

世界建筑 2022年3期




Towards a New Mode of Education

A new campus of China Academy of Art(CAA) is located in Liangzhu, a district in the city of Hangzhou. At Liangzhu, this art based comprehensive university plans to have four academic divisions, which are College of Innovative Design, College of Art Management,College of Foundational Education, and College of Continuing Education, and will house 3000 full-time students and 1000 continuing education students. The four main objectives of this new campus include developing interdisciplinary innovative talents, promoting design and informational economy, integrating artificial intelligence technology and setting another benchmark for contemporary design education. At the stage of the campus design competition, CAA asked the participating architects to envision an educational system that would meet the missions above. We understood that choosing a major while entering college is no longer the best way for today's higher education and proposed a conceptual framework for learning that is defined by the following: (1) Use head and hands. Every student, regardless his/her discipline or concentration, has to take courses that engage making, from drawing/painting to design/architecture, as part of the foundations.(2) Classes as research projects for advanced level, which allows students to acquire skills to work as an interdisciplinary team and solve realworld problems. (3) Abolish the "departments"so that knowledge is integrated.





1 校园外景Exterior view

2 鸟瞰Aerial view

3 工坊Workshops

4 高层宿舍平面High-rise dormitory plans




5 高层宿舍剖面High-rise dormitory section

Architecture that Teaches

Based on the research above, we believe that architecture can and should be part of the educational system. What kind of campus space may best to facilitate making and experimentation as well as to encourage students to interact with each other inside and outside the classroom to nurture collaboration?While traditional classrooms are still necessary,the main teaching-learning space at Liangzhu is redefined as an open, continuous studio,where classes can be held and students may read, write or draw alone, or build, discuss or debate together. In this space, all the activities on campus are visible, which means that a student can be constantly aware of what others are working on while pursuing his/her own interest. We hope to blur teaching and learning, research and practice in this particular school environment. Its vaulted studio spaces bring in ample natural light would allow largescale installations as well as events, such as conferences and drama/dance performances.

Learning and Living

At Liangzhu, students live right above the studios. The vertically sequenced system of dormitory, social space and studios creates an architecture that embodies the concept of"college as community" where students live and study under one roof. Within the dormitories,there are spaces provided to the students for themselves to organize "hobby clubs", which are a form of self-taught courses. We hope to convey to the students the notion of "living is learning", which makes up the core ideas of this campus design along with the studios. In many ways, CAA Liangzhu is an open project. The incoming students have been asked to imagine the ways they will engage the architectural spaces of this campus in a workshop to make the campus their home.

One Building

Since there are no separate zones for teaching facilities and living quarters typical of a college campus, all the buildings at Liangzhu are connected by covered walkways and conceptually woven into a single piece of architecture. Due to the habit of hanging laundry in the dormitory balconies, this mixed-use spatial organization calls for a tidier than usual appearance for the dormitories. A continuous metal louvre is thus devised on the building exteriors to screen off laundry as well as air conditioners while serving as sunshades. On the rooftops of the dormitories, we designed a series of semioutdoor spaces named "view-finders", which is aimed at further enriching the campus life of Liangzhu.

For the purpose of construction management,the CAA Liangzhu project was scheduled in two phases. The first phase was completed in July 2021, and classes began in September of the same year. The entire campus is due to open in 2023.□

7 校区首层平面Campus ground floor plan

8 校区二层平面Campus first floor plan

9 短轴剖面Campus cross section

10 工坊拱顶下空间Space under cantilevered eaves of workshops

11 作为展览空间使用时的工坊Workshop used for exhibition

13 工坊入口Workshop entrance

14 体育馆Gym

15 体育馆内景Interior view of Gym

16 从宿舍与工坊间远眺体育馆View of gym from dorm and workshop

17-18 体育馆剖面Gym sections

19 联通自然河道的“剑池”Sword Pond connecting to river surrounding campus

20 工坊与院子Courtyard between workshops

