趣味英语听力 Self-driving Cars


疯狂英语·初中版 2022年7期


Self-driving cars may1something from a sci-fiction novel. How- ever, with advanced trials expected, they are a lot closer to reality than you may think, and they could really help you.

The introduction of self-driving cars could have a major2on how elderly people go about their daily lives. It is hoped these cars will help reduce the social lisolation and loneliness we often experience as we get elder. Additionally, this technology has the potential to enable a greater level of3for disabled people.

Connected and automated vehicles, also known as CAVs, are vehicles that could perform many of the functions of today's human drivers in the future.

The UK is already one of a world leader in developing4and au- tomated vehicle technology, thanks to the country's world-class research base and clear rules for safe and responsible testing. Aware of the potential bene- fits of the technology-from improving road safety and reducing5 to enabling greater travel independence-the UK government has been making efforts to encourage the technology.

Indeed,it has committed to spending over £ 200 million on research and development and testing 2linfrastructure to 3laccelerate the6of safe and secure automated vehicles. Besides, the UK government is keen to understand the public's view around CAVs and continues to survey public attitudes. It is also taking big steps towards establishing how our laws and regulations might need to change to support the safe use of self-driving cars. And last year the government created new insurance7for self- driving cars.

However, there is still a way to go until self-driving cars will be fully introduced onto our roads.

1) isolation [ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn] n. 隔離 ;隔离状态

2) infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)] n. ( 国家或机构的 ) 基础设施,基础建设

3) accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v. 加快;加速


1.thanks to 为介词词组,意思是“多亏;由于;因为”。

例句:Thanks to your help, we finished the work in time.由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作。

2.make efforts 后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”。

例句:So I determined to be a teacher from my childhood and I make efforts to realize this dream.所以,我从小就立志当一名教师,并为这个梦想而努力。


立志更守志 执志如心痛