)和重度高温(40℃)对两年生南高丛蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum L.)幼苗(海岸、奥尼尔及蓝脊)进行为期90 d的光照培养实验。研究结果表明:高温增加海岸和蓝脊叶片的气孔密度,但对奥尼尔的气孔密度无影响。中度高温增大奥尼尔和蓝脊叶片气孔的长度、宽度和面积,但海岸的气孔长度比轻度高温减小23.5% (P<0.05)。高温使奥尼尔的气孔空间分布更加规则,而对海岸和蓝脊的影响不大。3个品种的叶片净光合反应速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)均随高温强度先升高后降低,但其最大值随品种发生变化。研究结果表明,南高丛蓝莓具有调整气孔结构特征和优化气孔空间分布格局提高其气体交换效率的功能,但在品种间存在较大的差异,最终导致气体交换参数对高温产生不同的响应,尤其表现在抵抗极端高温能力方面。结果有助于从叶片气孔特征变化角度深入理解不同高温强度对南高丛蓝莓气体交换产生影响的潜在机理,为蓝莓耐高温胁迫选育及引种栽培工作提供理论支持。


朱玉,黄磊,党承华,王贺新,姜国斌,李根柱,张自川,娄鑫,郑云普.高温对蓝莓叶片气孔特征和气体交换参数的影响[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(01):218-225.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.031 Zhu Yu, Huang Lei, Dang Chenghua, Wang Hexin, Jiang Guobin, Li Genzhu, Zhang Zichuan, Lou Xin, Zheng Yunpu.Effects of high temperature on leaf stomatal traits and gas exchange parameters of blueberry[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(01): 218-225.(in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.031

0 引言


蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum L.)属杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越桔属(Vaccinium)植物,其果实富含的花青素类物质(Anthocyanins)具有较强的抗氧化活性[28-31]。南高丛蓝莓是美国人工杂交选育的栽培品种,冬季冷温需要量低于500 h,比北高丛蓝莓更适宜在高温气候区种植。然而,据报道我国的气候呈现逐渐变暖的趋势,特别是华北和东北地区的升温幅度尤为明显[32-33]。随着全球变暖的加剧,近年来极端高温气候事件的发生频率也明显增加[34],导致局部区域气温较长时间持续达到40℃以上[35-36]。此外,相关的研究结果还发现高温通过改变植物的气体交换过程(如光合作用)直接影响植物的生长和发育进程[24,37-42]。然而,高温是否会影响南高丛蓝莓叶片气孔特征及其气体交换过程,最终影响蓝莓的生长状况这一关键科学问题至今未得到较好的回答。本研究探讨高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气孔特征(气孔大小、气孔密度和气孔空间分布格局)及其气体交换过程的影响,重点从气孔的角度深入剖析和理解高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气体交换过程产生影响的潜在机理,为南高丛蓝莓耐高温的选育及引种提供理论依据和数据支持。

1 材料与方法


以南高丛蓝莓奥尼尔、海岸和蓝脊为试验材料,每个品种随机挑选长势和大小一致的2年生幼苗20株,平均分配到4个人工气候箱中进行30 d的适应性预培养。所有的人工气候箱均设置温度25℃(昼)/ 20℃(夜),光照强度1 000 μmol/m2·s,光照周期8:00~20:00,相对湿度60%~75%。每周浇水和Hoagland营养液各1次。将上述4个人工气候箱的温度分别设定为25℃(对照)、30℃(轻度高温)、35℃(中度高温)和40℃(重度高温),其它环境参数完全相同,对幼苗进行90 d的高温处理培养,且每周对植株浇水和Hoagland营养液各1次。为避免气候箱自身差异对研究结果产生影响,培养期内每周随机调换气候箱的温度和植株。


每株选取3个叶片,用无色透明的指甲油涂于叶片远轴面的中部,采集气孔印迹样品(5mm×15mm)。将叶片印迹玻片置于莱卡光学显微镜(DM2500,Leica Corp,Germany)下观察并利用显微镜装备的照相机(DFC 300-FX, Leica Corp, Germany)拍照。选择5个随机的显微视野,每个视下拍3张照片,得到15张气孔的显微照片(面积0.3 mm× 0.45 mm),从15张照片中随机选取5张来计算气孔的密度。另外,随机选取4张照片,利用ArcGIS10.0软件分别测量气孔的长、宽、周长、面积及形状指数[25]。形状指数是指通过计算单一气孔形状与相同面积的圆之间的偏离程度来测量其形状的复杂程度,即当气孔为圆形时,其形状指数即为1;若气孔的形状越扁长,则气孔形状指数的值就越大。形状指数S的计算公式为:



从叶片中部随机采集3个2 mm×2 mm样品。将样品固定于2.5%(v/v)的戊二醛(0.1 mol/L磷酸缓冲液,pH值7.0),置于4℃下冷藏保存3 d,用磷酸缓冲液冲洗6次,用1%(v/v)锇酸固定3 h,用相同磷酸缓冲液冲洗干净。将组织进行不同酒精梯度的脱水和临界点干燥,再在观察台上固定,利用高压涂膜装置进行喷金处理。对单个气孔在Quanta 200扫描电子显微镜(FEI Corp, USA)下观察和拍照[25]。


本研究中,认为每个气孔都是叶片上分布的单点,气孔开口的最中间位置为单点。利用ArcGIS10.0软件将显微照片在相同坐标系进行数字化处理,得到每个气孔的坐标值,运用Ripley,s K-Function空间统计分析方法对气孔分布状况进行分析[25]。利用所有单点距离的二阶矩阵探究其在不同尺度上的二维分布格局。L(d)值表达为:


为了确定95%的可信任区间,采用蒙特卡洛算法模拟随机分布点1 000次。当分布格局为随机分布时,所有的d值到L(d)距离均相等。若L(d)值大于95%可信任区间,气孔为簇状分布格局。如果气孔在给定尺度d下随机分布,则L(d)值在95%可信任区间内。反之,L(d)值小于95%可信任区间为规则分布[25]。


本研究中的叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、细胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)等气体交换参数使用光合测定系统(Li-6400;LI-COR Inc.Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)确定[26]。叶室内光照强度1000 μmol/m2·s,CO2浓度400 μmol/m2·s,光合有效辐射(photosynthetically available radiation,PAR),叶片温度为25℃水蒸汽压亏缺(water vapor pressure deficit,VPD)为2.0 kPa[26]。另外,光合反应速率测定结束后,关闭Li-6400便携式光合测定系统的光源,让叶片在黑暗环境下适应30 min后,测定叶片的暗呼吸速率Rd[38]。此外,叶片尺度的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)利用公式WUE=Pn/Tr来计算[18]。


本研究利用单因素方差分析和Duncan′s multiple range test比较处理间的显著性差异(P<0.05),利用SPSS 13.0(Chicago, IL)统计分析和Sigmaplot作图。

2 结果与分析





表1 高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气孔特征的影响Table 1 Effects of high temperatures on leaf stomatal traits of south highbush blueberry

图1 南高丛蓝莓叶片单个气孔结构特征的扫描电子显微镜照片Fig.1  Scanning electron photographs of structural traits of individual stoma on south highbush blueberry leaves


不同的高温强度下,3个品种的气孔均在小尺度范围内为规则分布(<162 μm),而在大尺度范围内随机分布(表2)。具体来说,与对照相比,重度高温使奥尼尔的空间尺度减少11.9%(表2),L(d)值减小14%(表3)。不同强度的高温处理对海岸叶片的气孔空间分布格局没有显著影响(P>0.05;表2和3)。此外,随着高温强度的增加蓝脊叶片上气孔的平均空间尺度和L(d)值均逐渐升高,在轻度高温时最小,而重度高温时最大,平均的空间尺度和L(d)值分别比轻度高温时增加17.8%和21.6%(表2、3)。

表2 高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气孔空间分布尺度的影响Table 2 Effects of high temperatures on spatial distribution scales of stomata on the leaves of south highbush blueberries

表3 高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片单个气孔间最小邻域距离的影响Table 3 Effects of high temperatures on nearest neighbor distance between stomata on leaves of south highbush blueberries



图2 高温对南高丛蓝莓叶片气体交换的影响Fig.2 Effects of high temperatures on leaf gas exchange of south highbush blueberries

3 讨论







4 结论







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Effects of high temperature on leaf stomatal traits and gas exchange parameters of blueberry

Zhu Yu1,2, Huang Lei3, Dang Chenghua4, Wang Hexin2, Jiang Guobin3, Li Genzhu2, Zhang Zichuan2, Lou Xin2, Zheng Yunpu4,5※
(1.School of Life science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China; 2.Institute of Modern Agricultural Research, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China; 3.College of Environment and Resources, Dalian Nationality University, Dalian 116600, China; 4.School of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China; 5.Research Center of Water Ecological Civilization and Social Management, Handan 056038, China)

Abstract:Blueberry is one of the most important fruit trees all over the world and also the major economic tree species cultivated in China.Blueberry was suggested to be planted only in Northern China, because the warmer climate in Southern China could not meet its chilling duration.Several blueberry cultivars have recently been introduced to subtropical China and these cultivars can blossom and bear fruits.However, the temperature in subtropical China often approach 40℃or even higher in summer, and thus high temperature has become the most significant abiotic stress limiting the growth and production of blueberry in this area.Meanwhile, previous studies also reported that the heat endurance ability varied with different blueberry cultivars.In this study, we examined the effects of high temperatures on the leaf stomatal traits and gas exchange of blueberry cultivars with four growth chambers controlling different high temperatures including control(25℃), mild high temperature(30℃), moderate high temperature(35℃), and severe high temperature(40℃).Two-year-old seedlings of three highbush blueberry cultivars including‘O’Neal’,‘Gulfcoast’, and‘Blue Ridge’were selected from field plots and transplanted into pots(10 cm diameter×25 cm long)filled with fritted clay(one plant per pot)and grown in a greenhouse with an average temperature of 25/20℃(day/night)and about 1 000 μmol m-2·s-1photosynthetic active radiation(PAR)in natural sun light, and 60%~75% relative humidity for 30 d(March-April 2014)to establish canopy.During the establishment period, plants were irrigated to water-holding capacity daily and fertilized once per week with half-strength Hoagland's solution.We selected 20 healthy and uniform growth plants for each cultivar and then randomly planted the plants into each of four walk-in growth chambers(5 plants for each cultivar), where the temperature was determined as 25, 30, 35, or 40℃, respectively.Other environmental factors maintained throughout all the four chambers include humidity(60%~75%), light intensity(1 000 μmol m-2·s-1PAR), photoperiod(light on at 8 am, and off at 8 pm), soil type(fritted clay, same brand and package for all), water amount(200 ml, watered once per week), and nutrition type(plain tap water).Plants were fertilized once weekly with half-strength Hoagland's solution throughout the growth period.In order to minimize confounding effects of environmental variation between different chambers, we randomly changed the temperature of each growth chamber every week, and then we relocated the high temperature treated plants to the growth chambers with corresponding temperature.The large volume of the pot with frequent watering and fertilization ensured enough space for root growth and ample nutrient supply to avoid“bonsai effect”.Our results showed that comparing with the control, high temperatures increased the stomatal density of Gulfcoast and Blue Ridge, but had little effect on the stomatal density of O′Neal(P>0.05).Moderate high temperature increased the stomatal aperture width, stomatal aperture length, and stomatal area of O′Neal and Blue Ridge, whereas the stomatal aperture length of Gulfcoast was significantly reduced by 23.5% under moderate high temperature(P<0.05)compared with the mild high temperature(30℃).High temperatures resulted in a more regular stomatal distribution pattern on the leaves of O′Neal, while had little effect on the stomatal distribution pattern of Gulfcoast and Blue Ridge.Mild and moderate high temperatures significantly increased the net photosynthetic rates(Pn), stomatal conductance(Gs)and transpiration rates(Tr)of the three blueberry cultivars, whereas the severe high temperature caused them sharply decrease, although their maximum values varied across the three cultivars.In Conclusion, high temperatures increased the efficiency of leaf gas exchange by adjusting the structural characteristics and optimizing the spatial distribution pattern of stomata on the leaves of the south highbush blueberry.However, the ability of optimization for stomatal structure and function in the leaves of the south highbush blueberry was cultivar dependent, and thus resulted in the different responses to high temperatures in leaf gas exchange across cultivars, especially for heat stress resistance under extremely high temperature.Our results may not only be helpful for further understanding the potential mechanisms of high temperatures on leaf gas exchange of south highbush blueberry from the changes in leaf stomatal traits, but also provide theory for the selection and introduction of heat tolerance cultivars.

Keywords:temperature; stresses; optimization; blueberry; heat stress; stomatal structure and function; stomatal distribution pattern; leaf gas exchange











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