

英语世界 2023年1期

文/ 伊丽莎白·佩因 译/索奇伟

For British plant hunter John Wood,few endeavors are quite as satisfying as retracing the steps of an 18thcentury explorer.

对英国植物猎人约翰·伍德来说,几乎没有哪项事业能像追寻18 世纪探险家的脚步那样令人满足。

2It may seem old-fashioned, but plant collecting is still an important scientific endeavor.“That is the primary way we discover new species,” writes Gerrit Davidse, a researcher and curator of grasses at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St.Louis, Missouri.


3Today, medicines, vehicles, and GPS have made the work of plant collectors safer and a bit easier, but the basic techniques and challenges remain the same.It takes a particular set of skills and personal attributes to do the job.“These individuals are selfmotivated, have the ability to withstand hardship, probably have a great eye and photographic memory,” writes Robert Scotland, a reader1reader(英国仅次于教授的)高级讲师。in systematic botany at the University of Oxford in the United K i n g d o m.


4Such individuals must also have a thirst for adventure and be willing to sacrifice some comfort and job security.Most plant hunters either live on shortterm contracts or take permanent positions with other responsibilities.But for passionate plant collectors, the thrill of the hunt is difficult to match.


Doing the picking

5At its simplest level, all you need to collect plants is a notebook, a plant press,and some newspapers for drying.What sets professional collectors apart from amateurs is the ability to find new and interesting material.“Good observational skills and knowledge of a local flora are very important,” Davidse writes.

6Then, one needs to know how to harvest scientifically useful material.For traditional taxonomic studies, it is important to harvest specimens that include “fruits and flowers, and the root systems; something that shows what the plant generally looks like,” Wood says.It takes practical expertise to adequately dry and preserve plants—and keep them that way all the way back to the institution, Wood says.

7Just as important is to record complete data, including the date and place of collection, what the plant looked like,the environment in which it was found,and geographical features like altitude,says Mark Watson, a principal scientific officer at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.“It’s going to take you quite a long time to get everything together,” including good digital photographs of the plant,so patience is important, he says.







Preparing for an expedition

8Nowadays, most major expeditions are in developing countries because the flora there tends to be less well-explored.Outside of the obvious logistics of traveling—getting vaccinations, mapping out how to get to your destination, and so on—you need to build strong contacts with local botanists and obtain all the relevant permissions from the host country, as well as from the receiving country if you intend to ship living plants.

9You also need to take care of the logistics of the field trips, from arranging to take along sufficient food and water to hiring people to help.Wood likes to travel light, so he generally limits his treks to 4 days before returning to the base, usually taking a local guide, friend,or collaborator with him.Watson mostly goes on much longer, collaborative expeditions, up to 4 weeks.“To get five botanists on a trek-based expedition in Nepal takes about 40 staff on the trekking side to help you,” including porters, cooking staff, and Sherpa2夏尔巴人,生活在尼泊尔境内喜马拉雅山脉南坡,被称为“喜马拉雅山上的挑夫”。guides, he says.

9你还应该关注实地考察过程中的后勤保障,比如备足随身携带的口粮和水、雇用帮手。伍德喜欢轻装上阵,一般将徒步考察时间限制在4 天,然后返回基地。其间,他通常会带上一名当地向导、一位朋友,或者一个合作伙伴。沃森主要进行长期的协作考察,最长可达四周。沃森说:“要组织5 位植物学家在尼泊尔进行一次徒步考察,途中需要大约40 名工作人员帮忙。”他表示,其中包括搬运工、厨师和夏尔巴人向导。

10While planning is important, you must be prepared to improvise3improvise 临时应对。.Also difficult to know in advance is exactly how you are going to operate once you are there, so make sure you take sufficient equipment along with you or ship things ahead of time so that you can improvise solutions.


Working and living in the wild

11Often, the most interesting places to collect plants are the most difficult to access and live in.

12Be prepared to spend days trekking,cutting through forests using a machete,and climbing up and down cliffs and trees.You also need to be able to tolerate nuisances such as plants that can provoke allergic reactions, ticks that get inside your clothes, and bees that attack if you disturb their nests.Weather conditions can be inconvenient, Watson says.Roads can be so muddy that you get stuck, adds Wood.

13Staying well and safe is especially important in the field.Dangers include close encounters with wild animals like snakes, getting lost, and being caught in the middle of conflicts.Many of the more interesting areas for plants are politically difficult, Wood says.“I’ve had bullets going over my head in Yemen,not aimed at me, but getting caught in between two groups fighting each other.”





Career prospects

14A common way to get started is on your own, by walking around your local countryside armed with a flora and a glossary of terms.



15But the best way to learn is to do fieldwork with experienced collectors.You can find such opportunities by associating with a botanical institute, a natural history society, or a research team.


16The difficulty comes when you are trying to make a career out of it.Most plant collectors live off a series of shortterm grants, and often, plant collecting is only part of their work, Scotland says.If you’re lucky, you may be able to land4land 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)。one of the few short-term positions on offer at botanical gardens, museums,government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and environmental protection and conservation programs, Davidse says.


17The other approach is to seek a permanent position at a university or a research institution—but these stable jobs are usually much broader.“Plant collecting, although vital, difficult and demanding, is not particularly recognized academically and therefore is often an adjunct to other activities,” Scotland writes.


18Nowadays, “If anyone comes to you and says, ‘I want a career in plant collecting,’ the honest answer is saying ‘forget it,’” says Wood, who started collecting plants as a volunteer while working as an English teacher in developing countries.Over the years, and without formal training, Wood has been able to build up an extensive publication record and collect more than a hundred new species.“Certainly, contributing to research which enables botany or science to advance is satisfying,” he says.■

18如今,“如果有人对你说‘我想从事植物采集工作’,那么最真诚的答复便是‘算了吧’。” 伍德表示。在发展中国家当英语老师期间,伍德作为志愿者开始采集植物。多年来,尽管从未接受过正规培训,他却已经拥有可观的出版记录,并采集了100 多个新物种。他表示:“当然,能够为推动植物学或科学进步的研究作出贡献,我心满意足。” □


Foreign Experts on Sightseeing Tour around Zhejiang
实地考察中原古战场 进行开放性学术研究