

新东方英语·中学版 2014年2期


"There's a new kid in our class," I told my friend Aidan as we hung up our coats at the back of the classroom.

"How do you know?" Aidan asked.

"He moved in next door to me," I said, sitting down at my desk. "Mom and I took muffins1) over yesterday."

"Class, please welcome Brady Walker," Ms. Simpson said. My new neighbor stood beside her.

"Brady, tell the class something about yourself," Ms. Simpson said.

"I'm from California," said Brady. "I have a dog that eats all my stuff."

Everyone giggled2). His dog sounds just like mine, I thought.

"I like baseball and basketball. And I take dance class."

"Dance class," Aidan yelled. "That's for girls!"

The whole class laughed. Brady's face turned bright red.

"That's enough," Ms. Simpson said.

At lunch, Brady walked over to an empty seat at my table. "Hi, Emilio," Brady said to me. "Thanks again for those awesome3) muffins. Can I sit here?"

I was about to say yes, but Jordan put his foot on the chair. "This seat is taken," he said. "Sit with the girls."

Aidan laughed.

Brady walked away and sat by himself.

That afternoon, Brady sat by himself on the bus. I felt bad for him. I thought about sitting with him, but I didn't want to get picked on4). I remembered how everyone teased5) me when I knit a scarf for Ms. Simpson. I didn't like being teased, so I gave up knitting. But what would have happened if I'd stood up for6) myself?

When I got home, I made a peanut butter and pickle7) sandwich. My dog, Gus, was barking by the living-room window. I walked over to see why. Brady was shooting baskets in his driveway8). He was really good! I went back into the kitchen to get my sandwich, but it was gone. Gus stood by the counter9) with a tiny pickle hanging from his mouth.

The next day, we had gym with Coach Kelley.

"Today we're playing basketball," Coach Kelley announced. "Emilio and Natalie will be captains10). Emilio, you pick first."

I looked around the room and noticed Brady. It felt like giant robots were wrestling inside my stomach. I didn't want to get laughed at. But I knew what I had to do.

"I choose Brady," I said.

"What?" Aidan yelled. "He can't play basketball."

A giant smile spread across Brady's face. He ran up and stood beside me. "Why did you pick me?" he asked.

"I wasn't a good friend yesterday," I said. "Plus, I know you're good at basketball."endprint

We started playing. Brady made 10 baskets and stole the ball from Aidan four times.

"Wow," Aidan said to Brady. "Where did you learn those moves?"

Brady smiled. "Ballet class."

Aidan looked at me, then at Brady. "Could you teach me?"

Brady, Aidan, and I started hanging out together all the time after that. Usually, we were in Brady's driveway, practicing our basketball ballet.






























1. muffin [?m?f?n] n. 松饼

2. giggle [?ɡ?ɡl] vi. 咯咯地笑

3. awesome [???s?m] adj. <主美口>顶呱呱的

4. pick on: <口>作弄

5. tease [ti?z] vt. 取笑;戏弄

6. stand up for: 维护,保卫

7. pickle [?p?kl] n. 腌菜,泡菜

8. driveway [?dra?vwe?] n. 私人车道

9. counter [?ka?nt?(r)] n. (= countertop) (厨房的)工作台面,也就是我们常说的流理台。

10. captain [?k?pt?n] n. (运动队的)队长

译 / 赵越endprint

