Meeting with Consulates-General in Chongqing Held by Chongqing FAO Consular Officers in Chongqing Visiting Bishan District for Its Green, Scientific, and Technological Innovation Development


重庆与世界 2023年8期

On July 21, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government (Chongqing FAO) organized a meeting with the deputy heads of the consulates-general in Chongqing. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange information and provide suggestions on the activities of these consulates in the second half of 2023. Guests attending the event included Mr. Bálint Czégel, Acting Consul-General of Hungary in Chongqing, Mr. Okuma Masaaki, Deputy Consul-General of Japan in Chongqing, Mr. Pim ten Haaf, Deputy Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Chongqing, Mr. Samuel Tindall, Political and Economic Consul of the British Consulate-General in Chongqing, Ms. Chekulayeva Anastasiya, Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Chongqing, and Mr. Bruno, Commerce, Trade and Investment Commissioner of Consulate-General of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in Chongqing. In addition, Mr. Li Mingquan, the Deputy Director-General of Chongqing FAO, and relevant officials from the Consular Affairs Division of Chongqing FAO and the Foreign Affairs Offices of the Yuzhong and Bishan districts governments were also present at the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Li Mingquan. He highlighted the vibrant international exchanges and cooperation in Chongqing since the beginning of the year. He also emphasized that the practical cooperation between Chongqing and consulates is presenting new opportunities. In the first half (H1) of the year, the foreign consulates were invited to 24 major international exchange activities in the city, marking an 84.6% increase compared to the same period last year. Chongqing also supported the consulates in organizing 27 economic, trade, and cultural exchange activities, representing an 8% increase from last year. The meeting aimed to enhance communication and coordination among all parties, exchange ideas on work, and provide support for each others activities, thus jointly promoting better outcomes in friendly exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and other countries across various fields.

The Consular Affairs Division of Chongqing FAO notified Chongqings plans and arrangements to invite consulates to attend activities in the second half (H2) of the year. Representatives from various consulates shared their work priorities and activity plans for H2. The foreign affairs offices of the peoples governments of the Yuzhong and Bishan districts presented their respective work plans, and all parties engaged in discussions on how to enhance their performance in H2.

In Bishan District, representatives from consulates in Chongqing visited the Bishan Planning Exhibition Hall and Chongqing Fudi Lithium Battery Co., Ltd., and experienced the SkyShuttle Demonstration Line. They were deeply impressed by the well-planned urban layout, beautiful ecological environment, positive city image, and vibrant innovative atmosphere in Bishan District. They also praised Chongqing Fudi Lithium Battery Co., Ltd. for its cutting-edge blade battery technology, advanced intelligent battery production line, and the SkyShuttle intelligent transportation system independently developed by BYD.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs