The History of Wusa Rood


疯狂英语·初中天地 2022年10期

江苏苏州市平江中学校初二(9)班 凌李雲

指导教师:沈 铮

When I was at primary school,my parents took me to Suzhou Revolutionary Museum every winter holiday.They think it’s a good way to learn more about achievements of the Communist Party of China in Suzhou.However,because of the COVID-19,we haven’t visited it for about three years.Luckily,I could watch the Virtual Reality(VR) show of the museum online.

The VR show is even more wonderful than the real one.I looked through each section slowly,recollected the hard struggle from 1921 to 2021,and got lots of special feelings.

The Communist Party of China was founded in a small boat in Jiaxing,Zhejiang Province.People there had great revolutionary enthusiasm.They knew the Communist Party of China could save the country clearly and made up their minds to follow it.

In 1925,the May 30th Movement happened.People in Suzhou raised money to help those students who were become prisoners for handing out leaflets against imperialism(帝国主义) in Shanghai,but they didn’t accept it.Then,the money was used to rebuild a road.Later,the road was named Wusa Road.Soon after,the first Party branch called Suzhou Independent Branch(苏州独立支部) was founded on the road.During the war of liberation in Suzhou,the Suzhou Independent Branch played an important role.Years later,Suzhou was liberated on April 27 in 1949.

During the show,I saw many pictures of Suzhou Independent Branch.As my home isn’t far away from Wusa Road,I went there but didn’t see the house.A warm-hearted man told me that the former site of Suzhou Independent Branch had renovated(整修),and showed me another witness to history—Wusa Road monument.

After I knew the history of Wusa Road through the VR show,I often go and leave a chrysanthemum(菊花) there.Maybe I should thank my parents,the museum and the warm-hearted man for making me so close to these heroes.

When the COVID-19 disappears and Suzhou Independent Branch opens again,I will go to visit it.With high respect and deep patriotism,I will salute(致敬) to the heroes in the hard period.

