

时代英语·高一 2015年5期


When I looked at the grade on my math paper my jaw (下巴) almost dropped to the ground: a big “65” in bright red ink. I had never received such a terrible grade before.

I was so ashamed that when I got home that afternoon I lied to my dad. I told him I got 85 and that the report wouldnt come until the end of the month. Dad smiled. His daughter would never lie about her grade, so he didnt doubt the unusual delay (延迟) of my report.

A month later, Dad casually (随意地) asked me again about the report at the dinner table. He looked right into my eyes and asked for an answer. Having no choice. I told him that I had in fact got just 65 in my math final. I had lied because I didnt want to let him down.

For a moment, he just looked at me. I would have preferred a telling off(斥责) than that silence. Finally, Dad said, in a hurt voice, “You have already let me down, with your lie. I am not disappointed at your math score. That is no big deal—no one can be perfect all the time. But I am very disappointed in you. If you cant be honest with your dad. who can you be honest with? Its much easier to achieve a better grade than rebuild someone elses trust in you.”

Dads words touched my heart. I couldnt forgive myself for having hurt his feelings. I took out the report that I had been hiding for weeks, handed to him and apologized, sincerely. I realized that my honesty is not only important to me personally, but to those around me that truly care about me.

In one of Shakespeares plays a character says: “No legacy (遗产) is so rich as honesty.” After the crisis between Dad and me, I began to understand those words.

1. The first paragraph suggests that the author ___ .

A. is bad at math

B. usually gets a higher grade

C. was punished by her father for a bad grade

D. never expected the teachers treated her badly

2. Why did the author tell her father the truth finally?

A. The father was so serious.

B. She realized it was wrong to lie.

C. It had been too long since she lied.

D. She didnt want to let her father down any more.

3. Why did her father stay silent after she told him the truth?

A. He didnt understand her.

B. He was deeply hurt by her.

C. He felt unhappy with the grade.

D. He was thinking about what to say.

4. What does the author mainly want to tell us?

A. Its foolish to lie to parents.

B. Its hard to be a good student.

C. Its very important to be honest.

D. Its necessary to meet parents requirement.



flame boil astonish lecture department

facility ordinary exchange form contact

1. He can make ____ things sound interesting.

2. The ____ were growing higher and higher.

3. Professor Wang will give us two ____ tomorrow morning.

4. Where can I ____ my dollars for French francs.

5. We were all ____ at the unexpected news.

6. Clouds are ____ on the top of the hill.

7. Its a very high office building with all essential modern ____ .

8. Do you want a(n) ____ egg for breakfast?


1. I used to drinking tea, but now I am used to drinking

coffee. ___

2. Ive made much more mistakes than you have. ___

3. Africa is the second larger continent in the world. ___

4. People used to think the sun travels round the earth. ___


1. 他为自己没有放弃而感到骄傲。

2. 他过去住在巴黎,但现在住在北京。

3. 他过去总是步行去学校。现在他习惯乘公交车去上学了。

4. 你应当在4点前完成家庭作业。



1. 不良的饮食习惯(不吃早餐,爱吃零食等);

2. 良好的饮食习惯(多吃蔬菜,有规律进食等);

3. 你的看法和建议。


Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore,its very important for us to form healthy eating habits.

