

新东方英语·中学版 2016年4期

可以毫不夸张地说,《星球大战》系列中的机器人在文化上产生了巨大的影响。即使并非星战死忠粉的人可能也会记得C-3PO、R2-D2和美国导演乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)创造的多姿多彩的宇宙空间里的许多其他机器人。这一系列科幻电影让我们得以一窥机器人在未来世界的可能用途,但是,我们离制造出真正的R2-D2到底有多近呢?实际上,一些与星战系列中相似的科技业已问世,《星球大战》中最令人难忘的几种机器人在现实世界中业已有了与它们相对应的版本。

What's the difference between a droid and a robot? Besides "droid" being a term trademarked by George Lucas, droids, as portrayed on film, have far more independence and intelligence than most robots that exist today. While some robots have a limited artificial intelligence (AI) that allows them to make lower-function decisions, most require direct commands from a human in order to work.

While many researchers are trying to develop AI that can handle more-complex problem solving and can adapt to different environments, the world is still a long way from having a robot with the same level of intelligence as R2-D2. Still, the field of robotics has made significant gains.



Driving Droids

If you were one of the millions who rode the "Star Tours" ride at Disneyland before 2011, you may remember RX-24, the pilot droid tasked with flying riders to the forest moon of Endor. However, things go awry2) during the ride after RX-24 gets caught in a fight between the Rebels and the Empire.

While RX-24 was a terrible pilot, developers are currently working on creating a robot that can actually handle the perils3) of driving and flying. For example, Google is testing a self-driving car that can operate safely and autonomously in regular traffic. The vehicle uses laser technology and a system of sensors to generate a 3D map of its environment, which enables the car to drive itself.

The AI is a work in progress, and Google's driverless car still requires a "backup" human driver to ride along and make sure nothing goes wrong. But if tests go well, self-driving cars could rule the streets in the near future.

Medical Droids

In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, a 2-1B medical droid nurses Luke Skywalker back to health by keeping him in a tank full of a substance that can rapidly heal wounds. While this material, called "bacta" in the film, and the 2-1B droid are not real, advancements in medical technology are introducing robots into doctor's offices and hospitals.

For example, engineers at ?colePolytechnique de Montréal have been working on creating "microbots" that can roam4) the human body and perform delicate tasks, such as clearing arteries, sealing wounds and exploring the artery system.

In the movie, the 2-1B has an independent AI, meaning it can function much like a human doctor. While existing robots do not have sophisticated AI that enables them to stand in for5) real physicians, many devices have been built to allow doctors to attend to6) patients remotely. The Robotic Nursing Assistant, for instance, helps physicians use extremely accurate tools to treat their patients, while the other telemedicine assistants let doctors virtually care for their patients, even across great distances.

Astromech Droids

Who doesn't love R2-D2? In the "Star Wars" universe, this small robot has more functions than a Swiss Army knife, and more personality than a robot that speaks only in "beeps" and "boops" should have. R2-D2 is known as an astromech droid, which is a type of multifunctional robot that can respond to a diverse range of problems.

While it's easy to build a working replica7) of R2-D2, there are no R2 units that truly function as they were imagined in the "Star Wars" films. The closest thing is a bot developed by NASA in 2006 to perform maintenance in microgravity. The so-called SPHERE is a bot that helps astronauts with docking operations, along with satellite servicing, assembly and emergency repairs. The bot resembles the training droid that Luke Skywalker fights in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, but has the functionality of an R2 unit.

Protocol8) Droids

R2-D2 never goes anywhere without his neurotic9) friend C-3PO, who can act as servant, translator or companion. Unlike R2, C-3PO is designed for the explicit purpose of understanding humanoids and communicating with them.

The most famous real-life humanoid bot is Honda's Asimo, a bipedal10) robot designed to move similarly to humans and resemble them in other ways. Asimo can physically respond to human actions as well as respond to human voices. The robot performs a variety of functions, including playing soccer, gesturing, reading faces and moving around in its environment. Asimo has limited language abilities, and can only respond to audible commands with short phrases and physical gestures.

If you want something with more "conversational" ability, look to Japan's Otonaroid. This android is one of two bots that have been "hired" to work in Tokyo's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Otonaroid will be able to converse directly with visitors, while her "sister" android, Kodomoroid, will continuously read aloud world news reports. The robots don't generate their own voices, though; the bots are simply the mouthpieces for human operators. Similar tech is used to control "Crush the Turtle" at the "Turtle Talk with Crush" attraction at Walt Disney World's Epcot theme park.
















1. droid [dr??d] n. (科学幻想小说中的)人形机器人

2. go awry: (事)出岔子,失败

3. peril [?per?l] n. 极大的危险

4. roam [r??m] vt. 在……随便走;漫步;闲逛

5. stand in for: 代替

6. attend to: 照料;看护

7. replica [?repl?k?] n. 复制品

8. protocol [?pr??t?k?l] n. 礼仪

9. neurotic [nj???r?t?k] adj. 神经质的

10. bipedal [?ba??pi?dl] adj. 有两足的


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