Research in Propagation Characteristics of Chinese Anime Art under the Background of New Media


无线音乐·教育前沿 2015年4期


Abstract:Animation industry is the core part of Chinese culture industry,which meets the development demand of modern cultural undertakings.What is more,it occupies a big share in the market.In the information ages,we must lead a fundamental change of the original transmission in the area of Chinese anime art and widely publicize the anime art and culture,so as to make it to get more recognition from the social public.The present thesis gives an analysis into the main forms of the new media and summarizes the hysteresis performance of the anime art,and then points out several scientific countermeasures about the transmission and development of the anime art with the help of the new media.

Key words:new media;anime art;propagation characteristics;countermeasures

中圖分类号:J124 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8882(2015)04-014-02

The new media is the inevitable outcome of the information technology development,which is widely spread and applied in many different industry domains.Affected by various kinds of factors,Chinese animation industry is still in the backward stage.The lag of technical level is the key impact factor to retard the progress of Chinese animation industry.The continuous promotion of the new media provides a new platform for Chinese anime art to expand its social influence all over the world,which can be a good guidance for the development of the art industry.

1.Main forms of the new media

As the thing with a relative concept,the new media is a kind of new medium appearance developed after the traditional media such as newspapers,radios,televisions,etc.It includes the network media,mobile phone media,digital TV media,etc.Also as the thing with a broad concept,the new media is a new transmission form which provides users with information and entertainment services by channels such as the Internet,broadband local area network(LAN),wireless communication network,satellite,etc.and terminals like computers,mobile phones,digital televisions,etc.with the help of digital technology and network technology.

2.Hysteresis of Chinese anime art

The anime art has an early start in China.However,due to various constraints,it has not gained any great achievement yet in China.It can provide reference for the modern propagation mode to review the lag factors of the anime art because we can draw lessons from problems existing in the development of the anime art in early ages.The hysteresis of Chinese anime art is reflected in several aspects as below:

a.Backward consciousness

Chinese anime art has an early start which began in the fiftieth and sixtieth of the last century.At that time,the water ink animation is very special and famous along with the later coming plastic cloth animation.But unfortunately it failed to get enough attention from people in China.Thus the advantages of this kind of new art gradually vanished,letting alone its continuous innovation.This is the reason why the technology level of animation making in China is stagnant,far behind that of the foreign countries.

b.Less innovation

Restricted by the insufficient attraction and constrained by the current environment,the talents capacity in the field of anime art in China encounters a bottleneck.Anime makers copy and duplicate more without any animation feature of their own,failing to make effective development of innovation consciousness.Rather than making a unique and creative animation to draw peoples eyes,they comply with the common steps such as sports competition,man and nature, describe the plot of the story,which constrains the audience to younger groups.

c.Backward market

Restricted by traditional ideas,many parents in China are against animation creation because they think that animation creation or film is raffish and may do harm to their childrens study.This concept occupies the main thoughts of the society,which resulted in the lack of a good environment and space for Chinese animation creation.Bookstores,schools and other places of culture do not attach importance to the animation creation and even regard it as something unorthodox,so there is no market in China for many anime writers.

3.Propagation characteristics of anime art under the background of new media

At present,the domestic anime art is advocating the characteristics of continuous reform in which new anime art styles guided by new ideas are being promoted and used.Constantly optimized anime art means is the essence of this reform and innovation.Through a variety of media platforms,the new media provides the anime art with diversified ways of transmission and also presents a variety of artistic dissemination characteristics.


The anime art is a kind of comprehensive description of objective world and subjective things.The former is created by people with their brain thoughts and the latter is completed by means of words expression.The anime art highlights the human role in promoting the development of the objective world.Innovation is the driving force to promote the development of the ages.Only by adhering to reform and innovation,the value of its era can be reflected and the main trend of social change can be visualized.Based on the awareness of innovation,the anime art should focus on flexibility in the application of innovative thinking and follow the law on the basis of objective reality to express individuals thinking,so as to make individuals subjective consciousness to be reflected in the description of words.In this way,more outstanding anime art creation can be found.


In the future,the anime art will be involved in more areas.It will be not only the main element transmitted by the new media,but also a kind of art enjoyed by the new generation of youngsters.All of these are the process of animation art propagation on the platform of new media.The upgraded technology of the new media has changed the propagation way of traditional art.The high-tech media such as the Internet,digital TV,mobile devices,etc.shows the technical characteristics of the anime art propagation and guarantees the sustainable development of the anime art.


In recent years,the domestic anime art has gradually advocated the advanced propagation mode.To carry out the anime art activity centered on the platform of the new media enables people to feel the charm of the anime art well and promotes the sustainable development of Chinese anime art.In the process of making animation,creators must realize the universality of knowledge.Any kind of themes,contents and subjects can be the objective reflection of innovation consciousness and can reflect the value of different anime art.Therefore,animation creators should have an extensive reading of the materials in different fields and have an extensive thinking of the subjects related to the anime art.Only in this way,can the animation creators improve their anime art level.

4.Countermeasures of the anime arts future development

As a guarantee of the anime arts continuation and development,propagation can make the anime art to be more attractive to many people and more influential in the society.In the viewing angle of the new media,in order to seek a better development,Chinese anime art need to insist on reform and innovation and study out a strategic decision-making in several aspects such as consciousness expression,digital platform,spiritual culture,etc.

a.Emphasizing the expression of consciousness

Humans are always perceptual.Many writers have creative inspiration when the sight stirs up their feelings and makes them to fall into their melancholy condition.Then they take advantage of the scene to express changes of their emotional consciousness and present it one by one in their works.The technique of emotion-stimulating is in common use by many animation writers.A certain case or a certain object in the real life can be the trigger point to stimulate emotion.People are very likely to be affected by the scene on sight,and then they take a deeper thinking of their individual emotion.This is exactly the expression of writers individual subjective consciousness which is reflected in the anime art.

b.Establishing the digital platform

The contemporary anime art has an obvious characteristic of technique.To use a certain way of anime art to express the consciousness of innovation determines that in the course of animation propagation,diversified combinations of transmission platforms such as pictures,films,photographing,music,literature,etc.must be used persistently.As we all know,China has a long traditional historic culture.In the context of Chinese historic culture,the anime art has profound cultural connotation with distinctive features such as diversified pictures,different styles,coordination and integration,etc,which just provides a good platform for animation propagation and demonstration.Only with the help of the new media,can the charm of the anime art be better presented.

cPromoting the spiritual culture

Haziness is the common writing skill used by many animation makers.To use the feeling of haziness as the artistic expression can broad ones individual subjective thinking and integrate oneself into the expression of innovation consciousness and reflect flexibly the inherent connotation of ones individual thoughts.Both cartoon and animation works are originated from the culture in real society.They absorb new spirit in the course of social change and express their innovation ideas in the art of new media.Therefore,in the propagation of the anime art,we need to pay attention to the artistic conception of the anime art and the application of the picture implication.


The new media occupies the main trend in the revolution of information era.It relies on multiple high-techs to establish information media,which meets peoples demand to transmit the anime art.To take a long-term thinking,the animation industry must depend on the advantages of the new media to continuously propagate the anime art and attract more art lovers by means of the Internet,digital TV,mobile platform,etc.Only in this way,can the social influence of the anime art be expanded.


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