

疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年9期

广西 林仁敏


题材社会体裁说明文文章词数 难度 建议用时305 ★★★ 6 分钟

1 We all need to eat, and when we go to buy food at the supermarket, we're offered many choices. But we often buy food that's been produced in huge amounts and that's traveled many miles before it ends up on our plate. So for some, growing their own food is a better choice—and it tastes good too!

2 From growing vegetables in little pots on your balcony to taking care of a small plot of land, there are many ways to produce home-grown food. It can be backbreaking work digging,weeding and watering the soil, but the result is fresh, home-grown fruits and vegetables, helping us keep a five-a-day diet.

3 The recent COVID-19 pandemic lockdown means demand for home-grown food has seen a comeback in the UK. Miriam Dobson from the University of Sheffield, told the BBC that some people have been spending a lot of their time on their plots, growing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables—which, at times, have been challenging to buy in supermarkets. She says, “The coronavirus has reminded people of the weakness within our global food system. In such a difficult time, interest in selfsupport rises.”

4 But for those with limited space, a solution to grow their own vegetables lies closer to home—using pots. Sheila Brand lives in a third-floor flat in Rotterdam. She has managed to grow tomatoes and eggplants and is already harvesting raspberries(木莓). She said that watching the plants grow “is very exciting: ‘Oh, it's got a new leaf! ’”

5 As well as the benefits of saving money and enjoying tasty food, growing your own from a balcony or window ledge not only improves your well-being and immediate environment, but you can also actually grow a lot of vegetables. So, maybe it's time for us all to get planting and develop our green fingers!

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The recent COVID-19 pandemic lockdown means demand for home-grown food has seen a comeback in the UK. 最近新型冠状肺炎疫情导致的封锁意味着英国对自种食物的需求再度流行。

