

中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年10期


A common fear among students is to enter the exam room and immediately experience your brain emptying itself of every fact youve studied. To overcome this fear and really help yourself remember what youve learned, it is useful to use a wide range of study tips. You will be surprised to see how easy it can be to remember difficult concepts and multiple dates once you establish good study habits, use some active learning tips to really cement1 the information in your brain, and use memory tricks to help make remembering easier.


Practising Active Learning 练习主动学习

1 Read your materials out loud. Using multiple senses can help you retain more information, so even just saying the words out loud can be helpful. Dont worry about looking foolish reading your biology notes to your dog.


2 Discuss what you are learning. Similar to reading your notes out loud, talking about what you are learning can also help you retain2 the information better. You can study with a friend and quiz each other.


3 Write out what you have to memorize. Either taking notes on what youve read or simply re-writing over and over a formula3 or concept youre trying to master can really help. You can also write out flashcards with important facts, dates, or formulas on them. This is doubly helpful, since the act of writing will help you remember, and the flashcards are a portable4 tool you can review while riding on a bus or waiting for a bus.


4 Master nemonic5 devices. These are memory tools that help you recall things such as names, dates, and facts through turning that information into a memorable rhyme6, word, or sentence. For instance, you can remember the names of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior) by remembering the word HOMES. The first letter of the name of each lake is used to create that new word.


5 Create rhymes for what you are trying to remember. Rhymes are a type of mnemonic device that use audio (sound) information to help remember things. In other words, the rhymes are easily linked together for us by their sound. Try to organize the information or list of words youre trying to remember into a rhyme. Think about this classic rhyme: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”


6Develop a mind map. Mind maps are diagrams or pictures you can create to help you visually organize information. They help show relationships between pieces of information so you can better understand the connections between different concepts or groups of data. By better understanding how different ideas connect together, you can better remember them and recall them at test time.

Place the main idea in the center of your mind map, and use connected branches to add related information.

You can create a mind map on paper, or with computer tools.





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