

时代英语·高一 2016年1期



sad violent ruin adopt terrifying

erupt strike earthquake previous observe

1. The boat sank in a(n) ____ storm in the sea.

2. The heavy rain ____ our holiday.

3. Have you had ____ working experience?

4. An active volcano may ____ at any time.

5. Unfortunately he was ____ by lightning.

6. Many people are still buried alive after the ____ .

7. The thought of dying slowly and painfully ____ us.

8. ____ , the queen was very sick.


1. 平均每天有二十个男生出席。

2. 他们放火烧了房子,可我们把火扑灭了。

3. 那幢楼房昨天夜里起火了,现在还烧着。

4. 没人可以确定一百万年后人类会是什么样子。


It happened on February 27, 2010. We 1 up in the middle of the night at the alarm in our apartment. My husband got out of bed to see what was happening. I sat up trying to keep our little son Nemer 2 . All of a sudden, I felt that the bed was slightly 3 .

My husband entered the room puzzled (困惑的), trying to 4

out what was happening. Then we knew for sure it was a(n) 5 . I quickly took Nemer out of his stroller (婴儿车) and held him 6 . The shaking kept going harder. I tried three times to close and open my 7 to wake up from this terrible nightmare (噩梦), but I realized it was real. We decided to 8 the apartment as we knew it was dangerous to stay inside.

When we 9 out of the building, I heard banging on doors and crying. We went in fear with other neighbors down the stairs. It was completely dark, 10 we couldnt see where we were stepping. 11 , we managed to get out of the building in the end.

Lots of people were standing outside, looking up at the high building. Some of them were 12 , others were holding their family members or friends, and some were just too 13 to do anything. I 14 God that my son was alive in my hands. I was shaking and my husbands face expression was full of 15 . The disaster made us feel that our lives were 16 .

Luckily, the damage in our city wasnt very serious. And only a few people 17 in our city. But many people in the city nearby lost their lives in this earthquake. After this 18 , I learnt that we might die easily. And I learnt to value 19 much more. Now I try to live every day to the 20 and spend as much time with my family as possible.

1. A. showed B. stayed C. got D. woke

2. A. alive B. warm C. active D. asleep

3. A. moving B. pushing C. shaking D. pulling

4. A. give B. cut C. find D. clear

5. A. earthquake B. hurricane C. fire D. flood

6. A. slightly B. hardly C. rightly D. closely

7. A. mouth B. eyes C. door D. windows

8. A. enter B. watch C. leave D. check

9. A. made B. looked C. stayed D. hurried

10. A. so B. but C. as D. because

11. A. Terribly B. Sadly C. Luckily D. Hopefully

12. A. arguing B. crying C. thinking D. waiting

13. A. cold B. frightened C. old D. disappointed

14. A. thanked B. told C. praised D. comforted

15. A. anger B. cruelty C. fear D. happiness

16. A. helpless B. painful C. terrifying D. unsafe

17. A. suffered B. died C. worried D. cared

18. A. experience B. story C. accident D. lesson

19. A. safety B. nature C. time D. life

20. A. fullest B. longest C. slowest D. funniest


Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Mount Emei. Its famous mountain in our city. The weather is fine. It was about noon when we arrived on the foot of it. The three of us were very exciting. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkey, visited temples and took pictures since the scenery was so beautiful. Time passed quick. It soon got dark. They had supper at a restaurant. The food was expensive and the service was good. Then we spent on the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain. I was tired but what wonderful the trip was!


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