Blooming Peaks


Beijing Review 2020年27期

Mountains surrounding Beijing have witnessed a green facelift in recent years. Lingshan Mountain, the highest peak lying west of the city, welcomed visitors this year with caragana jubata and anemone cathayensis in full blossom. Twenty km away from Lingshan, the cypripedium macranthum bloomed on Baihua Mountain, the third highest peak in the capital.

Beijing residents can enjoy such beautiful flowers again thanks to continuous revegetation efforts. Years before, these mountains served as resorts for them to get away from the urban hustle and bustle. But an ever-growing number of tourists overwhelmed the sites and caused damage to the environment. To rehabilitate the mountains, some of the scenic spots were temporarily shut down, and scientists started to protect and plant some endangered species, such as the cypripedium macranthum.

Today, biodiversity has been restored in the mountains, and the blossoms of various wild fl owers are captivating sights.