

新东方英语 2014年4期



自嘲是另一种形式的幽默。操着一口东北腔的英文在美国表演脱口秀的黄西(Joe Wong)说他的小孩现在很可爱,可刚出生时却非常丑。那时他把婴儿抱在怀里,正在琢磨家里哪个亲戚把“丑”的基因遗传给了他的孩子,一个接生护士跑过来指着小孩对黄西说:“这小孩怎么这么像你!”黄西讲这个故事就是在自嘲。

美国总统往往都是幽默的高手。前总统小布什是历届总统里最不善言辞的,但也幽默感十足,他在耶鲁大学2001年毕业典礼上的演说把自嘲发挥到了极致。比如:“To those of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students I say, you, too, can be president of the United States.”在这段演讲中,小布什嘲讽自己当初在耶鲁读书时充其量是勉强及格的学生,是拿C而不是A或B的。又如:“I took a class that studied Japanese haiku. Haiku, for the uninitiated, is a 15th-century form of poetry, each poem having 17 syllables. Haiku is fully understood only by the Zen masters. As I recall, one of my academic advisers was worried about my selection of such a specialized course. He said I should focus on English. I still hear that quite often.”在这段演讲中,小布什提到上大学时他选修了一门日本俳句课程,老师非常不解,建议他还是把精力放在英文上,言下之意是你的母语都没学好,还异想天开学日语。之后,小布什接着拿自己开玩笑,自嘲即使到现在自己的母语仍旧没学好,因为他当了总统后还是有人建议他好好学英文。他的演讲简直让人忍俊不禁,这就是幽默的魅力。








I asked my biology teacher, Mr. Zhang, to allow me some time so I could prove myself. He was not only supportive of my decision to stay on but also protective of me in his interaction with my mother during the teacher-parent conference, in which he told my mother that, though I might have had less than desirable grades, he was convinced I was learning the concepts and that patience was all that was required. I give Mr. Zhang credit for having calmed down my mother, who, I have to admit, is not known for her patience.


下面我们再通过一个申请者的个人陈述(Personal Statement)为大家进行进一步讲解。为了保持文书的完整性,我们给出了个人陈述英文的全文,并在相关段落进行了详细点评。申请者提供了个人陈述的中文初稿,大致内容如下:






I originally came from Chinas coastal province of Shandong, which is quite well known domestically as well as internationally for Tsingtao Beer, Haier electronic appliances and Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, often referred to as the sage or great teacher of moral principles and social responsibilities. What is often overlooked in the Judea-Christian dominated western world is that it was Confucius, a couple of centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ, who came up with the so-called golden rule: “You should not do unto others what you do not desire yourself.” People in Shandong are generally okay with the fact that many foreigners credit the Bible, not Confucius, for the adage (格言), but they would be somewhat offended if the outside world fails to recognize that Shandong has some of the prettiest and most livable cities in China, and that the province is the economic powerhouse of China and among the most affluent Chinese provinces, with a nominal GDP well over 4 trillion yuan—about US$712 billion.


This is not the Shandong I knew intimately. The part of Shandong where I grew up, on the west side, is called Liaocheng. There, one-fifth of the population, close to a million, are categorized as either below the poverty line or low-income. And yet, for three years now, the local government has invested more than four billion yuan on a cultural preservation development project aimed to restore the central part of the city to its ancient forms. There has been no indication that the investment has benefited the local people, many of whom are desperately trying to uplift themselves out of poverty.


My interest in the marginalized and underprivileged sectors of the Chinese society stemmed from my years of experience as a volunteer. It all started in May 2008, when Chinas southwestern Sichuan Province was hit by a deadly earthquake that claimed approximately 69,000 lives and left five million people homeless. Not long before the earthquake, my grandfather passed away. I knew how difficult it was personally for me to experience the loss of a loved one. As I watched TV reports of younger children in Sichuan having lost all other family members or older folks having to bury their children who perished under the rubble, I could not even begin to imagine their suffering. I told myself I should do something. In the following several weeks, I organized a fund-raiser at my high school. The event attracted many students and teachers who either gave money or school supplies or spent time with me collecting donations inside the school campus and in residential areas outside the school. When I handed our donations to the Red Cross on behalf of our school, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I realized that as an individual, my means were limited; but as a team, as a group and as a society, our strength was boundless. I learned that leadership is all about identifying and championing a good cause, galvanizing (激励) people and demonstrating that giving is rewarding.

I have since regularly participated in charity and volunteer work in my hometown of Liaocheng. For two years, I volunteered at local nursing homes and orphanages once a month and all through my summer breaks. I was also a member of the Spring Rain Charity that provided monetary support to school children whose families could not afford to have the kids attend school. My most memorable encounter was with Wu, a junior high school student who lived with his diabetic and bedridden mother in a poor village outside the city proper. His father was a migrant worker whose meager income, which he sent home, was not enough to provide the bare necessities, let alone buy books and pay tuition for Wu. At one point, Wu told his mom that he wanted to quit school and join his father as a migrant worker so the family could at least have two incomes. His mother was furious and told him never to enter the house anymore if he ever wanted to quit school. Such was Wus plight: he was an honor-roll student with outstanding academic performance, and yet he could not go on studying when his mother could not afford to visit the doctor. When I presented the 5,000 yuan check (about US$800) on behalf of Spring Rain Association in support of Wus schooling needs, both he and his mother started crying. When Wu said his ambition was to finish school and get gainfully employed so he could take his mother to a big city hospital for treatment, it was my turn to get teary. I was happy for Wu, but I was sad that many students like Wu right here in Liaocheng needed help: but help is not coming soon enough.

点评:同样是列举“我”的好人好事,但英文稿增加了一些“我”的其他信息,比如“我”的祖父在汶川地震之前刚过世不久,用来说明“我”对于灾区人失去亲人感同身受,这种移情作用促使“我”去为灾民募捐,这无疑比中文原稿的陈述可信度要高。有关资助贫困学生一事,中文原稿说“我发誓要为更多人不再愁学愁医而努力”,而英文稿故意放低姿态,说“many students like Wu right here in Liaocheng needed help”。言下之意,“我”个人做的非常有限,“我”该怎么办?这反映出申请者是在思考问题而不是急于表功。低调和幽默一样,代表的是一种豁达。

I studied law and economics for my undergraduate program. I know China still has a long way to go before we enact legislation to protect the interests and well-being of the economic and social underdogs. The social security system in China, as it is, does not even cover half of the population. In economics, I learned that an unemployment rate of about 4%~6% is considered healthy and that lower rates are seen as inflationary due to the upward pressures on salaries. From a social workers point of view, behind these numbers are hundreds and thousands of people who are struggling to put food on their tables, or who are forced to quit school or give up medication. They simply cannot survive if their financial, emotional, psychological, educational and medical needs are not met. In the United States, social work, as an academic discipline, a concept, a career and a cause, has a long history and wide acceptance and recognition. In Liaocheng, in Shandong, and in the Peoples Republic, social work is just beginning to emerge in the public consciousness. Much can be done and much needs to be done.



Which Is Important?