

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2013年8期


My husband Jeff and I moved into our new home in Scottsbluff last year just before Christmas. I did not have the ___1___ or energy to carry out my traditional Christmas decorating and baking activities. What was the point, anyway? It was going to be a ___2___ Christmas after all.

___3___, the neighborly nature of west Nebraska residents started to trickle[陆续来临] in.

There was a ___4___ on the door one evening. It was Jeffs new colleague, John Smith, and his wife, Phyllis. The Smiths had stopped by to ___5___ us to town with a loaf of homemade bread. They pointed out a ___6___ on the porch[门廊]. Apparently the doorbell wasnt working in the cold snowy weather and we had ___7___ a visit from the Browns, our across-the-street neighbors, who brought us a Christmas card and more Christmas cookies.

The ___8___ feelings brought by these thoughtful gestures lasted longer than the food.

As Jeff and I were clearing pre-Christmas ___9___ from our driveway, Ernie Guzman came over from next door to ___10___ us to dig out.

Then, we received an invitation to ___11___ a Christmas Eve meal with our neighbors, Ernie and Nancy Sommer, and their ___12___— a 90-year-old lady, who also had no family in the immediate area with whom to spend the holiday.

Our Christmas Eve was quite merry, thanks to our ___13___. Our Christmas morning ___14___ was special, thanks to the Smithsgift of bread. I was so ___15___ for these gestures of welcome, especially during the holidays.

This year, we were again unable to be with our families for Christmas. The ___16___ and work schedules just made things too difficult. ___17___ that sense of Christmas isolation[孤独] all too well, we decided to try to round up some other folks who were ___18___ in the holidays.

Lonely people are all around us, but most of us ___19___ notice them. Just take a look around you. Sometimes, the smallest ___20___ gesture can make a world of difference.

1. A. chance B. time C. anxiety D. ability

2. A. merry B. free C. lonely D. usual

3. A. Therefore B. Meanwhile C. Somehow D. However

4. A. card B. sign C. knock D. note

5. A. welcome B. invite C. drive D. send

6. A. tree B. package C. mail D. flower

7. A. forgot B. arranged C. received D. missed

8. A. deep B. true C. warm D. mixed

9. A. snow B. rubbish C. dust D. leaves

10. A. teach B. help C. urge D. forbid

11. A. share B. prepare C. taste D. exchange

12. A. aunt B. guest C. maid D. partner

13. A. folks B. relatives C. colleagues D. neighbors

14. A. call B. greeting C. breakfast D. meeting

15. A. sorry B. eager C. ready D. grateful

16. A. distance B. expense C. season D. situation

17. A. Studying B. Showing C. Knowing D. Discovering

18. A. alone B. busy C. happy D. active

19. A. always B. seldom C. finally D. usually

20. A. careful B. patient C. vague D. kind


A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the studentsfriend, for his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.

As they went along, they saw ___1___ in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had ___2___ finished his days work.

The student ___3___ the professor, saying, “Lets play the man a(n) ___4___: we will hide his shoes, and we stay behind those bushes, and wait to see his ___5___ when he cannot find them.”

“My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never ___6___ ourselves at the expense of the poor. You are ___7___, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of helping the poor man. Put a ___8___ into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the ___9___ affects him.”

The student did so, ___10___ they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.

The poor man soon finished his work, and came ___11___ the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While ___12___ his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something ___13___, he bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin.

Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face. He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again. He then looked around ___14___ on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and went on to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was ___15___ on finding the other coin.

His feelings ___16___ him; he fell upon his ___17___, looked up to heaven and let out a sincere thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and __18___, and his children without bread, whom the timely giving, from some unknown hand, would save from dying.

The student stood there deeply affected, his eyes filled with tears. “Now,” said the professor, “are you not much better pleased than if you had played your ___19___ trick?” The youth replied, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the ___20___ of those words, which I never understood before: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

1. A. hanging B. lying C. sitting D. hiding

2. A. nearly B. seemingly C. closely D. equally

3. A. looked back B. referred to C. turned to D. puzzled over

4. A. fun B. amusement C. entertainment D. trick

5. A. opinion B. confusion C. emotion D. enthusiasm

6. A. treat B. dedicate C. amuse D. occupy

7. A. healthy B. kind C. mean D. rich

8. A. coin B. penny C. dollar D. pound

9. A. pleasure B. discovery C. tiredness D. possibility

10. A. and B. but C. thus D. therefore

11. A. around B. across C. into D. toward

12. A. taking on B. looking on C. putting on D. hanging on

13. A. hard B. tight C. soft D. loose

14. A. that B. it C. themselves D. himself

15. A. folded B. accelerated C. doubled D. improved

16. A. mastered B. beat C. betrayed D. overcame

17. A. hands B. knees C. feet D. legs

18. A. beautiful B. merciless C. hopeful D. helpless

19. A. intended B. required C. wanted D. interested

20. A. faith B. fact C. truth D. reliability


A young man stole into a room through an open window. He ___1___ through all the rooms, but he didnt find any money ___2___ a bankbook[存折]. He thought, “If I have some credentials[证件] of its ___3___, Ill be able to get the money in the bank.” Suddenly to his ___4___, he caught sight of an identity card[身份证] on the surface of the desk just before him, ___5___ he snatched it quickly and rushed to the bank with excitement.

___6___ over the bankbook and the identity card, the woman clerk in the bank was so ___7___ that her face suddenly turned ___8___ and she sat there dumbfounded[目瞪口呆] for a minute. But she tried her best to ___9___ back her expression, and then in a ___10___ voice said to this uncommon man. “Excuse me, can you ___11___ me what is the relationship between you and the owner of the bankbook?” Being so ___12___, the young man who was waiting ___13___ red,“He… he. oh, sorry, I ___14___ she… she is my wife…” “Now, I see,” ___15___ the woman clerk, and almost at the same time, she gave a quick ___16___ on a button. Immediately an aged policeman came ___17___ a side room.

“Come along with me, young man,” said the policeman.

“Whats the matter?” the man shouted back in a cold voice.

“Look at this!” it was a womans angry voice.

The man couldnt ___18___ looking up and to his surprise he ___19___ it was the woman clerk who was holding the identity card beside her face. Also, the photo on it ___20___ she was just the owner of the bankbook.

1.A. searched B. entered C. moved D. walked

2.A. for B. of C. or D. but

3.A. money B. person C. owner D. bank

4.A. surprise B. joy C. sorrow D. success

5.A. soon B. however C. so D. fortunately

6.A. Handing B. Taking C. Giving D. Thinking

7.A. shy B. shamed C. moved D. astonished

8.A. cold B. pale C. red D. bright

9.A. keep B. take C. look D. show

10.A. exciting B. calm C. surprising D. special

11.A. prove B. talk C. tell D. express

12.A. asked B. demanded C. questioned D. ordered

13.A. went B. answered C. promised D. replied

14.A. think B. suppose C. mean D. believe

15.A. spoke B. agreed C. repeated D. said

16.A. knock B. beat C. touch D. blow

17.A. towards B. out of C. outside D. into

18.A. help B. insist on C. delay D. stop

19.A. knew B. heard C. understood D. found

20.A. judged B. suggested C. discovered D. Wrote


In 1929, the New York stock market collapsed[崩溃], and the manager of a big company came home with a ___1___ heart.

“Honey, what happened?”his wife asked him, ___2___.

“Im done! Im finished! My ___3___ went into bankruptcy[破产], and all the properties will be closed down by the court tomorrow,“he said, and began to ___4___ sadly.

His wife asked gently, “___5___about your body? Is it to be closed down, too?”

“No!” he looked up at his wife, ___6___.

“What about me, your ___7___ ?”

“No!” he mopped his __8__ and gazed at her hopelessly.

“What about your kids?”

“Of course not.”

“Then ___9___ do you say all the properties will be closed down? You still have a supportive wife and several ___10___ kids. Plus you still have ___11___ experience, good health, and a quick mind that God ___12___ you. ___13___the money you lost, its just ___14___ that you used to possess but not any more. You can still work and ___15___ money in the future.”

Three years later his company became one of the top corporations ___16___ by Fortune. All his achievement was due to several ___17___ from his wife.

When you are down, make a list of all your ___18___:

Do you have intact[完整的] hands and ___19___?Do you have a good brain and a sound health? Do you have any relatives, friends, lovers or kids? Focus your attention on ___20___ you still have rather than on what you have lost, then youll find you are actually fortunate.

1. A. light B. happy C. heavy D. relaxing

2. A. smiling B. smiled C. to smile D. smile

3. A. factory B. shop C. school D. company

4. A. smile B. weep C. laugh D. sing

5. A. When B. Why C. Where D. What

6. A. confusing B. confusion C. to confuse D. confused

7. A. wife B. daughter C. son D. girlfriend

8. A. drinks B. tears C. money D. letters

9. A. when B. why C. how D. what

10. A. hopeless B. hope C. hopeful D. hopefully

11. A. much B. many C. few D. little

12. A. gives B. will give C. gave D. was giving

13. A. As for B. As from C. As of D. as well

14. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

15. A. borrow B. lend C. earn D. lose

16. A. to choose B. chosen C. choosing D. to be chosen

17. A. words B. books C. advice D. companies

18. A. properties B. money C. friends D. relatives

19. A. foot B. head C. eyes D. feet

20. A. that B. which C. what D. it




1.B 因为刚刚搬来,事务很多,所以应是“没有时间”来进行圣诞节的准备。下文并列的是“没有精力”,对应。

2.C 刚搬来不久,人生地不熟。下文提到“与家人不在一起”,所以“孤独”为好。A项不妥,因为平常的圣诞节应是高兴的,而那一次与家人分开,又到一个新地方,所以C项正确。

3. D 有转折意义。本来是“孤独的”,然而邻居们接踵而来,不感到孤独了。

4. C 下文讲一个同事来访,送来面包。先“敲门”,然后进来。

5.A 这个同事不是来邀请的,不选B,而是来送面包表示欢迎的,应选A。

6.B 面包是包着的,不是一般的邮件,C项不对,应选B。

7.D 上文说门铃出故障,所以错过了一个来访。如用C项接受了一个拜访与上文就没有联系。

8.C “温暖”的感情比较贴切。

9.A 上文有动词clear,下文有动词dig , 所以snow 比较合理。rubbish不符常情。

10. B 邻居来帮助我们。

11. A share意为“共同度过”。

12. B 根据上下文,他们邀请孤独的,家人不在身边的人一起过圣诞节。如果是aunt就还算他们的亲属,应为guest。

13. D 圣诞节过得快乐,多亏了邻居们。

14. C Smiths先前送来面包。此题空档前有Christmas morning,空档后有多亏Smiths的面包,所以应理解为早餐吃面包。

15. D grateful,“充满感激的”。

16. A 上一句讲与家人分离,不能团聚。应理解为工作需要与家人有了距离,不能团聚,A项正确。

17. C D项“发现”瞬间性较强。C项“知道”状态性较强,用来表示原因较好。

18. A 此段都讲与家人不能团聚的情况,他们当然是孤独的。

19. B 转折意义,孤独的人很多,但很少有人注意到。

20. D 此句点题,轻微的友好之举会创造一个和谐世界。其他形容词意义不符合。



1.B 小路上放着一双旧鞋,应是平放着,不是高高地立着,不用C项。也不是藏着,一眼就看到,D项也错。

2.A 他们看到农夫劳动的情况,下文提到不久就上来穿鞋了,所以“即将结束”正确。

3.C A项语法不对,少介词at。C项表示“转过身来”,正确。

4.D 下文讲学生想藏起农夫的鞋子,所以是“捉弄他”,D项正确。其他三项一般与make搭配,B、C两项表示“娱乐”,意义也不对。

5.B 此处指农夫找不到鞋时的状态,C项表示“情感”,B项表示“慌乱”,故选择B项。

6.C 教授教育学生不能将取乐建立在穷人的痛苦之上。B项意为“奉献”,错误。

7.D 此句中有poor,相对于穷人你是富有的,下文讲到给穷人点钱,所以D项合理。B项与上下文联系不紧密。

8. A 下文提到农夫拿到硬币。其他三项都是货币单位,不表示具体物质,与each连用也不好。

9.B 主体动词是affects,应是“发现硬币”对他会产生什么影响。不是“高兴”对他产生什么影响,不能选A。

10. A and表示时间上的顺序,连接下一分句。

11. B came across the field,“从田中走过来”,across也指在表面上。D项的方向不对,不是向田间走去。

12. C 穿衣服用put on。

13. A 脚穿进鞋,感到有什么东西硬硬的,A项正确。穿进鞋里应感到鞋紧,不是那个东西紧。所以不选B。

14. D 环顾他自己的四周。

15. C 此句描写农夫又发现另一枚硬币的心情,他不知为何鞋中有硬币。一只鞋中有硬币已经使他感到奇怪。另一只鞋中又有硬币,就“双倍”奇怪了。A项表示“折叠起来”,B项表示“加速”,D项表示“改善”,意义都不妥。

16. D 农夫拿到硬币时的心情和举动使我们深为感动。overcame此处意为征服。A项表示“精通”,B项表示“击败”,C项表示“背叛”,都不准确。

17. B on或upon后常接人体部位,表示该部位朝下或接触地面,此句指农夫跪下来。A项、C项都表现不出“虔诚”。

18. D 农夫诉说他的困境,无助。B项意为无情,不仁慈,不对。

19. A intended,“故意的”,此处指“故意地捉弄人”。D项意义和语法都不对。如果用interesting,语法正确,但意义不对。

20. C A项表示“真诚”。C项表示“真理,真谛”。D项表示“依赖”。此句表示我知道这句话的真谛:施予比接收更有福。应选C项。



1. A search through意思为“翻遍,搜遍”,小偷潜入房子搜遍所有房间。

2. D 他只发现了一个存折。but是介词,意思为“除……之外,没有”,也可用except。

3. C 找到存折,还必须找到主人(owner)的相关证件才能取到钱。

4. B 他突然看到了一个身份证,欣喜若狂。To his joy意思为“令人高兴的是”。

5. C 与上句构成因果关系,故用so。

6. B 那个clerk接过存折看,hand over意思为“移交,交送”;take over意思为“接过”。

7. D 女士十分惊讶,那是她本人的身份证,astonished意思为“惊讶的,吃惊的”。

8. B turn pale意思为“脸色转白”。

9. A 她竭力控制自己不要发作,keep back意思为“控制,抑制”。

10. B 经过努力,她终于用镇静的(calm)声音问小偷。

11. C can you tell me the relationship between……?是一常用句型。

12. A 用镇定的(calm)声音问小偷,不是警察对小偷似的审问,故用ask“问(一般的问题)”。 13. A go red与turn red中的动词都是“变得”的意思。这里用作系动词。

14. C think / believe意思为“认为”;mean意思为“意思是……”,此处应该是“确定地说”之意。

15. D 女士自言自语地说。

16. C give a quick touch on sth.与touch sth. quickly同义。

17. B came out of a side room意思为“从旁边屋里走出来”。

18. A couldnt help doing sth.意思为“情不自禁地做某事”。

19. D found意思为“发现”;heard意思为“听说”,这里应该是“发现”。

20. B suggest除了表示“建议”外,还有“表明,提示,暗示”之意,此时宾语从句不必用虚拟。



1. C 考查形容词,根据上文In 1929, the New York stock market collapsed可知在纽约股票市场崩溃,故先问应该是怀着沉重的心情。

2. A 考查动词用法,这里需要现在分词做伴随状语。

3. D 考查名词,根据第一段最后一句话“and the manager of a big company came home”可知。

4. B 查查动词,根据下文“Im done!Im finished!”可知破产后应该哭泣,故答案为weep。

5. D what / how about为固定短语,意为“怎样”。

6. D confused为过去分词用做形容词,表示伴随。

7. A 根据上文His wife asked gently可知。

8. B 根据上文and gazed at her hopelessly.可知他绝望地看着妻子,故断定他擦去的应该是泪花。

9. B why表示原因,该句意思是“那你为什么说所有的财产都失去了呢?”

10. C hopeful用做定语, 根据句意“你有支持你的妻子和好几个大有希望的孩子”。

11. A experience意为“经验”时为不可数名词,不需要用much,该句意思是“你有丰富的经验”。

12. C 此处为虚拟语气。

13. A as for 为固定短语,意为“至于,就……来说”。

14. D 考查代词用法,该句意思是“钱只是你曾经拥有但现在不再属于你的一些东西。”

15. C earn money为固定短语,意为“赚钱”。

16. B 这里应该用过去分词做定语。

17. A 根据上文的对话可知。

18. A 考查名词,根据第9个空后面的do you say all the properties will be closed down可知应该选财产properties。

19. D 根据上文Do you have intact hands可知与hands对应的为feet。

20. C what是宾语从句的引导词,在句子中做宾语。

