

中外医疗 2019年23期

沈孝镇 刘培

[摘要] 目的 探討我科微创小切口应用记忆合金环抱器和传统开胸应用肋骨接骨板治疗肋骨骨折临床效果比较。 方法 方便收集该院2016年8月—2018年7月因肋骨骨折住院手术治疗的患者50例,按手术方式不同分为两组,其中微创小切口应用记忆合金环抱器手术25例,为实验组;传统开放应用肋骨接骨板手术25例,为对照组;并记录它们的手术时间,术中出血,术后并发症等指标; 结果 实验组病例手术时间(70.56±9.89)min,术中出血(33.40±12.56)mL,术后引流量0 mL,住院时间(6.84±1.21)d均明显低于对照组病例手术时间(104.00±17.44)min,术中出血(144.20±46.36)mL,术后引流量(36.20±12.52)mL,住院时间(12.32±2.07)d,差异有统计学意义(t=1.01、1.41、1.27、3.48,P<0.05),实验组术后并发血气胸0例及肺部感染2例,均低于对照组并发血气胸4例,肺部感染5例,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.372,P<0.05)。结论 微创小切口应用记忆合金环抱器治疗肋骨骨折较传统开放手术治疗,可有效减轻患者痛苦,缩短手术时间,加速康复,减少术后并发症,值得临床推广。

[关键词] 微创小切口;记忆合金环抱器;传统开胸;肋骨骨折

[中图分类号] R687          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)08(b)-0041-03

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical effect of minimally invasive small incision in the application of memory alloy embracing fixator and traditional thoracotomy rib bone plate in the treatment of rib fractures. Methods Collecting the surgical treatment of rib fractures in our department from August 2016 to July 2018, 50 patients were convenient divided into two groups according to different surgical methods. Among them, 25 cases were treated with memory alloy embracing fixator in minimally invasive small incision, which was the experimental group. 25 cases of traditional open rib plate surgery were used as control group; and their operation was recorded, as well as the intraoperative bleeding, postoperative complications, etc. Results The operation time of the experimental group (70.56±9.89) min, intraoperative hemorrhage (33.40±12.56)mL, postoperative drainage volume 0 mL, hospitalization time (6.84±1.21)d. The daily average was significantly lower than the operation time of the control group (104.00±17.44) min, intraoperative bleeding (144.20±46.36)mL, postoperative drainage (36.20±12.52)mL, hospitalization time (12.32±2.07) d, the difference was statistically significant (t=1.01, 1.41, 1.27,3.48, P<0.05). In the experimental group, there were 0 cases of blood pneumothorax and 2 cases of pulmonary infection, which were lower than the control group with blood pneumothorax in 4 cases and pulmonary infection in 5 cases, the difference has statistics significance (χ2=4.372, P<0.05). Conclusion Minimally invasive small incision treatment of rib fractures with memory alloy embracing fixator is more effective than traditional open surgery, which can effectively alleviate patient suffering, shorten operation time, accelerate recovery and reduce postoperative complications, with clinical promotion.



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