

China Textile 2022年1期


With the efforts of all Chinese people, the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games should show the world the enthusiasm of Chinese people for winter sports and the vigorous development of China’s winter sports industry.

2022年北京冬奧会的脚步越来越近了,为了助力冬奥,推动中国冰雪运动走上科技创新之路,2021年11月22日北京三夫户外有限公司在经过意向确认、总局审批、挂牌摘牌和冬季运动管理中心签约等程序后正式向冬季运动管理中心和各雪上项目国家集训队赞助X-BIONIC品牌旗下Energy Accumulator聚能系列全新一代4.0产品并成为了中国国家自由式滑雪U型场地队供应商,在一个冬天的上午China Textile记者特意采访了三夫户外创始人及董事长张恒。



在回答X-BIONIC品牌下Energy Accumulator聚能系列产品为什么适合于滑雪穿着?它是怎样在寒冷中保持运动员身体恒温的?张恒说“滑雪运动的着装面临两个大的挑战:一是在低温环境要高度保暖,二是在滑行运动中要排汗舒爽,不能燥热。X-BIONIC的聚能加强系列(ENERGY ACCUMULATOR)通过多项专利技术和持续研发改进,良好地实现了上述功能。立体编织结构可以导引存储汗水和空气,有高度保暖功能,而在运动中身体温度较高时,通过汗水蒸发和外层冷却的汗水进行降温。聚能加强产品使用间歇性压缩技术在保持肌肉稳定的同时降低对血液循环的影响,保持了身体的运动灵敏度;一体编织结构和优质纱线可以让产品较长时间穿用而没有太大的异味。这些功能累加,让XBIONIC的聚能加强系列的滑雪功能内衣、滑雪袜、护脸、护脖等产品成为滑雪运动的专业选择。”

众所周知X-BIONIC品牌是瑞士知名运动奢侈品牌,2019年三夫代理引进,后来又重金收购过来,张恒道出了其中的原因:“三夫公司一直在考虑收购一个国际专业户外运动品牌,收购有三个考量,其一是品牌专业高端且有独特科技,其二是品牌产品要应用于跑步、滑雪、骑行等新兴时尚运动中;其三是价格合适,X-BIONIC几乎完美地符合了这几个要求。现在品牌在飞速发展,在跑步越野跑及滑雪领域,X-BIONIC品牌产品已经被广泛认知;在射击领域,包括奥运冠军杨倩、张常鸿等优秀选手在训练和比赛中都在使用。我们已和GORE-TEX,Schoeller、Polartec、Pertex、Primaloft、Allied、Toray、Cordura、Carvico等功能面料品牌合作,将陆续推出冲锋衣裤、单双板滑雪服、羽绒服、抓绒、跑步、商务等产品,形成了贴身层+中层+外层全系列产品结构。” 在谈到X-BIONIC品牌的主旨“时尚服从功能,功能引领时尚”,张恒解释到“功能引领时尚”这个理念尤其适用于户外运动产业!一是提升运动表现的功能,比如X-BIONIC的恒温、间隙性压缩、保暖排汗技术,可以帮助冰雪、射击、越野跑等运动员合理管理身体能量状态,从而提升运动成绩;二是专业户外用品的保护功能,比如防水透气,保暖,结实耐用等。”









在申奥时,中国政府曾向国际奥委会承诺到2022年中国要有3亿人上冰雪或者参与冰雪活动,在提到机遇和挑战时,张恒说道:“2022北京冬奥会将巨大地推动中国冰雪产业和户外运动产业的发展。我感受到,越来越多的人,包括青少年,学习滑雪,采购雪服雪具,冬季选择去雪场滑雪度假,这正成为一种新的时尚生活方式;最大的挑战在于培训教育,帮助人们科学地认识冰雪运动,认识冰雪装备并正确使用。为响应3亿人上冰雪的号召,我们将继续聚焦冰雪运动,全面启动x - b i o n i c品牌的产品设计研发、品牌营销和渠道建设,从而更好地为专业运动员和滑雪爱好者服务;同时我们在北京南山、西山、崇礼万龙、富龙、吉林松花湖、北大湖等雪场开设滑雪用品专营店;继续组织或参与赞助冰雪活动赛事培训等,前段时间我们X-BIONIC刚刚冠名赞助了在北京军都山滑雪场举行的第四届全国新闻媒体滑雪邀请赛,30多家媒体机构100多位媒体记者参赛。

With Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games approaching, in order to support the Games, Beijing Sanfo Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. (Sanfo Outdoor) officially sponsored X-Bionic Energy Accumulator series of a new generation 4.0 product to the Winter Sports Management Center and the national training team on November 22, 2021 and became the supplier of China’s national half-pipe freestyle skiing team. We paid a special visit to Zhang Heng, founder and chairman of Sanfo Outdoor on a winter morning.

Nation in heart—science and technology to support the Olympics

Speaking of X-Bionic brand, Zhang Heng said, “X-Bionic is a Swiss black high-tech sports luxury brand. It creatively applies bionics technology to the field of clothing, and has profound technical heritage and continuous innovation ability. It has more than 800 technology patents worldwide and won Plus X Innovation Technology Award for 13 consecutive years. It has won 41 German Red Dot Awards for 16 consecutive years, and ranks among the top in bionic technology fields such as thermostatic system. X-Bionic products are used by more than 20 national ski teams in Europe, and athletes wearing X-Bionic products have won more than 1,210 medals in international skiing competitions including the Olympic Winter Games from 2013 to April 2020. X-Bionic sponsored the Swiss national alpine skiing team to win the Alpine World Ski Championships in the 19-20 and 20-21 seasons.”

Why is Energy Accumulator series of X-Bionic brand suitable for skiing? How does it keep an athlete’s body warm in the cold? “There are two big challenges in dressing for skiing: one is to keep warm in low temperatures, and the other is to feel comfortable during skiing, rather than getting hot and dry. X-Bionic’s Energy Accumulator achieves these features through proprietary technology and continuous development.

Sanfo Outdoor introduced X-bionic brand in 2019 and later acquired it. Zhang Heng said: “Sanfo Outdoor has three considerations for the acquisition. One is that the brand is professional and high-end and has unique technology; second, brand products should be used in running, skiing, cycling and other emerging fashion sports; thirdly, the price is right. X-Bionic almost perfectly meets these requirements. Now the brand is developing rapidly and XBionic products are widely recognized in many fields. We have partnered with Gore-Tex, Schoeller, Polartec, Pertex, Primaloft, Allied, Toray, Cordura, Carvico and other functional fabric brands to launch a full range of products.”Speaking about the theme of X-Bionic brand, Zhang Heng explained that the concept of “function leads fashion”is especially applicable to the outdoor sports industry! It can improve sports performance. For example, X-Bionic technology of constant temperature, gap compression and warmth retention and perspiration can help athletes reasonably manage their body energy state and thus improve their sports performance. The protection of professional outdoor products, such as waterproof, air permeability, warmth, durable and so on.”

Dare to think and do—on the road to successful entrepreneurship

“Strong enough ideals can become reality, and every effort has an effect.” Talking about the road of entrepreneurship, Zhang Heng recalled,“From a 30 square meters shop outside the east gate of Peking University in 1997 to today’s market value of nearly 3 billion yuan of company, Sanfo Outdoor has experienced 20 years of hard entrepreneurship and development, Sanfo Outdoor is actually to commemorate the three of us founded the earliest company and named. However, we have come through the most difficult time. Now we operate about 300 professional outdoor sports brands both at home and abroad, covering a variety of sports fields. There are about 50 brands involved in skiing. We take offline and online multibrand multi-category professional outdoor sports products one-stop shopping; we organize outdoor events to enhance outdoor participation experience; we operate comprehensive quality education base. The integration of products, services and camps promotes the popularization of outdoor sports lifestyle. Domestic brands have improved a lot in quality in recent years and are on par with international brands. Domestic brands also have supply chain and price advantages, but they need to make more efforts in design, understanding of winter sports culture and setting trends.”

Original aspiration is unchanged—on the road to promote people to actively participate in outdoor sports

“I went hiking every summer during my four years at Peking University. Outdoor sports are a mature and huge industry in Europe and the United States. 50 percent of people are enthusiastic about outdoor sports. The number of participants is less than 10 percent in China, so the prospect of outdoor sports is huge.”

The Sanfo Outdoor Club was officially established in October 1998. It launched the Simatai Great Wall hiking camping for the first time. After that, it organized outdoor experience activities every weekend and holidays. Now the club has more than 160,000 members and organizes various outdoor activities and competitions every year. Tens of thousands of people go outdoors with Sanfo Outdoor every year to challenge themselves and experience the fun of sports.

Talking about the future development direction of the company, Zhang Heng said:“I pay more attention to how to improve the management and operation level of the company, improve the quality of service, and do a good job in the future development construction; whether the employees have professional dedication and service mind, how to improve the income and life quality of employees through joint efforts; the company provides positive value of products and services for the society and customers, and gradually build Sanfo Outdoor into an investment environment friendly enterprise. I will strive to improve myself and lead the company to new heights.”

Leveraging the Olympic Winter Games on the road of innovation and development

“The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will give a huge boost to the development of China’s winter sports industry and outdoor sports industry,” said Zhang, referring to the opportunities and challenges ahead, with 300 Million People Participate in Winter Sports in 2022, more and more people learn to ski and go to ski resorts for holidays, which is becoming a new fashion lifestyle. The biggest challenge is training and education to help people understand winter sports scientifically. In response to 300 Million People Participate in Winter Sports, we will continue to focus on winter sports and fully launch the product design and development, brand marketing and channel construction of X-Bionic, so as to better serve professional athletes and skiers. Meanwhile, we have opened ski stores in many ski resorts. Recently, XBionic sponsored the 4th National News Media Ski Invitational Competition held in Jundu Mountain Ski Resort in Beijing. More than 100 journalists from more than 30 media organizations participated in the competition. With the efforts of all Chinese people, the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games should show the world the enthusiasm of Chinese people for winter sports and the vigorous development of China’s winter sports industry.”



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