

疯狂英语·新策略 2022年7期

河北 胡金莹

主题语境:人与自然 篇幅:351词 建议用时:6分钟

Xinjiang, one of the regions with the richest natural ice and snow resources in China, benefits from the earliest snowfall of the year, the longest snow season and snow of premium quality. The region is therefore expected to see a growing number of consumers in the future seeking out a high-quality skiing experience.

With a mountain range stretching hundreds of kilometers, Tianshan Mountains and Altai Mountains are home to fresh powder snow, which is suitable for snow sports and only occurs in inland regions with a high altitude. Snow resorts such as the international snow resort in Hemu Village of Altai Prefecture and the international ski resort in Koktokay Township have always served as a paradise for ski enthusiasts.

Besides, the experience of skiing in Xinjiang is a kind of pure enjoyment. There are no strong winds in many of the big snow resorts and those who ski during sunny days will not feel cold at all. “Surrounded by magnificent scenery, I feel like I'm in a paradise,”said Meng Yi, a ski coach from Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, who fell in love with skiing in Xinjiang when he first came to ski here four years ago.

Moreover, with the adoption of artificial snowmaking, the snow season in Koktokay is able to last for over eight months from the beginning of October until the end of June in the following year, which puts it first in the ranking of International Ski Federation ski resorts in Asia and top 10 worldwide.

Xinjiang's snow and ice resources are also found in the Ili River valley, the Sayram Lake and Nanshan scenic spot of Urumqi. Both the Sayram Lake and Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture are expecting the opening of new snow resorts soon. Xinjiang now ranks second only to Heilongjiang Province in northeast China in terms of the scale of snow resorts.

To develop the local winter sports industry, Xinjiang has worked to push forward winter sports among the public. Altai Prefecture and Urumqi County have opened winter sports courses in schools. Meanwhile, ice rinks have now appeared in many cities.

Reading Check

1. What can we know about Xinjiang from the text?

A. It is rich in natural resources.

B. It possesses the most ski resorts.

C. It snows a bit earlier every year.

D. It attracts a number of adventurers.

2. What enables Koktokay to rank first in Asia as a ski resort?

A. Abundant snowfall.

B. Artificial snowmaking.

C. Extraordinary scenic spots.

D. People's enthusiasm for skiing.

3. How does Xinjiang promote winter sports?

A. By building ice rinks in every city.

B. By setting up large amusement parks.

C. By opening winter sports courses in schools.

D. By holding various matches on skiing.

4. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A travel brochure. B. A popular magazine.

C. A geography textbook. D. An official document.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

With a mountain range stretching hundreds of kilometers, Tianshan Mountains and Altai Mountains are home to fresh powder snow, which is suitable for snow sports and only occurs in inland regions with a high altitude. 天山和阿尔泰山脉绵延数百公里,是新鲜粉雪的所在地,这种雪适合进行雪地运动,并且只出现在内陆高海拔地区。

【点石成金】本句中,With a mountain range stretching hundreds of kilometers构成with的复合结构,a mountain range和stretching之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系;which is suitable for snow sports and only occurs in inland regions with a high altitude为which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词fresh powder snow。

Ⅱ. Text-centered chunks

benefit from 受益于……

seek out a high-quality skiing experience 寻找高质量的滑雪体验

be home to 是……的所在地

serve as a paradise for ski enthusiasts 滑雪爱好者的天堂

fall in love with 爱上……

in terms of 就……而言


政策解读 曾在不同省份工作过,退休后在哪儿领取养老金
Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者