模块九 第3—第4单元语法小结


中学课程辅导·高考版 2009年10期



在主从复合句中作同位语的名词性从句称为同位语从句。同位语从句是名词性从句中的主要从句之一,也是高中英语教学中的重点语法知识之一。在最近几年的高考试题中频频出现。2009年高考共考了13道名词性从句题,其中就有4道题是同位语从句题 (重庆卷第31题,浙江卷第12题,四川卷第7题,江西卷第33题)。因此学好同位语从句显得尤为重要。下面通过对近几年全国各地高考试题中出现的同位语从句的分析,对其做一个小结:


1) 通常情况下,同位语从句跟在某些名词后面,用来解释或说明该名词所表达的具体内容,也就是说,同位语从句和被修饰的名词表达的是同一个意思。常见的接同位语从句的名词还有:belief, news, idea, truth, hope, rumour, thought, problem, information, promise, hope, message, possibility, chance, fact, word, doubt, request等。


—Is there any possibility______ you could pick me up at the airport?

—No problem. (2009 浙江卷)

A. whenB. thatC. whetherD. what



2) 有时因为句子结构的需要,同位语从句可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后,而被别的



News came from the school office______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. (2009 四川卷)

A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where



位语从句。先行词分别是news 和fact。而news, fact等词引导的同为从句引导词通常用that。2.同位语从句引导词的选用

2009年高考中关于同位语从句的考查全部是连接词的选用。其中that与what的区别,that 与whether 区别的考查是近年来的热点。


1) 考查同位语从句中 what与that的区别。

Do you have any idea______ is actually going on in the classroom? (2005 辽宁卷)

A. thatB. whatC. asD. which


【解析】在同位语从句中that与what的区别是:that在同位语从句中不作句子成分,也不用翻译,只起连接作用,并且不可省略;而what在同位语从句中不仅起连接作用,而且作句子成分,如主语、宾语、表语、定语等。通常可以翻译为“……的话 (东西、人)”,还可以表示“……的时间、……的地点、……的人、……的速度”等内容。本题中,从句缺少主语,which 也可以作主语,但通常在有范围的情况下,所以不符合题意,所以what为正确选项。


2) 考查同位语从句中that与whether的区别。

(1)______ is no possibility______ Bob can win the first prize in the match. (2001 上海卷)

A. There; thatB. It; that

C. There; whetherD. It; whether

(2) We havent settled the question______ it is necessary for him to study abroad.

A. ifB. whereC. whetherD. that

【答案】(1) A;(2) B。

【解析】there is no possibility意为“没有……的可能性”其中that引导同位语从句。所以第一题选A。第二题到国外去还是不去的问题还没有确定。具有是否的意思,所以C项为正确答案。而if不能引导同位语从句。


Some researchers believe that there is no doubt a cure for AIDS will be found. (2005广东卷)

A. whichB. thatC. whatD whether



在suggestion, advice, request, order, proposal, idea, plan 等意为“建议;命令;要求”的名词后,同位语从句中的谓语动词通常用“should + 动词原形”的虚拟语气结构,句中的should可以省略。例如:My brother gave me some advice how we (should) learn English well. 老师给我们提出了一些如何使用电脑的建议。

The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule (should) be adopted.


The boss gave the order that all the workers (should) continue to work at the weekend.



1) 从句的性质不同。


(1) They cant solve the problem how we can finish the task in time. 如何才能及时完成任务,我们解决不了这个问题。 (how从句是the problem的具体内容,为同位语从句)

(2) We cant help them solve the problem that they have. 我们不能帮助解决他们的问题。

(problem 就是have 的对象,至于the problem的具体内容,没有说明,故是定语从句)

2) 引导词的作用不同。

引导词that在同位语从句中没有词义,不充当句子成分,一般不可省去;而在定语从句中关系代词that可以充当主语、宾语等句子成分,同时在句子中坐宾语时一般可以省略。试比较:(1) The news that Yaoming would visit our school made us very excited. 姚明将要来我们学校,这个消息使我们大家非常兴奋。


(2) The news that Mary told us made us very excited. 玛丽告诉我们的那个消息使我们非常兴奋。


(3) I have no idea when he will finish the task. 我不知道他什么时候才能够完成任务。

(4) I still remember the days when we studied together ten years ago. 我仍然记得十年前我们在一起学习的日子。


1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery. 加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一,国土仅次于俄罗斯,加拿大素来以其绚丽的自然风光文明于世。

短语 second only to… 意思是“仅次于……”,用于强调某事物接近最大或最重要等。

He is second only to my own son in my affection. 我除了爱我的儿子,最爱他。

Danish bacon has a reputation second only to the butter. 丹麦猪肉的名声仅次于牛油。

2. Canadians,especially wild life photographers and hunters, are quite fond of this wilderness, and you will be too! 加拿大人非常喜爱这片荒原,特别是野生生物摄影师和猎人。相信你也会喜爱!

例如:1) He is fond of high-sounding phrases. 他爱用夸大的词句。

2) She has many shortcomings, but were all very fond of her. 虽然她有许多缺点,但我们都很喜欢她。


More and more young people are fond______ playing tennis nowadays. (2006 上海卷)

A. onB. toC. inD. of


3. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.加拿大国家电视塔坐落于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。


例如:Lying on the ground was a man aged about fifty years old. 一个大约50岁的人躺在地上。


In the dark forests______, some large enough to hold several English towns. (2005 辽宁卷)

A. stand many lakes

B. lie many lakes

C. many lakes lie

D. many lakes stand


4. The waterfalls, the largest of which is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 metres wide, and fall 56metres in an awesome white sheet of water. 尼亚加拉大瀑布宽670米,落差56米,形成一幅令人叹为观止的白色水幕,其中最大的瀑布形似一个半圆。

此句是由 the+名词/代词 + of + which / whom 组成的非限制性定语从句。

5. The Western or Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is the marathon, which is a long distance race named for a Greek messenger who ran from Marathon to Athens to report a victory at the battle of Marathon in 490BC. 西方字母表或罗马字母表就是希腊人的发明,正如马拉松赛跑一样。这项长跑比赛是为了纪念一位希腊信使而命名的。公元前490年,他从马拉松一直跑到雅典去报告马拉松战役的胜利。

句中as is the marathon 是非限制性定语从句,as 为关系代词。

The beginning of the film is exciting, as is the ending, which leaves us much happiness. 电影的开头很精彩,其结尾也一样,给我们带来了许多快乐。


The Beatles,______ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.(2006 天津卷)

A. whatB. thatC. howD. as


6. A steady cleaning programme must follow in order to protect the marble from air pollution, as well as from natural things such as plant roots and bird droppings. 接下来必须稳步进行清洁工作,保护大理石不受空气污染及自然物的破坏。

in order to / in order that 为了;以便

1) She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough.她自己省着吃,好让孩子们吃饱。

2) My father works hard in order that he may support us.我父亲辛苦地工作为了养家。


All these gifts must be mailed immediately______ in time for Christmas. (2005 辽宁卷)

A. in order to have received

B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received

D. so as to be receiving


