How do we improve our first?aid skills?学习急救,从我们做起


疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期



主题语境:学习急救 篇幅:347词 建议用时:7分钟

1 We are interested in increasing first?aid skills, so that we willreally be able to help if a loved one or a stranger is injured or sud?denly becomes seriously ill. There are many ways we can improveknowledge in this subject.

2 Those people uninterested in getting any type of certificationcould begin by studying free online resources that explain the basicdetails of first aid. Such resources are found through online siteslike Mayo Clinic, and there are many videos on the Internet thatcan demonstrate first?aid procedures.

3 To get more training, we could enroll in classes. These may be taught by organiza?tions like the Red Cross, and private companies may offer instruction too. Some classes areonline, which means they can be taken at any time, and they can include testing for sometypes of certification. It should be noted that online first ?aid classes do not cover CPRtraining. This training must be performed at an onsite class.

4 More extensive(广泛的)classes exist to improve first?aid skills. If we plan to work atfire departments, or if we want to volunteer to help emergency responding organizations, wemay need to study for a longer period. We might need to take classes aimed at reallyimproving first?aid skills that include 40 hours or more of instruction and practice time.Those with this additional knowledge are prepared to do things like helping deliver babiesand moving injured people. Volunteers with organizations like the Red Cross that are visibleafter man?made or natural disasters are typically people who have this advanced first?aid training.

5 For those without the time to take classes, its still recommended that we should atleast do some online reading to improve first?aid skills. A whole family could take this upand help each other with quizzes and conversation. It can also be useful to keep a first?aidcard on hand, which can serve as a reminder of what to do for different types of injuries.Though learning and practice is preferred, some knowledge is certainly better than zerounderstanding of first aid.

Reading Check


1. What can be found on Mayo Clinic?

A. Videos showing first?aid procedures.

B. Life?saving first?aid skills.

C. Basic first?aid knowledge.

D. Different types of certification.


2. What is an advantage of online classes?

A. They are easy to pass.

B. They have a flexible schedule.

C. They dont cost much.

D. They include CPR training.


3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. Benefits of doing first aid.

B. Ways to get adequate training in first aid.

C. First?aid courses offered by extensive classes.

D. Situations that require advanced level of first?aid training.


4. What is the purpose of a first?aid card?

A. To take notes of online reading.

B. To finish quizzes and conversation.

C. To help immediately respond to injuries.

D. To remember emergency numbers.

Language Study

Ⅰ. 熟词生义

It should be noted that online first?aid classes do not cover CPR training. 值得一提的是,這些网络急救课程不包括心肺复苏培训。

cover v. 包括;覆盖

e.g. Exercise is a word which covers a wide range of activities.“锻炼”是一个涵盖广泛活动的词。

Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks

first?aid procedure 急救实施步骤

onsite class 现场课程

fire department 消防部门

emergency responding organization 急救组织


Ⅰ. 主题词汇

symptom 症状

emergency 紧急情况

dizzy 头晕的

unconscious 昏迷的

coma 昏迷

injured 受伤的

allergic 过敏的

bleed 流血

choke 噎住

slip 滑倒

fall down 摔倒

shock 休克

electric shock 触电

heart attack 心脏病发作

frostbite 冻伤

heatstroke 中暑

infection 感染

swell 肿;肿胀

relieve 减轻

heal 愈合

pulse 脉搏

restore 使恢复

stability 稳固;稳定

conscious 有意识的

rise to ones feet 站起来

first aid 急救

first?aid kit 急救箱

rescue brigade 急救队

first?aid tent 急救棚

ice pack 冰袋

towel 毛巾

mask 口罩

gauze 纱布

bandage 绷带

band?aid 创可贴

thermometer 体温计

tweezers 镊子

pill 药片;药丸

ointment 药膏

ambulance 救护车

stretcher 担架

nursing 护理

press 按;压

bind up 包扎

rescue breathing 人工呼吸

life?saving 挽救生命的

care for 看护;照料

wound 伤口

limb 肢;臂;腿


Ⅱ. 主题美句

1. If the head is swollen, you can ap?ply a cold compress, such as holding anice pack to the wound. 如果头部肿了,你可以采用冷敷法,比如拿冰袋敷在伤口处。

2. Use your fingers to hold both sidesof your nose for 4 to 8 minutes, or use acotton ball soaked in ice water to fill thenasal cavity with pressure to stop thebleeding. 用手指捏住两侧鼻翼4至8分钟,或者用浸了冰水的棉球填塞鼻腔压迫止血。

3. For burns, put the burn under coolrunning water. Then put a cool cloth on it.Do not put ice or anything else on the burn.對于烧伤,就用流动的冷水冲洗伤口,然后把一块凉布放在伤口上。不要在烧伤的伤口上放冰块或其他任何东西。

4. If the person is bleeding, try to stopit quickly. Put a clean cloth on the wound.伤者如果有出血现象,就要设法赶紧止血。把一块干净的布放在伤口上。

5. If someone is choking, hit him orher on the back between his or her shoul?ders. If that does not work, stand behindthe person. Place your arms around him orher. Pull quickly and sharply to help himor her stop choking. 如果有人噎到了,就拍击他/她肩膀之间的背部。如果这样没有效果,就站到那人的身后,伸出双臂抱住对方,然后迅速猛拉,从而挤出异物。

6. If the victims clothes are on fire,he should lie down and remain stationaryand quickly be rolled in a rug or blanketdoused with water. 如果受害者的衣服烧着了,他应躺下不动并用浸湿的毯子裹住自己。

7. She cut her finger badly and it wasbleeding heavily. 她的手指被严重割伤,血流不止。

8. She fell down from the bike andbroke her arm. 她从自行车上摔了下来,伤了胳膊。

9. He badly sprained his ankle, gri?macing in pain. 他严重扭伤了脚踝,疼得龇牙咧嘴。

10. She is choking on a fish bone. 她被鱼刺卡住并导致窒息。

11. He was taken to the hospital for asnake bite. 他因遭蛇咬而被送往医院。

12. I believe that having some first?aid knowledge is important, because ithelps us protect ourselves better. 我认为掌握一定的急救知识是很重要的,因为它能帮助我们更好地保护自己。

13. Knowing a little first?aid knowl?edge could be life?saving if you see some?one lying unconscious. 如果你看见有人晕倒,知道一些急救知识可以挽救生命。

14. Too often people dont do anythingbecause they think they will kill the pa?tient, but by learning simple rules youcould make a difference between life anddeath. 通常人们什么都不做,因为他们认为自己的做法可能会害死病人。但是学习一些简单的措施你就可能可以救死扶伤了。

15. If there are no signs of life—noobvious pulse and their heart is not beat?ing, call an ambulance and then start CPRto maintain a flow of oxygenated blood tothe brain and heart. 如果没有明显的脉搏和心脏跳动,那就是没有生命迹象了。此时要立刻叫救护车并开始心肺复苏以保持含氧血液在大脑和心脏之间流通。

16. If there is no response at all, youneed to establish if they are dead or justunconscious—sometimes its very difficultto tell the difference. 如果没有回应,你需要确定他们是死了还是仅仅是晕过去了,虽然有时这很难分辨清楚。

Ⅲ. 主题写作


1. 事件发生的经过;

2. 你是如何实施急救的。

















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