

世界建筑 2014年5期









模块化的建造方法是控制工程造价的有效方式。不管怎样,在这个项目中,在保证工期和效益的同时仍然兼顾了建筑师对居住品质和建筑整体性的要求。□(王冰 译)

Many Norwegian architects shun medium to low cost housing projects because architectural standards and quality of life considerations are too often sacrificed by developers. FuthArk shows it needn't be that way.

This project consists of 33 apartments that frame 3 sides of the property and rest on concrete foundations that house commercial units and two stories of underground parking.

The bulk of the building, dedicated to housing, was prefabricated as modules in wood and transported to site.

The limitations imposed by the site, are used creatively. The street facades are simple, projecting strength, while the inner facades are nuanced and more detailed. The courtyard, roof terraces and walkways are designed to give a hierarchy of access, from public to private. By building slender volumes the apartments receive generous amounts of daylight. The 6.3m wide wings have walkways set apart from the facade allowing light to filter down and plants to climb.

Where the modules join, vegetation and detailing contributes to functionality and ensures that the building doesn't look modular.

The modular construction method makes the project cost effective. However, the time and effort given to planning ensures that the quality of life and architectural integrity are maintained.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目建筑师/Project Architect: Amund Gulden

项目团队/Project Team: jonas Engene, Kathrine Austlid, Siri Lykke Kolstad

景观建筑师/Landscape Architects: Rainer Stange, Geir Nummedal, Birgitte Adal

总面积/Gross Area: 住宅/Housing, 2262m2, 商业/ Commercial, 927m2, 停车/Parking, 1895m2, 室外区域/ Outdoor area, 1000m2

建筑造价/Construction Cost: 55M NOK

摄影/Photos: Ivan Brodey (Fig.1, 3, 6), FuthArk (Fig.4)




4 不同遮光效果的栏杆/Railings with different shading 5 平面/Plan6 公寓走道/Apartment gangway


LI Xiaofeng: It is typically difficult to create a masterpiece with a low-cost housing project. The developer's cost constraints and the generally reduced spatial opportunities of this housing type seem to inhibit such results. In this case however, the project's site constraints stimulated the architect's creativity. This apartment complex is built on top of a concrete platform that creates a new ground plane for the residential units and houses commercial program. One of the most special features of the project is the central courtyard, enclosed on three sides by apartments. Because of the strategic reduction in the project's overall massing, the courtyard has generous solar exposure throughout the year. The apartment complex was built using prefabricated wooden modules which were transported to the site, a significant increase in the cost effectiveness of the project. Landscaping and careful facade detailing were used to disguise the building's modular origins and stress the overall architectural and spatial unity of the scheme.

ZHAO Zhonggui: This affordable housing project seems modest at first glance, but a range of thoughtful design solutions – from the scale of planning to detailing –are what sets it apart. Chinese architects working on mass housing developments could learn a lot from the decisions made here. Three blocks of housing units enclose and define a central courtyard space, creating a sense of community while ensuring the privacy of each unit. The courtyard is developed as an inviting and intimate space through the use of textured facade treatments, landscaping, and fine detailing. Building circulation is set off the facade to provide ample daylight and a more defined entrance. From the floor plans we can see that within the units bedrooms are kept compact in order to preserve a comfortable scale for the living areas and bathrooms. In all of this we catch a glimpse of the thinking behind the Nordic quality of life.

39-41 Christian Krohgs Gate, Oslo, Norway, 2012

Architects: FuthArk architects

