

疯狂英语·原声版 2013年6期

说到吃,能让你眼界大开的不仅仅是藜麦,还有位于印度孟买一家现代化的高效午餐外卖店。相信每个人都曾与外卖打过交道,有人也许还曾在外卖店打过工,送过外卖,但我们要介绍的这一家,可是非一般的外卖店噢 ^-^ Host: Think about how Americans often order pizza delivery. Now, imagine you had an arrangement to deliver lunch to your office every day. Imagine further that everybody in the office received a delivery every day, and so did everybody in the office next door. And imagine that its Indian food.

A system somewhat like this has prevailed for a century in one of the worlds largest cities, Mumbai. Every day in Indias business capital, thousands of delivery men, called *dabbawallahs hand-deliver meals to doorsteps across the city. Elliot Hannon reports from Mumbai on how this traditional service is delivering meals from a 21st century source.

Elliot: For decades, Indian workers have had their lunches delivered, usually from home kitchens. The prices were cheap and the food traditional Indian fare. But thats changing.




Nityanand Shetty (Chef): This is our main kitchen. Its like a 2,000 ft2 kitchen. This guy is making the South Indian menu. Hes making a 1)beetroot dhosa. Then the other guy is making an egg white omelet over here.

Elliot: Nityanand Shetty is the head chef at Calorie Care, a high-end, health-obsessed delivery joint.

Nityanand: Its a new trend that has been started. Its a traditional dabbawallah, but at a premium kind of a thing, where the customer is conscious about what hes eating; hes not bothered about what price hes paying. So, the delivery chain remains the same, but the food, where it is coming from has changed.

The kitchen starts at night, 11 oclock. The food comes out of the kitchen somewhere around 2, 2:30, 3 oclock. Then the packing guys will start packing their food.

Elliot: Its a complicated process with hundreds of different meals, all with specific calorie counts. Calorie Care relies on software to keep everything straight. After a night of cooking and a morning of packing, each meal is put into a small metal 2)canister, or 3)tiffin, in time for the dabbawallahs pickup.

Nityanand: So when he comes at 9 oclock, everything has to be ready for him because they are on a very tight schedule. The dabbawallahs have a huge network. Thats the whole reason why we still use dabbawallahs. And theyre very effective.







Elliot: Right on time, Kishan Palvar arrives for the pickup from Calorie Care. Hes one of 5,000 dabbawallah deliverymen who ferry some 200,000 lunches to offices across the city. The couriers make 500 rupees, or about$10, per person for a month of deliveries. Palvar picks up several dozen lunches here. To make sure each lunch pail ends up at the right place, each container has a 4)hieroglyphic-like coding system painted on the lid.

Kishan: Yeah, code number, yes, 94 M 1.

Elliot: Palvar checks the codes, scoops up his cargo and heads outside to load up. He clips the containers to the handlebars of his bicycle and starts his 45-minute cycle to the train station. At the station, the platform is jammed and so are the trains. Three dabbawallahs haul trays the size of dinner tables from the doorway of a commuter train. Some are transferred to other trains to go to different parts of the city. Lunches can be transferred three or four times before finally ending up on desktops of customers like Arif Bandukwala, who sits in a back office of a packaging plant waiting for his vegetarian entree.

Arif: I get my lunch everyday. Packing a lunch and bringing it, it doesnt serve the purpose. And also what I like about the food is its less of salt, so it suits our appetite.

Elliot: Before he leaves, the delivery man collects yesterdays container and the process starts all over again for tomorrow.


基尚:是的,编码,对,94 M 1。






在马拉地语中,达巴瓦拉意为“送盒子的人”,指在印度孟买从事将刚做好的午饭饭盒从上班族的住家运往他们的工作地点,并且将空饭盒带回来这一行业的人。Tiffin在旧英语中指“简单的午餐”,有时也指装午餐的饭盒。因此,达巴瓦拉在英语中有时也会被称为“Tiffin Wallahs”。尽管这个行业看似简单,但是它却是孟买高度专业的服务,有超过一个世纪的历史,是这个城市文化的一部分。达巴瓦拉的概念始于英属印度时期。许多来到殖民地的英国人不喜欢本地食物,因此一项将午餐从他们的家中直接送至工作地点的服务应运而生。今天,印度的商务人士是达巴瓦拉的主要客户。

