

农业工程学报 2023年8期

高月娇,黄生志,王韩叶,王志霞,郭雯雯,穆振侠,陈 刚,黄 强


高月娇1,黄生志1※,王韩叶2,王志霞1,郭雯雯1,穆振侠3,陈 刚2,黄 强1

(1. 西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048;2. 云南省水利水电勘测设计院,昆明 650021;3. 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)



0 引 言





1 数据与方法

1.1 研究区概况

黄土高原(图1)位于黄河中上游地区,东起太行山,西至乌鞘岭,南连秦岭,北抵长城,是中国北方与西北地区的交界处。流域总面积为6.2×105km2,地处34˚41'~41˚16'N,100˚52'~114˚33'E,横跨中国7个省份(包括山西、陕西、甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏、青海和河南)。流域属于大陆性季风气候区,区域内降水年际变化大,年内分布不均匀,降水主要发生在夏季,多年平均降雨量为466 mm,自东南向西北递减,具有明显的梯度变化特征;多年平均气温在-4.0~13.0℃之间,由北到南逐渐升高。

图1 黄土高原分区及多年平均降水量示意图

1.2 数据来源

黄土高原气象数据来自全球陆地数据同化系统生成的(GLDAS-Noah)降水产品(https://search.earthdata.,研究所用的时间范围从1981年到2015年,以月为时间尺度,空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°,由于选取的GLDAS-V2.0时间仅到2014年,故本文用GLDAS-V2.1降水资料补齐2015年的降水数据[30]。此外,研究所用数据还有同期大气环流因子,包括太阳黑子指数(Sunspots)、厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数(El Niño-Southern Oscillation,ENSO3.4)、北极涛动指数(Arctic Oscillation,AO)和太平洋十年涛动指数(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO),其中,Sunspots来自比利时皇家天文台(;ENSO3.4、AO和PDO均来自NOAA地球系统研究实验室(。

1.3 研究方法

1.3.1 旱涝等级的划分

目前,国内常用的旱涝指标包括降水距平百分率、Z指数、标准化降水蒸散指数和标准化降水指数(standardized precipitation index,SPI)等[31-33]。SPI指数具有计算简单、多时间尺度和稳定性好等特点,故本文选取SPI指数作为季尺度旱涝等级划分的依据,同时参照国家规范GB/T 20481—2017《气象干旱等级》,最终确定的旱涝等级划分标准见表1。

表1 旱涝等级划分标准

1.3.2 非一致性检验


1.3.3 GAMLSS模型

GAMLSS(generalized additive models for location,scale and shape)模型最早由RIGBY和STASINOPOULOS[36]于2005年提出,是一种基于位置、尺度和形状的半参数广义可加模型。该模型是时变矩模型的进一步发展,能够灵活地描述统计参数与解释变量之间的关系,且比时变矩法更便捷,极大地方便了非一致性分析工作[37-39],目前已广泛用于经济学、医学和水文研究等领域[40]。因此,本文基于该模型拟合单季节SPI序列的非一致性边缘分布,并在此基础上探究旱涝复合事件的演变特征。


1.3.4 Copula函数



表2 不同情景下复合事件的发生概率


Note: Compound events mean that under the condition of one precipitation situation in the current season, different or similar precipitation situations occur in the later season. For example, the change from drought to waterlogging means that drought occurs in the current season and then floods occur in the next season.

1.3.5 变量投影重要性准则

变量投影重要性准则(variable importance in projection,VIP)指自变量对因变量影响的重要程度。若自变量的VIP值大于1,表明自变量对因变量的影响较为重要;若VIP值介于0.5~1,表明重要性一般;若VIP值小于0.5,则表明自变量对因变量基本没有影响,具体计算过程可参考文献[45]。本文用VIP准则来反映大气环流因子对旱涝复合事件动态变化的影响情况,并选择VIP值解释度最大的因子为复合事件动态变化的主导因子。

2 结果与分析

2.1 相邻季节间复合事件的时空分布特征

季节按常规划分为:春-夏(3—8月)、夏-秋(6—11月)、秋-冬(9—2月)和冬-春季(12—5月)。依据表 2统计各像元在不同情景下黄土高原复合事件的发生频次。计算相邻季节间各像元的平均发生次数,发现秋-冬季最易发生旱涝复合事件,发生次数为28.88次,随后依次是冬-春季(27.40次)和夏-秋季(26.42次)春-夏季发生旱涝复合事件的频次较少,为25.05次,(图 2a)。计算各像元由旱转涝、由涝转旱、持续干旱、持续洪涝、正常转旱、旱转正常、正常转涝和涝转正常事件的平均发生频次,发现正常转旱、旱转正常、正常转涝和涝转正常事件的频次较高,分别为22.15、22.83、22.81和22.42次;此外,就持续性旱涝事件与旱涝交替现象而言,持续干旱事件的发生频次最高,为5.46次,其次为持续洪涝事件(4.70)和由涝转旱事件(3.97次),最后为由旱转涝事件(图 2b)。


2.2 单季节SPI序列的非一致性检验



2.3 旱涝复合事件的演变特征及其主导因子

2.3.1 边缘分布与联合分布

由于SPI在计算过程中已经标准化,同时考虑SPI序列的取值范围,本文仅用正态分布拟合单季节SPI序列的边缘分布。若单季节SPI序列发生突变,基于GAMLSS模型拟合该季节SPI序列的边缘分布,同时利用赤池信息准则(akaike information criterion,AIC)与贝叶斯信息准则(schwarz bayesian criterion,SBC)筛选出最优连接方式,得出对应的位置参数和尺度参数,并基于此得到该SPI序列的最优边缘分布;若SPI序列不发生突变,则在一致性条件下用正态分布拟合得出最优边缘分布。

用均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)和AIC准则从Clayton-Copula、Frank-Copula、Gumbel- Copula、Gaussian-Copula和t-Copula函数中选取相邻季节间SPI序列的最优Copula函数。

图3 单季节标准化降水指数的变化趋势

2.3.2 旱涝复合事件的发生概率




2.3.3 旱涝复合事件的动态变化

探究旱涝复合事件的动态变化特征,可以为预防旱涝复合事件的发生提供一定依据。本节以5 a时间序列为滑动窗口[46]探究复合事件发生概率的变化趋势,并用M-K趋势法进一步分析复合事件发生概率的非参数变化趋势。由图5可知:流域内大部分地区的春-夏由旱转涝、春-夏正常转涝、夏-秋持续洪涝、夏-秋正常转旱、夏-秋旱转正常、秋-冬由涝转旱、秋-冬持续干旱、秋-冬正常转涝、秋-冬涝转正常、冬-春持续干旱、冬-春正常转旱与冬-春正常转涝事件的发生概率普遍呈上升趋势;而春-夏由涝转旱、春-夏正常转旱、夏-秋由旱转涝、夏-秋正常转涝、秋-冬由旱转涝、秋-冬旱转正常、冬-春持续洪涝和冬-春涝转正常事件的发生概率则呈下降趋势。


图4 中度情景下复合事件的发生概率

2.3.4 旱涝复合事件动态演变的主导因素


图5 中度情景下旱涝复合事件发生概率的MK趋势检验图


注:ENSO3.4、AO、 PDO、Sunspots分别为厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数、北极涛动指数、太平洋十年涛动指数和太阳黑子指数。


3 讨 论


复合事件的发生与降水变化过程关系密切,而降水的变化过程受气温、对流有效位能(convective available potential energy,CAPE)和对流抑制位能(convective inhibition,CIN)等未来大气热力状况的影响[50]。随着气温的升高,弱CAPE和(或)CIN事件减少导致与之对应的弱-中等强度的降水减少;而中等-强CAPE和(或)CIN事件增多,其引起的强降水事件有所增多。总而言之,CAPE和CIN的平均强度普遍增加,与之对应的由旱转涝事件在未来的发生频率将会增加,强度也会随之增大[18-19]。在进一步的研究中,可深入分析在气候变暖背景下,随着气温升高,CAPE与CIN的气候态分布与变化特征,运用全球气候模式对未来CAPE与CIN的变化特征进行模拟,并在此基础上分析CAPE和CIN对未来降水的抑制/促进作用,进而分析CAPE和CIN对复合事件的作用机理,以期揭示复合事件形成的物理机制。

4 结 论







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Evolution characteristics and dynamic changes of drought-flood complex events on Loess Plateau in terms of non-consistency

GAO Yuejiao1, HUANG Shengzhi1※, WANG Hanye2, WANG Zhixia1, GUO Wenwen1, MU Zhenxia3, CHEN Gang2, HUANG Qiang1

(1.-,,710048,; 2.,650021,; 3.,,830052,)

The consistency hypothesis cannot fully meet the current hydrological series in recent years, due to the dual impacts of climate change and human activities. The hydrological frequency has been also questioned under the consistency condition. Much effort has been made into the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and leading factors of drought-flood complex events between adjacent seasons on the Loess Plateau. Therefore, it is of great significance to regional food security and the prevention of drought and flood disasters. Taking the Loess Plateau as the research object, this study aims to determine the evolution characteristics and dynamic changes of drought-flood complex events, in terms of non-consistency. Firstly, the non-consistencies of the single-season standardized precipitation index (SPI) were diagnosed to construct the two-dimensional joint distribution model of SPI sequences between adjacent seasons using the generalized additive model (GAMLSS model).Secondly, eight events were defined, including from the drought to the flood, from the flood to the drought, persistent drought, persistent flood, from the normal to the drought, from the drought to the normal, from the normal to the flood, and from the flood to the normal. The moderate, severe, and extreme scenarios were identified, according to the classification criteria of drought and flood. A systematic analysis was implemented on the spatiotemporal distribution of the combined events. Thirdly, the occurrence probability of combined drought-flood events under different scenarios was calculated using the consistent/inconsistent two-dimensional joint distribution model. Finally, the 5 year sliding window was combined with the Mann-Kendall test to explore the dynamic evolution characteristics of drought-flood complex events. The important criterion of variable projection was then used to reveal the leading factors of dynamic changes in complex events. The results showed as follows: 1) The occurrence frequencies of the normal to the drought, the drought to the normal, the normal to the flood, and the flood to the normal events were higher than 22 times between adjacent seasons. In addition, the occurrence frequencies of persistent drought (persistent flood) events were greater than that of alternating drought and flood events. 2) The combined events of drought and flood were more likely to occur, with a frequency of 28.88 and 27.40, respectively, from autumn to winter, and from winter to spring. To be specific, the events of the normal to the flood, and the flood to the normal were tended to occur in spring and summer. The events of the normal to the drought, and the normal to the drought were more likely to occur from summer to autumn, and from winter to spring. The probability of the normal drought (flood) events was higher in autumn-winter. 3) Spatially, the events of the normal to the drought, the drought to the normal, the normal to the flood, and the flood to the normal were evenly distributed over the whole basin. In addition, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Shanxi regions tended to sustain the drought events, while Shaanxi and Gansu regions tended to the flood events. 4) There was a significant increase in the occurrence probability of spring-summer drought to flood, summer-autumn sustained flood, autumn-winter from flood to drought, autumn-winter sustained drought, and winter-spring sustained drought. At the same time, an increasing trend was found in the occurrence probability of spring-summer sustained drought in Inner Mongolia, summer-autumn sustained drought in Qinghai, autumn-winter sustained drought in Ningxia, winter-spring sustained drought in Shanxi, and summer-autumn sustained flood in Shaanxi (Gansu), indicating the adverse effects on the social economy and ecology in the region. 5) The leading factors of dynamic change in the occurrence probability of composite events were determined as the Arctic oscillation and sunspot index. The finding can provide scientific and technological support for the precise prevention of drought-flood complex events in the Loess Plateau.

drought; flood; models; combined events; non-consistency; dynamic change; The Loess Plateau










高月娇,黄生志,王韩叶,等. 考虑非一致性的黄土高原区旱涝复合事件的演变特征及其动态变化[J]. 农业工程学报,2023,39(8):133-143. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202210090

GAO Yuejiao, HUANG Shengzhi, WANG Hanye, et al. Evolution characteristics and dynamic changes of drought-flood complex events on Loess Plateau in terms of non-consistency[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(8): 133-143. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202210090


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