

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年2期

安徽 周艳霞



1Pan Junfan, 42, lost his right leg in a car accident in 2015. Before the accident, Pan worked in the convention and exhibition business and had never participated in any kind of outdoor sport. However, in a bid to motivate himself,Pan set himself the goal of hiking for 108 kilometers over four days in the Gobi Desert.

2One year later, when Pan became the first amputee(被截肢者)contestant to complete the2016 2nd Silk Road Gobi Challenge within the scheduled time, his confidence was greatly boosted and he started to embrace various outdoor activities.

3On Sept. 9, 2020, Pan set out from northwest China's Qinghai Province, hiked through 534 km of uninhabited land within 228 hours and 9 minutes and arrived in northwest China's Gansu Province.

4“2021 would be different.I should gradually shift my focus from doing outdoor sports to giving speeches to teenagers,so as to motivate more young people with my own stories.”

5Pan's plan was to finish marathons in four Chinese cities with vastly different landscapes and climate conditions.“My friend and I came up with the idea together, as we believe the‘four poles’on the map of China can be a wonderful concept for outdoor activities,”Pan explained.

6In order to adapt to running at high altitudes, Pan spent four days training in Lijiang,southwest China's Yunnan Province, which is 2,000-2,500 meters above sea level. He also went to Sanya, the southernmost city on Hainan Island, in advance to get used to the hot weather.

7From March 20 to 23,Pan used three to five modes of transportation for each leg of the trip and covered a total flight distance of nearly 15,000 kilometers. While trying to get into the best physical condition during the marathons, Pan suffered great pain. In the face of such difficulties,Pan said,“I just wanted to enjoy the trip.”

8“I think it is interesting to learn the different places of our country through this special method,”said Pan.

Reading Check

Choose the best answers according to the text

Language Study

Ⅰ.Analyze the difficult sentence in the text

One year later, when Pan became the first amputee contestant to complete the 2016 2nd Silk Road Gobi Challenge within the scheduled time, his confidence was greatly boosted and he started to embrace various outdoor activities.一年后,当潘成为第一个在规定时间内完成2016 年第二届丝绸之路戈壁挑战赛的截肢选手时,他信心大增,开始接受各种户外活动。


Ⅱ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

participate in 参与

set out 出发

so as to 以便

come up with 想出

get used to 习惯于


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