

英语世界 2023年1期

文/温迪·艾德 译/吴晓雷

It’s a contentious issue.The Hollywood age gap romance—the habitual casting of an older male actor and a much younger female actor, for so long accepted as the norm—is now meeting with increasing scrutiny and criticism from audiences.Some filmmakers,identifying a hot-button topic, have started to respond.

2At the Sundance Film Festival1圣丹斯电影节专为独立电影人设立,号称“全球独立电影领域的风向标”。该电影节是美国乃至全球知名的电影圣地,也是众多国际大导演、大明星的出道福地。last month, age gaps in relationships were a recurring theme.But rather than the traditional approach, of hoping that people wouldn’t notice an age difference which could practically be measured on a geological time2地质年代,地球形成以来的漫长时期,一般以最古老的岩石记录作为开始的依据。frame, filmmakers are instead emphasising and examining the issue.

3Approaches include flipping the gender roles, as with Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, which starred Emma Thompson, who is 62, opposite 29-yearold Daryl McCormack, or the audience prize-winner Cha Cha Real Smooth,which explored the attraction between a young male college leaver and a thirtysomething divorcee.


2在2022 年1 月的圣丹斯电影节上,“忘年恋”是反复出现的主题。不过,有别于传统的处理方式,对快要以地质年代来计算的年龄差,电影制作人不再期待观众熟视无睹,而是改为强调、剖析年龄差问题。

3新的处理方式包括对调角色性别。就像影片《祝你好运,利奥·格兰德》,62岁的艾玛·汤普森饰演女主角,29 岁的达里尔·麦科马克与她演对手戏。另一个例子是获得了观众奖的影片《恰恰丝滑》。这部影片探讨了刚大学毕业的男青年与30 多岁离婚女人之间的相互吸引。

4Other films, like the potent but gruelling Palm Trees and Power Lines and Sharp Stick, delved into the realities of the power imbalance between a young woman and a much older man.One thing is certain: the debate about onscreen age differences is not about to die down.

5On the contrary, if the polarised reactions to Paul Thomas Anderson’s Licorice Pizza are anything to go by, the conversation, amplified perhaps by the fact that it frequently plays out on social media, is only set to grow more heated.Another film which flips the gender roles of the traditional age gap, Licorice Pizza is a defiantly unconventional picture.

6At the heart of the film is, if not quite a romance between a 15-year-old boy and a woman at least 10 years his senior, then certainly a mutual attraction.



6这部电影的核心,即使谈不上是15 岁男孩和至少年长10 岁的女人之间的爱情,起码也是二人之间的相互吸引。

72021 年,安德森在接受《纽约时报》的采访时,对影片中的“忘年恋”轻描淡写。“没有任何出格之处,只有一番好意。要是有什么争议,那还真出乎我的意料……这部电影没有一点煽动性要素。”

7Anderson, talking to The New York Times last year, downplayed the age gap aspect.“There’s no line that’s crossed,and there’s nothing but the right intentions.It would surprise me if there was some kind of kerfuffle3kerfuffle 混乱。about it… There isn’t a provocative bone in this film’s body.”

8One suspects that Anderson was being a touch disingenuous in his claims:surely the whole point of pushing the age gap to the front of the story was to create a degree of discomfort.Anderson is, after all, a filmmaker who has made a career out of getting under the skin of a series of broken screw-ups.

9Malcolm & Marie, a Netflix production written and directed by Sam Levinson, about a film director, played by John David Washington, 36, and his girlfriend, played by then a 24-year-old Zendaya, sparked criticism for the 12-year age gap between the two.This is in part, as Zendaya pointed out, because audiences were accustomed to seeing her in high school-age roles in films like the Spider-Man franchise.Even so,the fact that the comparatively modest age difference between Zendaya and Washington drew complaints might be an indication that audience tolerance for multi-decade gaps is waning.

10Not before time4not before time 早该发生;早该如此。.“Men on screen have a whole life, and women only have a shelf life,” says Nicky Clark, the founder of campaign group Acting Your Age,which lobbies for age-appropriate casting and representation for older women on screen.“Since the medium began,women were expected to retire at 40 and not do anything particularly interesting if they were working after that age.And that hasn’t really changed.”


9由萨姆·莱文森编剧、执导,并由网飞出品的《马尔科姆与玛丽》,讲述了一名电影导演和他女朋友之间的故事。36 岁的约翰·戴维·华盛顿饰演导演,当时24 岁的赞达亚饰演他的女友,两人之间12 岁的年龄差招来了不少批评。究其原因,就像赞达亚指出的一样,部分是因为观众看惯了她演高中生,比如《蜘蛛侠》系列。即便如此,赞达亚和华盛顿之间相对而言并不算太大的年龄差,依旧引来了怨言。这或许说明,观众越来越不能容忍几十岁的年龄差了。

10早该如此了。“男人可以在银幕上活跃一生,女人却总有保鲜期。”尼基·克拉克如是说。她发起的“演出你的年龄风采”运动旨在号召选角要与年龄相符,号召在银幕上刻画年纪较大的女性。“从电影这种媒体刚出现时起,人们就觉得女演员到了40 岁就该退休。就算过了40 岁还在演戏,也演不出什么特别有趣的东西。即使到了今天,这一切也没有真正改变。”

11According to actor and co-founder of the ERA5指Equal Representation for Actresses,在银幕上给予女演员同等机会。50:50 campaign Polly Kemp,there’s no mystery behind the tendency to cast much younger women opposite older actors.“I think it’s to do with the fact that it was predominantly white,older men who commissioned, financed and produced.They were casting their preferences… I think things are changing slowly, certainly in terms of diversity.But certainly for middle-aged women it’s still a bit of a struggle.”

12A-list status offers some protection to female actors being seen as a viable romantic lead over 30, but it’s by no means a certainty.At 37, Maggie Gyllenhaal was told she was too old to play the lover of a 55-year-old man.“It was astonishing to me,” she said at the time.“It made me feel bad, and then it made me feel angry, and then it made me laugh.”


13Meanwhile, in films such as Entrapment, the 39-year gap between Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones was barely more credible than a plot which suggested the 68-year-old Connery could parachute down a ventilation shaft to escape pursuers.Then there’s Woody Allen, a repeat offender when it comes to dubious casting decisions,who assigned himself the then 26-yearold Charlize Theron as a love interest in The Curse of the Jade Scorpion.When he shares the screen with her, he looks like a liver-spotted Galapagos tortoise trying to take a bite out of a peach.

12一线地位能为30 岁以上女演员提供一定的保护,让人们认为她们适合演言情戏女主角,但这绝不是板上钉钉的事。玛吉·吉伦哈尔37 岁时,有人跟她说她太老了,没法演55 岁男人的情人。“这话让我震惊。”她当时说道,“也让我十分难过,然后让我感到愤怒,再然后又让我笑出声来。”

13《偷天陷阱》这部电影,戏外的肖恩·康纳利和凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯相差39 岁,而戏里的剧情则在暗示,68 岁的康纳利为了躲避追杀,还可以从通风井一跃而下。两位演员悬殊的年龄恐怕和这段剧情一样让人不可思议。说到选角不当,伍迪·艾伦一再令人不快,譬如在《玉蝎子的魔咒》中,他为自己选的恋人是当时只有26 岁的查理兹·西伦。二人同框时,伍迪·艾伦看上去就像一只浑身长满褐斑却试图咬一口鲜桃的加拉帕戈斯象龟。

14The film industry can be notoriously complacent and slow moving when it comes to enacting meaningful change.However, it does tend to respond to the threat of commercial failure.The Sundance trend for films which interrogate or disrupt the traditional age gap may be as much to do with the box office ramifications of a shift in audience appetites as to do with a reframing of female roles after #metoo.Still the fact that they exist at all is a step forward, surely?



15Kemp is cautiously positive.“I think it’s very interesting that there’s a number of films that are looking at that age gap and they’re not just producing films where there is very much a younger actress being paired up with an older man.Clearly the industry is taking some time to look at that.”

16Clark is not so sure.On Emma Thompson’s widely praised performance in Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, she says: “Depressingly, she’s being referred to as ‘brave’ for being either naked or featuring in sex scenes.We don’t hear Brad Pitt called brave when he takes his shirt off in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.It’s making these steps forward, but with the caveat that the permission is being granted, and everybody knows that she’s older, and isn’t that quite charming and endearing,really? When no, it’s not charming and endearing.It’s an actress who’s still at the top of her game, performing brilliantly and telling a story that isn’t often told.So there are small steps, but then they’re pulled back again.” ■

16克拉克就不那么肯定了。对于艾玛·汤普森在《祝你好运,利奥·格兰德》中广受赞誉的表演,她说:“让人沮丧的是,大家总说她‘勇敢’,不是因为裸露身体,就是因为演出性爱情节。布拉德·皮特在《好莱坞往事》中脱去了衬衫,我们可没听人说他勇敢。电影业是进步了一点,不过条件是允许电影这样拍。每个人都觉得她年纪大了,但老了不是更有魅力,也更迷人吗?如果不是,那跟迷人与否就没有关系了——她只是一位女演员,仍在事业巅峰,用出众的演技为我们讲述了一个不常听到的故事。电影业是有些许进步之处,但又退回去了。” □


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