

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2020年3期

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 1答案】

一、1~5 CBABC    6~10 ABBAC

二、1~5 TTFFT

三、1~5 EABDF

四、1. 我喜欢网球、排球和篮球。

2. Swimming is my favorite sport.

3. 我也擅长下象棋。

4. I like playing the violin at weekends.

5. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 2答案】

一、1~5 ABCCB  6~10 ACCAB

二、1~5 FTTFF

三、1~5 CAEBF

四、1. 因为我晚上看电视了。

2. At seven thirty I go to the music club.

3. 老师给我们展示如何弹吉他。

4. I take a shower at four thirty.

5. 我通常和爸爸一起玩游戏。

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 3答案】

一、1~5 CCABA    6~10 BACBB

二、1~5 FTTFT

三、1~5 DCAEB

四、1. 那花了她大概15分钟的时间。

2. its good for her health

3. 他喜欢在公汽上和朋友们聊天。

4. She usually walks to school.

5. 玛丽说她喜欢饭后散步。

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 1单元要点检测题


一、1~5 ABCCB

二、6~10 ABACA  11~15 CBCBA

三、A) 16~20 TFTFF B) 21~25 CACCB

C) 26~30 FCAEB

D) 31. sports club

32. a popular club/popular

33. do their homework/study

34. good for study

35. answer students questions

四、A) 36. She speaks English well.

37. She can play the guitar.

38. To be a musician.

39. A teacher for our music club.

40. Lin Fang.


We need some members for the school show. Can you sing? Are you good with people? We need some good singers. Come and join us!If you can dance well and help other members, we hope you can come. Are you good at drums? Then come to play for our show! Its interesting and fun! Please call Li Hong at 556-7983!

【新目標英语七年级(下)Unit 2单元要点检测题


一、1~5 BACBA

二、6~10 BCCAB  11~15 CABCA

三、A) 16~20 FTTFF B) 21~25 CBCAC

C) 26~30 CEDFB

D) 31. 7:30/half past seven

32. six classes

33. is good at

34. her friends

35. watches TV

四、A) 36. He goes for a walk.

37. After breakfast.

38. At home.

39. He reads books and plays chess.

40. He likes watching TV.


Dear Mary,

You want to know about my daily life. Let me tell you. I usually get up at 6:00. Then I eat breakfast at 6:30. I go to school at 6:50. I have six classes every day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. After school, I play basketball at about 3:30 p.m. I go home at 4:30 p.m. In the evening, I often eat dinner at 6:30. I go to bed at 9:30. What about your daily life? Write and tell me please.



【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 3单元要点检测题


一、1~5 CBCCB

二、6~10 ABABC 11~15 CACCC

三、A) 16~20 FTTFF B) 21~25 BACBA

C) 26~30 DCEAB

D) 31. far from 32. bus

33. fruit shop 34. walks along

35. In front of

四、A) 36. His parents were very busy.

37. He wanted to buy a drink.

38. A dollar.

39. She gave him a drink, but she didnt take his money.

40. You have paid for the trip.


There are a lot of interesting things in our school to protect our environment. We go to a small town near Wuhan in our school bus. We take the posters about environmental protection with us. In the morning we put up posters on the wall. We talk about the environmental protection to people. In the afternoon we collect litter and pick up plastic bags. We clean the dirty streets. It is great to do things to help protect our enviroment.


Cultural adaptation and content validity of a Chinese translation of the ‘Person- Centered Primary Care Measure’: findings from cognitive debriefing