

CHINA TODAY 2015年10期

Xi Jinping Receives IAAF Golden Order of Merit

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Lamine Diack, president of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and received from him the IAAF Golden Order of Merit in Beijing on August 22, 2015.

Xi Jinping commended the IAAF for having expended great efforts to promote athletics around the globe, and for its key function in developing the Olympic Movement and enhancing friendship between people in various countries and regions. China is keenly aware of the great importance of sports and is committed to improving its peoples physiques and health. By hosting the Beijing World Championships in Athletics, China hopes to advance the development of the athletics movement, carry forward the Olympic spirit of “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” and carry out cooperation in sports and in all other fields between China and other nations.

Lamine Diack conferred on Xi Jinping the IAAF Golden Order of Merit in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the world athletics cause. Xi Jinping thanked the IAAF for its long-term support of the development of the athletics movement in China and expressed the willingness of the Chinese government to continuously support and contribute more to the world athletics movement.

Economic Forum to Further Promote Sino-Russian Practical Cooperation

Leading a Chinese delegation of government officials and entrepreneurs, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 4, 2015 as he attended the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) held from September 3 to 5 in Russias Far Eastern city of Vladivostok.

During his meeting with Putin, Wang stated that the Chinese side is greatly committed to its cooperation with Russia on the development of the Far East. Wang further indicated that the EEF offered a chance to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of China and Russia, adding that new areas of cooperation should be jointly explored in such fields as resource development, processing and manufacturing, and modern agriculture. On September 5, Wang cochaired the first meeting of regional cooperation councils of Chinas northeastern provinces and Russias Far East with his Russian counterpart Yury Trutnev. Wang expressed Chinas confidence in Russias Far East development project, particularly in light of the related strategies and policies Putin introduced in his opening speech delivered to the EEF. Wang said Russias Far East project could bring systematic mutual development to the region, as well as Chinas northeastern provinces. Trutnev announced that the Russian side is willing to work with China on strategy coordination and exchange, thus providing convenient policies for companies from both countries.endprint

Ninth Summer Davos Forum Held in Northeast China

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015– also known as the Ninth Summer Davos Forum –was held from September 9 to 11 in northeast Chinas port city of Dalian. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and declared that China is capable of meeting the main goals and tasks set for economic and social development this year that will lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth in coming years. Reality demonstrates that China is not a source of risk for the world economy, but a true source of strength for world economic growth. He noted that fluctuations in growth are unavoidable, and natural in a period of adjustment and transition, while the fundamentals underpinning a stable Chinese economy have not changed. Ups and downs in the economy may take the form of an undulating wave, but the underlying trend remains positive. Not a single pillar, but multiple ones hold up the Chinese economy, which is highly resilient and shockresistant. Ongoing structural reform is, moreover, delivering constant benefits.

He emphasized that the idea of mass entrepreneurship and innovation forms a major part of Chinas ongoing structural reform and adjustment, and represents a strong force driving development. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation generate more employment and are a creative step in the income distribution model. Further, China will open still wider to the rest of the world and promote global cooperation on production capacity, which will generate more demand through innovation on the supply side.

U.S. National Security Advisor Visits China

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice in Beijing on August 28, 2015.

Xi said a stable and growing China-U.S. relationship will not only benefit the people in both countries, but also go a long way towards promoting peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. China stands ready to work with the U.S. to further boost our practical cooperation bilaterally, regionally and globally, and effectively manage sensitive issues between the two sides in a constructive way, so as to make the China-U.S. relationship benefit the people of the two countries as well as the entire world. Xi reiterated the significance of mutual trust, cooperation and communication between the two countries.

China and the U.S. should manage their points of difference through communication, sincerely respect and safeguard each others core interests, and strive to expand common ground while reducing differences to maintain the big picture of stable development of the bilateral relationship, Xi said.

Rice said President Obama greatly esteems the Chinese peoples great contribution to victory in World War II and the U.S.-China friendship forged during that period, even as China commemorates the 70th anniversary of the wars end. Rice noted the high regard with which President Obama views the relationship with China. The U.S. eagerly anticipates more positive results of cooperation, and will undertake joint efforts with China to work through “issues of difference” to advance bilateral relations in a stable way.endprint