
2014-08-07范惠娟△  刘志红△  宋洁  王红宇▲

中国医药科学 2014年9期

范惠娟△  刘志红△  宋洁  王红宇▲

[摘要] 目的 分析正常成人立体心电图心室复极参数范围。 方法 选择正常成年男女各50例采集立体心电图,并对QRS-T夹角、QRS-T比值、ST段和T环各主要参数进行统计分析。 结果 正常成年男女空间QRS-T夹角均值分别为(50.6°±33.1°)(95%可信区间为41.2°~60.1°)和(48.2°±28.7°)(95%可信区间为40.1°~56.3°),QRS-T比值均值分别为(3.12±1.51)(95%可信区间为2.69~3.55)和(3.71±2.61)(95%可信区间为2.96~4.45)。男女相比,ST时间[(88.9±24.7)ms比(108.5±13.2)ms,P<0.05]、T环运行时间[(187.2±28.9)ms比(174.9±24.5)ms,P<0.05]和离支时间[(118.3 ±33.2)比(102.6±33.1),P<0.05],差异均有统计学意义。 结论 与女性相比,男性T环运行时间和离支时间更长,ST时间更短。


[中图分类号] R540.41   [文献标识码] B   [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)09-14-03

Analysis of the ventricular repolarizing parameters of three-dimensional ECGof healthy adults

FAN Huijuan1  LIU Zhihong1  SONG Jie2  WANG Hongyu2

1.Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China; 2.Department of Electrocardiography Information, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the ranges of the ventricular repolarizing parameters of three-dimensional ECG in healthy population. Methods To collect three-dimensional ECG of fifty healthy males and fifty healthy females, and contrast the QRS-T angle, the QRS-T ratio the running time, the main parameters of S-T segment and T loops, between males and females. Results In healthy males and females, the spatial QRS-T angle was (50.6 °± 33.1 °) (95% confidence interval was from 41.2° to 60.1°) and (48.2°± 28.7°)(95% confidence interval was from 40.1 ° to 56.3 °),respectively, while the QRS-T ratios were (3.12 ± 1.51) (95% confidence interval was from2.69 to 3.55) and (3.71 ± 2.61) (95% confidence interval was from2.96 to 4.45) , the difference between men and women has no statistically significance. To compare males with females, the S-T segment time(88.9±24.7ms ratio 108.5±13.2ms, P<0.05),the running time(187.2±28.9ms ratio 174.9±24.5ms, P<0.05)and the leaving branch's time(118.3 ±33.2 ratio 102.6±33.1, P<0.05)of the T loop the has statistically difference. Conclusion Compared with the females, the T-loop running time and the leaving branch's time longer are greater, the ST segment time is shorter.

[Key words] Healthy adults; Three-dimensional electrocardiography; Ventricular repolarization




表1  空间复极向量参数

观测指标 男性 女性 t P

95%可信区间* 95%可信区间*

ST时间(ms) 88.9±24.7 (81.9,95.9) 108.5±13.2 (101.7,115.4) -4.029 <0.001a

ST向量值(mv) 0.13±0.13 (0.10,0.17) 0.22±0.53 (0.06,0.37) -1.065 0.290

仰角(°) 82.8±33.4 (73.3,92.3) 78.9±36.9 (68.4,89.4) 0.550 0.584

水平角(°) 5.59±5.17 (4.12,7.06) -6.54±5.67 (-8.15,-4.93) 11.20 0.001a

T环运行时间(ms) 187.2±28.9 (180.0,195.4) 174.9±24.5 (167.9,181.8) 2.304 0.023a


T环离支时间(ms) 118.3±33.2 (108.9,127.8) 102.6±33.1 (93.2,112.0) 2.364 0.020a

T环回支时间(ms) 68.9 ±28.5 (60.8,77.0) 72.2±31.7 (63.2,81.3) -0.554 0.581

T 环 长 0.32±0.26 (0.24,0.39) 0.45±0.84 (0.21,0.68) -1.021 0.310

T 环 宽 0.36±0.28 (0.28,0.44) 0.47±0.83 (0.23,0.71) -0.896 0.372

T 环 长/宽 0.88±0.14 (0.84,0.92) 0.95±0.20 (0.89,1.00) -1.945 0.055

T 环 面积 69.8±8.8 (44.9,94.7) 91.5±14.8 (49.4,133.6) -0.891 0.375

最大向量值(mv) 0.53±0.57 (0.37,0.69) 0.76±1.41 (0.36,1.16) -1.084 0.281

水平角(°) 31.9 ±48.0 (18.3,45.5) 14.0±5.1 (-5.7,2.9) 1.800 0.075

仰角(°) 77.2 ±28.8 (69.0,85.4) 71.1±29.1 (62.9,79.4) 1.052 0.296

注: * ()内依次为双侧95%可信区间的下限和上限;a:表示男女之间有统计学差异

表2  空间除、复极联合参数

观测指标 男性 女性 t P

95%可信区间* 95%可信区间*

QRS-T比值 3.12±1.51 (2.69,3.55) 3.71±2.61 (2.96,4.45) -1.375 0.173

QRS-T夹角(°) 50.6±33.1 (41.2,60.1) 48.2±28.7 (40.1,56.3) 0.394 0.694

注: * ()内依次为双侧95%可信区间的下限和上限

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

山西医科大学第二医院2013年9~12月参加体检的人员,选择血糖、血压,肝肾功、血脂、心肌酶、凝血系列、甲状腺系列、血尿便常规(上述化验的各指标均在正常范围),心电图、心脏彩超、腹部彩超均正常,无心肺疾病的男女各50人(男性年龄范围:25~71岁,平均年龄:46.5±12.9岁;女性年龄范围24~72岁:平均年龄:42.3±11.5岁),采集立体心电图参数。正常血糖定义为空腹静脉血糖(己糖激酶法测定,范围4.2~6.1mmol/L)及糖化血红蛋白(HPLC法测定,<6.0%)均正常。血压正常定义为既往无高血压病病史,且测量3次不同时间段血压均<140/90mm Hg。

1.2 方法与指标



1.3 统计学处理

使用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析,计量资料采用()表示,男女两组比较采用独立样本t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 空间复极向量参数


2.2 空间除、复极联合参数


3 讨论


研究表明空间QRS-T夹角增大者心血管相关疾病的死亡率更大[10-12],故该夹角的预后作用是目前研究焦点,但究竟空间QRS-T夹角达到多少,对预测恶性心律失常的发生价值最大?多个研究中[12-13],提出了不同的界值,但目前对正常QRS-T夹角的范围及异常界值的划分尚无定论。国外Draisma等[14]对660个健康青年男女进行分析发现,男女性空间QRS-T夹角的均值分别为:(80°±24°)(98%可信区间为30°~ 130°)、(66°±23°)(98%可信区间为20°~ 116°)。国内李俊伟[15]等对33个冠造阴性者进行了分析发现其空间QRS-T夹角值为(59.6°±46°),与本研究结果相似。ST段和T环的改变,对心肌缺血的诊断意义重大,故制定这些参数的正常参考值也很重要。本研究分析后得出ST段和T环各参数的正常范围见前文所述。此外,空间QRS-T比值代表最大QRS向量与最大T向量振幅比值,心肌缺血时心电图上该值大于4。既往也有文献[16] 将平面QRS-T比值<4,作为心电向量图诊断冠心病心肌缺血的标准之一,但未见有关空间QRS-T比值正常值的相关文献。本研究测得正常男女的空间QRS-T比值分别为(3.12±1.51)(95%可信区间为2.69~3.55)、(3.71±2.61)(95%可信区间为2.96~4.45),有参考价值。


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[5] 范书英,柯元南,崔超英,等.立体心电图对陈旧心肌梗死的诊断价值[J].临床心电学杂志,2008,17(4):292-294.

[6] 孟祥睿,王红宇.立体心电向量图T环复极参数在无症状心肌缺血诊断中的价值[J].中国医药科学,2013,3(9):15-17.

[7] Man S,Rahmattulla C,Maan AC,et al.Role of the vectorcardiogram-derived spatial QRS-T angle in diagnosing left ventricular hypertrophy[J].Journal of Electrocardiology,2012,45(2):154-160.

[8] Frank E.An Accurate,Clinically Practical System For Spatial Vectorcadiography[J]. Circulation,1956, 13(5):737-749.

[9] Rubulis A,Jensen J,Lundahl G,et al.Ischemia induces aggravation of baseline repolarization abnormalities in left ventricular hypertrophy:a deleterious interaction[J].Appl Physiol,2006,101(1):102-110.

[10] Lipton JA,Nelwan SP,van Domburg RT,et al.Abnormal spatial QRS-T angle predicts mortality in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography for suspected coronary artery disease[J].Cornonary Artery Disease,2010,21(1):26-32.

[11] de Bie MK,Koopman MG,Gaasbeek A,et al.Incremental prognostic value of an abnormal baseline spatial QRS-T angle in chronic dialysis patients[J].Europace,2013,15(2):290-296.

[12] William W,Shimbo D,Levitan EB,et al.Relations between QRS|T Angle, Cardiac Risk Factors, and Mortality in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES III)[J].Am J Cardiol, 2012,109(7):981-987.

[13] Zhang ZM,Prineas RJ,Case D,et al.Comparison of the prognostic significance of the electrocardiographic QRS/T angles in predicting incident coronary heart disease and total mortality (from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study)[J].Am J Cardiol,2007,100(5):844-849.

[14] Draisma HH,Schalij MJ,van der Wall EE,et al.Elucidation of the spatial ventricular gradient and its link with dispersion of repolarization[J].Heart Rhythm,2006,3(9):1092,1099.

[15] 李俊伟,王建理,王红宇.立体心电向量图心室复极参数的分析[J].中国医药指南,2012,6(10):1-2.

[16] 陈珙,钟俊芳.频谱心电图和心电图阳性的临床意义[J].上海医学,1998,21(8):477-478.



[5] 范书英,柯元南,崔超英,等.立体心电图对陈旧心肌梗死的诊断价值[J].临床心电学杂志,2008,17(4):292-294.

[6] 孟祥睿,王红宇.立体心电向量图T环复极参数在无症状心肌缺血诊断中的价值[J].中国医药科学,2013,3(9):15-17.

[7] Man S,Rahmattulla C,Maan AC,et al.Role of the vectorcardiogram-derived spatial QRS-T angle in diagnosing left ventricular hypertrophy[J].Journal of Electrocardiology,2012,45(2):154-160.

[8] Frank E.An Accurate,Clinically Practical System For Spatial Vectorcadiography[J]. Circulation,1956, 13(5):737-749.

[9] Rubulis A,Jensen J,Lundahl G,et al.Ischemia induces aggravation of baseline repolarization abnormalities in left ventricular hypertrophy:a deleterious interaction[J].Appl Physiol,2006,101(1):102-110.

[10] Lipton JA,Nelwan SP,van Domburg RT,et al.Abnormal spatial QRS-T angle predicts mortality in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography for suspected coronary artery disease[J].Cornonary Artery Disease,2010,21(1):26-32.

[11] de Bie MK,Koopman MG,Gaasbeek A,et al.Incremental prognostic value of an abnormal baseline spatial QRS-T angle in chronic dialysis patients[J].Europace,2013,15(2):290-296.

[12] William W,Shimbo D,Levitan EB,et al.Relations between QRS|T Angle, Cardiac Risk Factors, and Mortality in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES III)[J].Am J Cardiol, 2012,109(7):981-987.

[13] Zhang ZM,Prineas RJ,Case D,et al.Comparison of the prognostic significance of the electrocardiographic QRS/T angles in predicting incident coronary heart disease and total mortality (from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study)[J].Am J Cardiol,2007,100(5):844-849.

[14] Draisma HH,Schalij MJ,van der Wall EE,et al.Elucidation of the spatial ventricular gradient and its link with dispersion of repolarization[J].Heart Rhythm,2006,3(9):1092,1099.

[15] 李俊伟,王建理,王红宇.立体心电向量图心室复极参数的分析[J].中国医药指南,2012,6(10):1-2.

[16] 陈珙,钟俊芳.频谱心电图和心电图阳性的临床意义[J].上海医学,1998,21(8):477-478.

