

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年11期

青海 李春良


主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:313词 建议用时:6分钟

1English is very important today. It's like a bridge that connects people, nations and countries.It's a language of business,commerce,politics,sport,fashion and culture.

2I'd like to share my experience in learning English.I have been learning English for nine years,and it's my favourite subject at school.I learned my first English words and ex⁃pressions at the age of five with the help of colourful books.Now I'm studying at school spe⁃cialized in learning foreign languages. I have five English classes per week. We read and discuss texts, have practice in listening and writing and do lots of grammar and vocabulary exercises.My favourite activities in English classes are the following:doing computer tests,doing projects and speaking. As for extra⁃curricular activities, I like taking part in English contests and acting in performances.

3I'm crazy about rock music and I love songs of English⁃speaking singers and bands.I often surf the Internet and find interesting websites about them.It's not a problem for me to read information in English. One of my hobbies is playing the guitar and singing songs in English. I always speak to foreigners who visit our school and our town. It's fun! I also at⁃tend extra English classes which do me a lot of good.I make presentations and write essays to be published on my teacher's website, where I have my own page. To cut a long story short, I use every opportunity to practice English and develop my reading, writing and lis⁃tening skills.My goal is to become a fluent speaker.

4In conclusion,I'd like to recommend everyone to study English hard and not to waste time.Remember the proverb that lost time is never found again.In my opinion,if you know English well,you will climb the ladder of success.

Reading Check

1.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To stress the connections among people.

B.To show the importance of English.

C.To give advice on how to learn English.

D.To prove the benefits of learning foreign culture.

2.What helped the author greatly with English learning at the beginning?

A.TV series. B.Rock music.

C.Colorful books. D.English websites.

3.Which of the following may the author agree with about English learning?

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Writing is the most effective way.

C.Reading long stories matters little.

D.It's a waste of time learning it.

4.Where is the text probably from?

A.A short novel. B.A travel brochure.

C.A recipe book. D.A language learning blog.

Language Study

Useful expressions

with the help of 在……的帮助下

specialize in 专门研究……

extra⁃curricular activities 课外活动

take part in 参加

do sb a lot of good 对某人大有裨益

to cut a long story short 简而言之

use every opportunity to practice English 抓住每一个机会练习英语


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