

中国现代医生 2021年27期

张怡 邱聪龙 周东升 陈赞 陈寿林 刘灵江 徐永明 吴向平

[關键词] 首发;精神分裂症;血脂;血糖;停药

[中图分类号] R749.3          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)27-0025-05

Study on the changes of blood lipid and blood glucose levels before and after treatment of patients with first-episode schizophrenia

ZHANG Yi   QIU Conglong   ZHOU Dongsheng   CHEN Zan   CHEN Shoulin   LIU Lingjiang   XU Yongming

WU Xiangping

Department of Psychiatry, Ningbo Kangning Hospital, Ningbo   315201, China

[Abstract] Objective To observe the changes of blood lipid and blood glucose levels in patients with first-episode schizophrenia before and after treatment. Methods A total of 109 patients with first-episode schizophrenia (the observation group) and 113 healthy check-ups (the control group) from the Department of Psychiatry of Ningbo Kangning Hospital from January 2017 to June 2018 were selected as the study subjects. Their blood lipid and blood glucose levels in peripheral blood before treatment and at 1 month, 12 months and 18 months after treatment were observed. Based on the presence or absence of medicine-taking after discharge, the observation group was divided into a medicated group (with 55 cases) and an unmedicated group (with 54 cases), and the levels of blood lipid and blood glucose before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results Before treatment, the levels of serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), apolipoprotein B (apoB), Lipoproteins (LPa), phospholipids (PLIP) and lipase (LPS) in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) level was higher than that in the control group. After treatment, the levels of TC, HDL, apoB, LPa, PLIP, LPS and glucose (Glu) in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and apoA1 level was higher than that in the control group. The observation group was compared before and after treatment, the levels of HDL, apoA1 and Glu decreased compared with those before treatment, and TG level increased compared with those before treatment. All the above-mentioned differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). In the unmedicated group, TG and apoB levels after treatment were higher than those before treatment, while apoA1 and apolipoprotein E (APOE) levels were lower than those before treatment. At 18 months after treatment, the levels of HDL, LDL, apoA1 and Glu were lower than those before treatment, while apoB and LPa levels were higher than those before treatment in the medicated group. In the un medicated group, the levels of HDL, apoA1, LPS and Glu after treatment were lower than those before treatment, while the levels of TG, apoB and LPa were higher than those before treatment. All the above-mentioned differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The levels of TC, TG, HDL, apoB, LPa, PLIP and LPS are low in patients with schizophrenia. The increase of TG level predicts the improvement of disease condition. Short-term medicine-taking can cause HDL, apoA1 and Glu levels to decrease, TG level to increase. Long-term medicine-taking can cause apoA1 level to decrease. Interruption of medicine-taking can cause apoA1 and LPS levels to decrease. After drug withdrawal, TG and apoB levels may increase, while apoA1 and APOE levels may decrease, and HDL and Glu levels may return to unmedicated levels.

[Key words] First episode; Schizophrenia; Blood lipid; Blood glucose; Drug withdrawal

精神分裂症临床表现为一系列的幻觉妄想综合征,对患者的社会功能、劳动能力造成极大的损害,有研究显示,该疾病是心血管疾病的高危因素,继而影响患者寿命[1]。代谢综合征是心血管疾病危险因素,主要表现为脂肪、蛋白质等代谢紊乱导致的一种病理状态,血脂、血糖(Blood glucose,Glu)水平的紊乱是其一重要标志。精神分裂症可能会影响患者的血脂[2]、血糖[3]水平,服用抗精神病药物更会引起血脂、血糖代谢异常,诱发代谢综合征[4-5]。但是,抗精神病药物是当前治疗精神分裂症的主要药物,使用率高[6]。所以,明确精神分裂症及抗精神病药物与血脂、血糖之间的关系有较大意义。虽然此类研究较多,但结论不一[7-8],且关于长期服药、中断服药、精神分裂症本身对血脂、血糖水平的影响,尤其是外周血中载脂蛋白A1(Apolipoprotein A1,apoA1)、载脂蛋白B(Apolipoprotein B,apoB)、脂蛋白(Lipoproteins,LPa)、磷脂(Phospholipid,PLIP)、血清脂肪酶(Lipase,LPS)、载脂蛋白E(Apolipoprotein E,APOE)水平的影响阐述较少,本研究就此展开观察与进一步研究,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


所有受试者均为宁波本地户口居民,一日三餐,主食为米饭,进食规律,饮食结构基本相同。观察组诊断需符合国际疾病分类第10版(International classification of diseases,ICD-10)精神与行为障碍分类中的F20“精神分裂症”诊断标准,且均为首发患者。服药组为18个月研究期间,连续足量、按时服药的观察组受试者。未服药组为第12个月随访时发现未连续服药,且第12个月前已至少连续6个月未服用抗精神病药物,并在第12个月后继续给予原抗精神病药物种类、剂量治疗的观察组受试者。


1.2 方法

所有研究对象前3 d清淡饮食,以素食为主,并于检查前保证空腹12~14 h,入院次日,抽取晨起安静状态下静脉血3 mL,离心10 min,2500 r/min,分离血清标本,放置于-20℃下保存待测。

三酰甘油(Triglyceride,TG)、Glu采用氧化酶法测定,总胆固醇(Total cholesterol,TC)采用CHOD-PAP法测定,血清高密度脂蛋白(Serum high-density lipoprotein,HDL)、血清低密度脂蛋白(Serum low-density lipoprotein,LDL)采用一步酶法测定,apoA1、apoB、LPa、LPS、APOE采用免疫比浊法测定,PLIP采用胆碱氧化酶法测定。所有标本均在AU5800全自动生化分析仪器上测定,操作过程严格按照说明书要求进行。在接受抗精神病药物前、接受药物后1个月及第12、18个月出院后检测血脂、血糖水平。

1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学方法

采用 SPSS 25.0统计学软件对数据进行分析,符合正态分布及方差齐性的计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验,组内比较采用配对样本t检验;计数资料以[n(%)]表示,组间比较采用χ2检驗,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义

2 结果

2.1 观察组治疗前后血脂、血糖水平与对照组的比较


2.2 未服药组治疗前与治疗后12个月时血脂、血糖水平比较


2.3 服藥组、未服药组治疗前与治疗后18个月时血脂、血糖水平比较


3 讨论







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