新目标英语八年级(下)词语辨析(Units 7~8)


中学英语园地·初二版 2008年5期

沈 杨

1. clothes,clothing,cloth,dress

clothes意为“衣服”,包括上衣、内衣、裤子、外衣等。 clothes不能用this/that或数词来修饰,但可以用many,these,those,a lot of,a few,the,some和my等词语修饰。 clothes在句中作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式。例如:

I always wash my clothes on Sundays. 我总是在星期天洗衣服。

She spends a lot of money on clothes. 她花了很多钱买衣服。

clothing是服装的总称,是集合名词,只有单数形式。 clothing指的范围比clothes广,它可以包括clothes指的东西,也可以包括手套、鞋、帽等。例如: winter clothing冬装,childrens clothing童装,a piece of clothing一件衣服。


How much cloth is needed to make a skirt? 做一件裙子需要多少布料?


I have a light green dress. 我有一件浅绿色的连衣裙。

[练习] 用clothes,clothing,cloth或dress填空。

(1) Her______are very expensive.

(2) The coat is made of thin______ .

(3) Our school is between a bookshop and a______shop.

(4) Look! Sheila is wearing a long red______ .

Key: (1) clothes (2) cloth (3) clothing (4) dress

2. aloud,loud,loudly

aloud是副词,意为“出声地、大声地”,相对于默读而言,强调出声,但声音不一定很大,常与read等动词连用。 aloud修饰call,cry等动词时,可作“高声地”解。例如:

Please read the text aloud. 请朗读课文。

The boy called for help aloud. 这个男孩高声求救。

loud作形容词时,意为“响亮的,大声的”,可用作定语或表语; loud作副词时,意为“大声,高声”,侧重给人的感觉,常与speak,shout,laugh,talk等动词连用。例如:

Suddenly we heard a loud cry. 突然我们听到一声大叫。

Speak loud while answering the teachers question. 回答老师的问题时要大声一点。


Someone is knocking loudly at the door. 有人在大声地敲门。

She cried loudly. 她嚎啕大哭。

[练习] 用aloud,loud或loudly填空。

(1) Sorry,I cant hear you. Please speak a little______ .

(2) Its good for your English learning to read______every morning.

(3) They______praised the boys behavior. 他们高声赞扬那个男孩的行为。

Key: (1) louder (2) aloud (3) loudly

3. sound,voice,noise


Did you hear the sound of music? 你听到音乐声了吗?


He is not in good voice. 他现在嗓子不好。


The old man enjoyed the holiday far away from city noise. 这位老人喜欢在远离城市喧闹的地方度假。

Dont make a noise. The baby is sleeping now. 不要弄出响声来,小孩正在睡觉。

[练习] 用sound,voice或noise填空。

(1) Dont make so much______ . We are having a meeting.

(2) Light travels faster than______ .

(3) The teacher raised her______so that every student in the classroom could hear her.

(4) We heard nothing but the______of running water.

Key: (1) noise (2) sound (3) voice (4) sound

4. put out,put off

put out意为“关掉、熄灭”,除了指电灯熄灭之外,还指火熄灭。此外还有“生产、出版、发表”等意义。例如:

Put out the light at once. 请立即熄灯。

put off也可作“关掉、熄灭”解,但主要指用按开关、旋钮等机械手段关电灯、收音机,此外它还有“推迟”的意思。例如:

I forgot to put off the radio when I went out. 我出去时忘记关收音机了。

[练习] 用put out或put off填空。

(1) Please______all the lights when you leave the building.

(2)______ all fires before leaving the camping ground.

(3) Tonights concert will be______till next week.

(4) Youll have to______your cigarette(香烟).

Key: (1) put off/put out (2) Put out (3) put off (4) put out

5. accept,receive


Please accept my invitation. 请接受我的邀请。

receive意为“收到、接到”,它仅指“收到”这一事实,并不含本人愿不愿意接受的意思。它是动词send(寄、送)的结果,当表示“收到(信件)、接见、接待及接纳(某人)”时,都要用receive,不用accept。 例如:

He received a gift,but he didnt accept it. 他收到了一个礼物,但他没有接受。

Have you received a letter from her? 你收到她的来信了吗?

[练习] 用accept或receive填空。

(1) Though the work was difficult,we decided to______it.

(2) Mary______a gift from a friend of hers,but she didnt agree to______it.

(3) Did you______my presents on your birthday?

Key: (1) accept (2) received,accept (3) receive

6. cost,pay,spend,take


cost作“花费”解时,相当于口语中的“值或价值”,通常以“物”或“事”为主语。常用句式为“sth costs sb some time/money”。 例如:

This dictionary costs me fifty yuan. 我花50元买了这本字典。

Reading English costs him two hours every day. 他每天花两个小时读英语。

pay的意思是“给……报酬、付钱、支付、付出代价”,主语为“人”。常见句式为“sb + pays + (sb) + some money + for sth”。 例如:

I paid much money for the computer. 我买这台电脑花了很多钱。

You will pay me 20 yuan for the skirt. 这条裙子你得付给我20元。

spend的意思是“花费(金钱、时间等)”,主语为“人”。其常见句式为“sb + spends + some money/time + on sth”或“sb + spends + some money/time + (in) doing sth”。 例如:

I spend much money on books every year. 我每年花好多钱买书。

I usually spend an hour(in) reading English every morning. 每天早上我通常花一个小时读英语。

take表示“花费”这一意思时,通常用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式(短语)。其常见句式为“It takes sb some time/money to do sth”或“sb takes some time/money to do sth”,意为“某人花费一些时间(金钱)去干某事”。例如:

It takes me 15 minutes to go to school by bus. 我上学乘公共汽车需要花费15分钟时间。

I took 10 years to learn English. 我花了10年的时间学英语。

[练习] 用cost,pay,spend或take填空。

(1) The suit______him 200 yuan.

(2) My brother______200 yuan on the suit.

(3) She______half an hour reading the letter.

(4) The woman took out some money and______for the dress.

(5) It______him 20 minutes to go to work on foot.

Key: (1) cost (2) spent (3) spent (4) paid (5) takes

7. sleep,asleep,sleeping


He didnt get enough sleep last night. 昨晚他没有睡足觉。


He usually sleeps six hours each night. 他通常每晚睡六个小时。


The boy was asleep with his head on his arms. 那个男孩头枕着胳膊睡着了。


The sleeping baby is her son. 这个睡着的小孩是她的儿子。

He bought a sleeping bag before going camping. 去露营前,他买了一个睡袋。

[练习] 用sleep,asleep或sleeping填空。

(1) He fell______during the lecture.

(2) She is still______now.

(3) He often talks in his______ .

(4) Dont wake up the______boy.

Key: (1) asleep (2) sleeping (3) sleep (4) sleeping

8. too many,too much,much too

too many表示“太多的……”,用来修饰可数名词复数。例如:

There are too many cars running in Beijing. 在北京,来来往往的汽车太多。

too much意为“太多的……”,可用作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词。例如:

If you eat too much sweet food,you will get fat. 如果你吃太多的甜食,就会发胖的。

too much也可用作副词词组,修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。例如:

Dont speak too much at the meeting. 会上不要讲得太多。

much too表示“太……”之意,用来修饰形容词或副词。例如:

The coat is much too big for me. 这件外套对我来说太大了。

Im afraid you are driving much too fast. 恐怕你开车开得太快了。

[练习] 用too many,too much或much too填空。

(1) There is______rain in the south in summer.

(2) There are______people waiting at the bus stop now.

(3) Its______hot this summer.

(4) We have______homework to do every day.

(5) If you miss______lessons,you may fail your exam.

Key: (1) too much (2) too many (3) much too (4) too much

(5) too many

9. instead of,instead

instead是副词,意为“代替、顶替、反而、却”。 instead位于句末时,其前不用逗号。 instead位于句首时,其后可用逗号,也可不用。例如:

Give me a red one instead. 给我换个红的吧。

Last year I went to Qingdao. This year Im going to Shanghai instead. 去年我去了青岛,今年我不去青岛了,打算去上海。

instead of是短语介词,意为“代替,而不是”,后跟名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。例如:

Please give me the red box instead of the yellow one. 请把那个红盒子给我,我不要那个黄的。

They went there on foot instead of by bus. 他们没有乘公共汽车而是步行到那里去的。

[练习] 用instead或instead of填空。

(1) He is tired. Let me do it______ .

(2) She will come to the meeting______him.

(3) She will give the class______Mr Li.

(4) If you cant go to play basketball,let him go______ .

Key: (1) instead (2) instead of (3) instead of (4) instead

10. nearly,almost


He is almost/nearly as tall as I. 他几乎和我一样高。

It is nearly/almost eleven oclock. 差不多11点了。

I almost/nearly didnt hear what she said. 我几乎没听清她说些什么。

但两者有如下区别: ① almost能和anything/nothing/anyone/anybody/nobody以及 more than,too连用,而nearly则不能。例如:

Almost none of us knew the animal. 我们中几乎没一个人认识那动物。

I have almost nothing to do today. 我今天几乎无事可做。

② 在表示感情或思想状况时,用almost,不能用nearly。 例如:

I almost wish I could fly. 我几乎希望我会飞。

③ 在not,pretty,very之后只能用nearly,不用almost。 例如:

The car hit the child very nearly. 汽车差一点撞着那孩子。

④ 在具体数字前面,用nearly,不用almost。 例如:

The building is nearly thirty meters high. 这座大楼几乎有30米高。

[练习] 用almost或nearly填空。

(1) The old couple have got______no help from their sons.

(2) The room is not______ready for the guest.

(3) The seasons of the year in England and the USA are______the same.

Key: (1) almost (2) nearly (3) nearly/almost


White Elephant
词汇辨析aloud/loud /loudly