

中学生英语 2011年18期

华中师范大学外国语学院 赵凡 供稿


Eilizabeth Taylor, Forever Beauty

华中师范大学外国语学院 赵凡 供稿


姓名(Name):伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)


出生地(Place of Birth):英国伦敦(London,UK)

出生日期(Date of Birth):1932年2月27日(February 27th,1932)


生命奇迹(Life M iracle):曾经做过上百次手术,均成功(Hundreds of successful operations in her life)

主要成就(M ajor Achievements):第三十三届奥斯卡最佳女主角,第三十九届奥斯卡最佳女主角(the best actress in the 33rdand 39thOscar)

Elizabeth Taylor is considered of great importance in the world film industry.She is treated as a person with Hollywood feature in the history of American film.During her sixty years in Hollywood,she has got so many special names,such as “the legendary(传奇的)film star in Hollywood”,“the evergreen(常青的)tree in Hollywood”,“forever blooming (开花的)flower in Hollywood”, “the No.1 beauty in the world”and so on.She ismuch known for her beautiful blue-purple eyes all around the world.


She is the first person who gotmillions of dollars by her acting performance.She won the Oscar Awards twice.Many people became very famous after they won the honors of Oscar,but soon they gradually became unpopular.But Taylor’s charm (魅力)has lasted forever.In 1999,she was chosen the seventh greatest actresses in a hundred years by Motion Picture Association(电影协会)of America.


She is very kind and upright(正直的). This is very respectable(可敬的).Many old actors and actresses,including Taylor,were invited to celebrate the sixtyth years of Oscar. But the USA attacked(袭击)Iraq that year. She gave an anti-war(反战的)speech.She hated war and called for stopping war. However,she was told not to attend the awarding ceremony(颁奖典礼)the day before the ceremony.As a result,Taylor could only watch the ceremony at home.


When she was single,she was also very dedicated(献身的)to the career of AIDS.At that time,many of her friends didn’t understand her.Even so,she ignored(忽视)it and kept doing so.Finally people accepted her and supported her.And President Bill Clinton received her and had a photo with her.The president expressed his thanks to Taylor’s contribution (贡献)to combating AIDS.And then Taylor became a respectable honorary ambassador(大使)for AIDS.


Fans make the comment on Taylor like this:The beauties in the world are countless(数不清的)while classical beauties are more pleasant and make people unforgettable.She is the beauty among beauties and the most beautiful flower among flowers.In a word,her beauty,love and achievements make her a legend during all her life.



Acting legend (传奇)Elizabeth Taylor has passed away.Taylor died in Los Angeles at the age of 79.The English-American actress,who was thought one of the great actresses of Hollywood’s golden age,was born in London on 27 February 1932.She won two Oscars in the 1960s. Taylor had more than fiftymovies.And she was also well known for a colourful personal life.She hasmarried eight times,including 2marriages to film star Richard Burton.She leaves behind her own life-longmovie of ups and downs,marriage and divorce (离婚),and sickness and recovery. The world of entertainment is mourning (悼念)the death of the last classicmovie star.Fans got together on Hollywood’sWalk of Fame to recall(回忆)this special lady.

Sandra,Hollywood,California,said,“she just led an amazing life.”

Phil Schuman,Reporter of KTTV in Los Angeles,said,“Well,Imean,her whole life story: child star,spectacularly beautiful,all themarriages,almost dying,then all of her greatwork with AIDS research,Michael Jackson’s best friend.It’s just a one-of-a-kind story,I think.”

“Is this something thatwe can stand?No.The AIDS is not over.”Taylor once said.And she worked hard on it.

Taylor’s private life is also a legend.She was a star at the age of 12,married and divorced at 16,a superstar at19 and a widow(寡妇)at 26.

( )1.Taylor did the following things except _______ _.

A.acting in themovies B.working on AIDS research C.winning the Oscars D.recording CDs

( )2.What is the best to describe Taylor’s life?

A.A legend. B.A tough Life. C.A love story. D.An excitingmovie.

( )3.Which of the following sentences is true about Taylor according to the passage?

A.She was not famouswhen she was a child. B.She had 2marriages. C.She had over 50 films.

D.She didn’t like Michael Jackson.

( )4.What is themeaning of one ofa kind in the passage?

A.其中一种 B.独一无二

C.各种各样 D.与众不同

( )5.What is themain idea of the passage?

A.Taylor became a superstar.

B.Taylor’s films are famous around theworld.

C.Taylor’swhole life impressed people a lot.

D.Taylor died of disease.



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