

世界建筑 2014年9期

建筑设计: 李晓东工作室

Architects: Li Xiaodong Atelier


From m2to m3: Micro Life,Research on Housing Prototype for New Migrants,2013

建筑设计: 李晓东工作室

Architects: Li Xiaodong Atelier

项目信息/Credits and Data

基地位置/Site Location: 中国超大城市/Maga cities in China

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 李晓东/LI Xiaodong

项目团队/Project Team: Martijn de Geus,Anja Riedinger,闵佳剑,Julie Xu

基地面积/Site Area: 可变/Flexible (3个模块/three modules: 2500m2)

建造面积/Floor Area: 可变/Flexible (3个模块/three modules: 17000m2)

容积率/FAR: 7

1-3 中国流动人口住宅/Migrant housing in China

4.5 国外流动人口住宅/Migrant housing abroad

1 背景





2 设计想法

在研究所发现的基础上,建筑师确认了这个计划的主要发展概念:“从微观到宏观”(from micro to macro)及“从m2到m3”(从平方米到立方米),以及可负担性、小区化、可持续性发展的理念与原则。这些想法都需要通过提出一个能为流动人口提供居所的“微生活单元”、特别是对于空间在体积的使用上更有效率的“新住宅类型”的设计来实现。而为了鼓励小区化的形成及考虑可持续性的发展,它必须是流动人口所能负担得起的出租住宅。此外,这个设计也需要能根据流动人口的需求及不同的基地情况来作调整。


2.1 关于可负担性


2.2 关于小区化


3.3 关于可持续性发展



2.4 关于胶囊







3 结语




6.7 中国微生活单元/Micro living in China

8-11 国外微生活单元/Micro living abroad

1 Background

From the midst of the biggest and fastest urbanization in human history,this project provides a suggestion for how we as architects can respond to the problems of housing the increasing population of migrants in Beijing It describes the current problems caused by this development and the resulting impact on the individuals involved The project is embedded in a generic context,defined by China's prevailing urbanization and influenced by Beijing's particular characteristics and the specifics of migrant housing.

The project endeavors to develop a design proposal targeted at the specific context by investigating micro living space as a housing improvement for migrants It also proposes a new housing typology which benefits the generic context Analysis of case study migrant housing abroad and in China allowed us to trace and summarize the development of the existing situation.

By analyzing the different approaches of existing micro living spaces it was possible to identify strategies which might enrich the development of a new migrant housing typology.

But it soon became clear that the absolute minimum of living space could not allow an appropriate quality of life and might actually have a negative impact,such as the creation of social trouble spots.After defining the design principles as affordability,community and sustainability,final research fed into a design proposal for a high density community of micro living units.

2 Thinking of Design

The concept "from micro to macro" and the design principles for affordability,community and sustainability for the final implementation were defined and developed They underlie a design proposal for micro living units for migrants and propose a new housing typology that aims to be more efficient especially in terms of volume use The units are intended to be affordable for migrants,community building and sustainable The design makes allowances for customization according to migrants' needs and local issues of the site.

From micro to macro defines a design approach for micro living of starting with the smallest unit and then increasing scale until the final building design is developed.

2.1 About Affordability

The first and most important principle for a new migrant housing typology is affordability,which is measured by its cost relative to the amount that the migrants are able to pay As previously described most migrants are in financial need and cannot afford the available accommodations in Beijing They are not able to pay a high amount of money which means that costs need to be set very low This will be achieved by using space saving architecture in order to reduce occupied space and volume to a minimum since rental prices depend on these factors Also low-cost materials and a simple structure shall be used to further reduce costs.

2.2 About Community

Community is considered to be the original form of cohabitation and a basic element of society Social integration is necessary for man's social and mental health Architecture cannot generate community,but it can provide enhanced conditions for peoples' social interaction,relationships and integration It must be use to support the creation of community and alleviate points of friction among large numbers of people living in a small spaces by designing in communal spaces and other functions both indoors and out.

2.3 About Sustainability

In order to meet the first principle of affordability,the third principle is sustainability As a sustainable development is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs",the focus will be on setting a long term strategy for the building design.

Therefore low-tech rather than high-tech strategies will be applied in order to reduce energy consumption and guarantee natural lighting and ventilation Since the building will still need a lot ofenergy for standard operation,alternative methods of energy generation will be considered in order to bring the demand for external power to a minimum New technologies might increase construction costs,but they also provide the chance of lowering energy consumption remarkably Since this thesis is focused on research and experimental design,new and experimental ways of applying technology will be considered as well In order to be utilized,such approaches might need further research but they are worth considering for what they might add to building the discourse around sustainable urbanization.

12 图示,胶囊发展/Diagram,capsule development

13 图示,胶囊/Diagram,capsules

14 图示,swisscell/ Diagram,swisscell

15 图示,独立胶囊/Diagram,capsule single

16 图示,双拼胶囊/ Diagram,capsule double

2.4 About the Capsule

As seen in the micro living space case studies,the total amount of occupied space can be reduced by reducing the individual space to a minimum and sharing other areas-facilities like sanitary or communal areas With such a schema,communal areas seem more generous and are more efficient at the same time.

Based on the concept "from micro to macro" the design process starts with the minimum individual space: the capsule As shown in the case studies,there are several possible capsule solutions However,none of them meet all the needs of migrant housing In contrast to capsule hotels,the housing concept cannot only accommodate the migrants for one night,it has to provide an approach appropriate for long-term stays The term "long-term" stands for a couple of months or even years,until migrants can improve their housing situation by their own means With this in mind,a new capsule was developed to offer residents the possibility of lying down as well as standing upright,a modification that would improve their staysignificantly.

17 平面/Floor plan

18 剖面/Section

Two types of capsules were developed: a single and a double capsule They shall provide privacy in individual spaces for singles and couples at a reduced size of 4m3per person Moreover the space of the capsules was arranged in simple shapes in standard dimensions in order to reduce production costs and improve the possibilities for configuring several capsules next to each other.

Then a material for the capsules was chosen.The material selection criteria were: low-cost,light weight,stable,well insulated,fire proof,water proof and preferably a material which can be reduced,reused or/and recycled Finally the decision was made for a material called "swisscell" Invented by a German engineer and produced by a Swiss-German company,it uses hybrid panels and honey comb technology The core of these panels consists of six angled honeycomb structures of a synthetic resinfilled cellulose (paper) This mixture,under high pressure and temperatures,transforms into light,extremely stable and thin structures.

The capsules were designed in detail and were equipped with single-or double-beds,storage space,a seating facility and a fold-out desk,a window,energy saving LED-lights,a capsule door for more privacy,W-LAN,sockets for laptops or charging phones,and a keyless RFID-access-system.

3 Conclusion

Whether the cost to benefit ratio is reasonable is a critical issue to examine on the way to realizing such a project As important to the future of the scheme is whether primary users of these capsule accommodations-the migrantswould accept them.

A rough calculation of the construction costs and the return on invest was done based on the previously illustrated floor plan The floor area was calculated and divided by the number of people it could accommodate The result was the required area per person Afterwards the calculation was adapted to 1000 people in order to receive representative results With an estimated average construction cost of 3000 RMB/m2,the construction costs for a building which can accommodate 1000 people sum up to approximately 16,8 Mio RMB In addition to that,the costs for 1000 capsules were estimated with 3000 RMB/capsule,which means another 3.0 Mio RMB In total,the construction of a building for 1000 people including the capsules has estimated costs of 19.8 Mio RMB As migrants cannot afford high rental prices,the monthly rent was defined as 300 RMB per person per month.The rent was now combined with the maximum number of residents As the calculation shows,the investment can be fully covered after approximately 5.5 years of full occupancy,while delivering an interest rate of about 18% on the initial investment With this fact this migrant housing project,which is closer in spirit to social housing than to commercial building projects,can still compete with other financial investments and might be attractive for investors.

19 效果图,外景/3D image,exterior

20 效果图,公共空间/3D image,mutual space

21 效果图,内景/3D image,interior

22 效果图,在城市中/3D image,in context

23 效果图,社区/3D image,community




ZHANG Li: Density is an indispensible issue inherent to the urbanization around the globe today No matter how romantic the nostalgia toward the life of the Yeoman is,housing more people on a smaller footprint is a must to sustainability Here,we have a bold attempt from an architect that is known for his interpretation of the poetics of dwelling,albeit on a problem that is more realistic than poetic Actually,the concerns over practical issues as such is a great tradition from the early pioneers of Modernism Interestingly,the solution provided by the architect here,utopian as it is,does involve elements that are poetical: the minimization of the space based on the beauty of human body,the public space as the interface between man and nature,the playful yet straightforward expression of gravity in the combination of the modules The poetics of density? Seems that we've got some here.

