

世界建筑 2011年2期

陈曦/CHEN Xi






1.1. 建筑作为达成城市“共识”的斡旋手段


1.“Architectural Evolution” and its design philosophy

As BIG's founding architect Bjarke Ingels writes in his book YES IS MORE:

“rather than revolution, we are interested in evolution. Like Darwin describes creation as a process of excess and selection, we propose to let the forces of society, the multiple interests of everyone, decide which of our ideas can live,and which must die.”[1]

This so-called "architectural evolution" was developed through BIG's exploration during the last five years. Although it was raised up by industrial designer Eliot Noyes in 1950s, "evolution instead of revolution" was introduced to the field of architecture design for the first time by architect Bjarke Ingels.[2]

The "architectural evolution" depends on the assumption that environment would feed the architecture creation, and this idea was later transformed into the title of Bjarke's new book: YES IS MORE. He believes that since the traditional avantgarde were saying "No" to everyone, they defined themselves by what they are against rather than they are for. As a result, it led to an succession of contradictions where each generation vote for the opposite of the previous.[1]On the contrary, "YES"represents a "pragmatic utopian architecture" that allows architects to say yes to all aspects of human life. By saying "YES", architecture would get evolved through the evaluation and selection of environment.

1.1. Architecture as an approach to reach city's consensus

Undoubtedly, "YES" is derived from its society. As a welfare country emphasizing "consensus", Denmark was built on the ground principles like "each citizen has equal rights" or "each viewpoint deserves same respect". However, it usually leads to compromise or equal boring. A gray goo of sameness accounting for the vast majority of the Copenhagen city stands for this rule of "equity = compromise". BIG challenged this rule by asking "what if trying to make everybody happy did not have to lead to sacrifice of different sectors?" Regarded themselves as "politicians" of space, BIG points a way to incorporate and integrate differences by tying conflicting interests into an inclusive rather than exclusive architecture.[1]

Thus, BIG's architecture creation serves as a way to approach social consensus in accordance with specific context. In some projects, "evolution" extends architects' vision from instinct geometric creation into deliberation on context programs, users and life styles. In other words, architects transformed their task from purely beautification into negotiation of multi-interests in urban space.

Copenhagen's Clover Field project is a good example of this idea. In 2005, the social democratic mayor Ritt Bjerregaard was elected and going to fulfill her promise of making 5 000 homes for low-incomes.BIG was invited to design a new residential community on a large playground zone in the center of Amager.However, this new residential program would no doubt encounter strong objection from football lovers and adjacent neighborhood. Home or football field? BIG suggested a third way to get both by building a narrow strip of residential program along the edge of the playground.

Continuing with this initial idea, BIG curved around existing club facilities and varied the height to respect the neighbors. This set of operations well achieved the requirements of politicians, developers and existing community. The plan soon got admiration from the major and greatly influenced the Danish Society.


哥本哈根三叶草运动场项目就体现着这样的“进化”思想。2005年,哥本哈根新市长丽特·比耶高在竞选中获胜,并准备兑现其竞选诺言——兴建5 000处中低收入住宅,BIG被邀请在阿迈厄区中心一片巨大开阔的足球场上设计新的社区。不难预料,该项目满足低收入者居住要求的同时,势必将受到周边市民及运动爱好者的强烈反对。要住宅还是足球场?两难境地之下,BIG在第一轮住宅替代球场的方案基础上,提出了新一轮共赢方案,通过沿球场的外围新建住宅,形成长城式蜿蜒漫长的构筑物,从而确保其内部的城市公共空间丝毫未损。


1.2. 基于空间类型研究的可持续性建筑设计

“建筑进化论” 不只回应政治与开发利益中的复杂矛盾,同时也将可持续设计的理念作为“进化”过程中的选择标准。BIG认为,科技的不断进步,往往使得建筑表皮成为了一种以机械方式消耗能量而对建筑的不舒适进行补偿的方法,然而,建筑师事实上可以将某些环境品质在建筑的设计过程中加以考虑,而不只是简单地依赖各类机械设备。[3]



1.2. Sustainable concern based on typological studies

"Architectural evolution" is about not only social conflict, but also sustainable design. BIG believes that building surfaces essentially is an energy consuming and mechanical way of compensating for the fact that building is bad for what it is designed for. So BIG's architects put attribute to the physical design of the building instead of the machine room.[3]

Bjarke Ingels sometimes cites Danish ecologist Bj¿rn Lomborg's viewpoint on "Copenhagen Consensus",which seeks to establish priorities on Earth's environmental challenges based on the theory of welfare economics. It uncovers a fundamental understanding that ecology against economy as good vs. evil. Traditional environmentalists recommend people to limit their uses of air-conditioning, hot bath, and etc. Thus,sustainability is erected as a contradictory term against life quality. However, BIG concerns about sustainability by doing typological studies on complementary programs to ensure the utilities of each program can be maximized.

In the conceptual project "Little Denmark", BIG's architects discovered that different activities had different energy consumption patterns. For example,houses spent energy on heating while offices spent more energy on cooling. So they argued that by analyzing the consumption pattern of each program in our society, we can get an overview of the particular needs and excesses一of energy, heat and water. As a result, they can design buildings with complementary program adjacent to each other to optimize the energy consumption. For instance,a self-sufficient system can be created by designing a swimming pool and a supermarket, where heat exchange happens between the refrigerators of the supermarket and swimming pool.

2. “原型进化”所指导的设计实践

2.1. 原型的进化





3 KUBE竞赛研究模型(部分)/Model thinking of KUBE

4 BIG建筑事务所模型库(局部)/BIG’s archive

2.2. 设计方式:模型思考与原型档案






2. "Prototype Evolution" and its design approach

2.1. Prototypes' evolution

Architectural prototypes' evolution is one of the most important clues of BIG's design practice, which applies similar spatial prototypes in different circumstances and requirements. As a result, those prototypes will evolve into different outcomes better fitting their circumstance.

The Little Denmark project mentioned above,represents a symbolic prototype of BIG: the stepping residential units above + large public space underneath.This classical mountain-like structure consistently emerged in a number of BIG's projects.

In an interview of 2009, Bjarke pointed at a very old model and told me that it was his thesis project in school which served as a great example of "evolution".That model clearly showed a hybrid structure with housing above and sports hall below. Bjarke said, "that building evolved into the first model for the Mountain,and some of these ideas have been carried further in the Battery project, where you have the housing terraces outside and public programs inside".[3]

From his thesis project to the Battery, many of the elements were remained, such as terraced housing and gardens, public hall, pedestrian path, and pyramid shape. However, according to different clients and contexts, "mountain" has been evolved in different directions: in the Battery project, schools, mosque,commercial uses are competing against each other within the site boundary, eventually led to large public amenities like library, mosque and commercial street at ground level; but the Mountain utilized the bottom space as parking facility to support garden housing units with great views on top, and they all together serve as a self-sustained community in the wild suburbs of Copenhagen. BIG claims that by continuously visiting the key ideas of their work, they can absorb new gradients and advance it to the higher level, and gradually "evolve" the idea.

2.2. Design approach: model-thinking and prototype-archiving

On one hand, the design outcomes shaped by political, economic and environmental concern represent the idea of "natural selection" according to BIG's "evolution" theory. On the other hand, BIG's design method based on model-making and archiving support the platform of "excess production", which is also fundamental to the mutation and multiplication process of the "evolution".

In the Copenhagen KUBE competition I participated in 2009, a large amount of model making provided the team helpful visions, beyond the limitation of computer in terms of dimension and context. In just one month, a team of three people made more than one hundred 1:500 and 1:200 models.Earliest weeks we kept doing massing models to test different site plans, then comparative tests on several interesting schemes, later zoomed into large scale models to test spatial quality and architecture details.This sequence of model works suited the idea of"evolution" theory surprisingly. In the TED lecture,Bjarke Ingels once described the way that office worked as the "Evolution Tree" diagram: a project evolved from a series generations of design meetings, muted with other models (for instance, a beautiful model and a functional one), and then generated the final design outcome as a survival sample out of the architecture selection.[4]

5 BIG建筑方案之进化/Architectural evolution

(1-5 图片来源:Bjarke Ingels Group)

This process on model-making inherited the tradition of Scandinavian architects who usually use model as a design tool rather than representational tool from conceptual studies to details. Moreover, it reflects the culture of prefabricated architecture in Denmark that the entire building industry is based on prefabricated modules and concrete elements. This circumstance urges Danish architects to think about architecture in module. As Bjarke once said,"contemporary Denmark has become a country entirely made from lego slabs," model-making as a work method perfectly suits the vision of modular architecture. In some projects like Lego Towers, models even had a clear impact on the geometry of the architecture.

Furthermore, another important work method in BIG is the way of archiving models and ideas due to the fact that many great ideas that do not fit the current context may be suitable for a different client and culture.As a result, BIG never throws anything out. Instead,architects keep all working models for the archive in case that they would be needed. Ideally, in future architects can easily grab ideas and mute them into the new ideas that our society would be looking for.

At the end of YES IS MORE, one single diagram describes the influences of different projects on each other, which illustrates the key methodology of BIG's"architectural evolution": archiving, muting, evolving and testing ideas. As a young firm with only five-year history, it has attracted world-wide attention owing to its unique design philosophy and working method.Let's see what it would become for this experimental practice in the future.□

[1] INGELS B, BIG Bjarke Ingels Group. Yes is More : An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution. Dansk arkitekturcenter, eds, Koln: Evergreen, 2010.

[2] JANTZEN U. TEXT MESSAGE: Bjarke Ingels.Metropolis Magazine, 2010(1): 90.

[3] 因格尔斯 B,陈曦. BIG的更多意义.城市·环境·设计,2010(10):112-117/INGELS B, CHEN X. BIG IS MORE.Urban.Environment.Design. 2010,47(10): 112-117

[4] TED Talk, Bjarke Ingels at TED,

